The first minute of this is nothing short of brilliant.
it manages to get better as it goes on, too.
The first minute of this is nothing short of brilliant.
There was a Gaf thread on it earlier in the week.
Also worth noting that this may keep your adblocker from blocking ads, due to the data compression and rerouting. Just something worth pointing out!
What about it? Got 5th in the GAF GOTYs, which seems appropriate?!God of War 3.
Jeff mentioned it in his article, too:
Did everyone who listed a top ten in here actually vote? Because you should have.
Maybe the results would have been less existential painful for certain parties.
I'm with daydream here, I don't really give a shit about a vote. If you want to know my top ten games of the year, holler at your boy, but I don't really care about my opinion as a part of this website.
uBlock Origin must be doing something right then, because I haven't seen a single ad yet on the sites where Data Saver is kicking in.
The hurtboxes in Life is Strange are just terrible. Max is just a poor man's Phoenix.
It was a reference to Jaffe's painting comment about the game. Have a look at daydream's comment I quoted.What about it? Got 5th in the GAF GOTYs, which seems appropriate?!
Dan and Paul talking about A Link to the Past makes me really wish there was a proper new handheld Zelda to play. Maybe it's the time I go back and play Oracle of Ages?
Have you played A Link Between Worlds? It's great!
Have you played A Link Between Worlds? It's great!
Ah ok, not familiar with that one!It was a reference to Jaffe's painting comment about the game. Have a look at daydream's comment I quoted.
The cake segment had me in stitches.Can't listen to the Beastcast any more. Bunch of milk bigots!
Thought the discussion this week was fantastic especially the early access stuff.
Only about 1,600 users vote, you're not alone.Feel the exact same way. Couldn't give less of a shit about this site's GOTY.;looks-like-a-painting-come-to-life+quot;Ah ok, not familiar with that one!
Also, do we have any indication of what series Jeff is thinking of cancelling? I figured RoF was a shoo-in, but that came back. I now fear for Demo Derby, because that's actually entertaining.
Can't listen to the Beastcast any more. Bunch of milk bigots!
Thought the discussion this week was fantastic especially the early access stuff.
Yep! Great Zelda game. I think the only ones I haven't finished are Oracle of Ages, Spirit Tracks, and Skyward Sword.
The Witness is out on bombcast day so hopefully they talk about it, because I still dont know wht that game is about
The Witness is out on bombcast day so hopefully they talk about it, because I still dont know wht that game is about
The Witness is out on bombcast day so hopefully they talk about it, because I still dont know wht that game is about
Oracle of Ages was my favorite of the Oracle games, though maybe it's a bit shorter than Seasons? All I remember is I got Seasons and my brother got Ages for xmas, and I envied him because I kept thinking how much cooler time-travel was over weather manipulationfor that reason whenever I think of playing them, I feel like the order is Seasons->Ages even though you can do the reverse too. How I wish the third planned Oracle game had been made, I can only imagine what kind of peaceful utopic world .
Either way, those 2 are in my top 5 Zelda games of all time for sure (I don't really like 3D Zelda, ALBW was a heaven-sent for me). So good. I've been replaying them on my 3DS starting with Seasons and they really hold up.
Edit: Now that I think about it the Oracle games situation is sort of a precedent for what the new Fire Emblem is doing now. So glad I got the SE preordered.
I want nothing to do with Mechwarrior Online but it's kind of neat it exists.
kind of a pretty game too.
lol I just checked the gaf goty thread.
yeah I don't care about having a voice in that. gaf continues to have questionable taste
Yeah I got Seasons when it came out and loved it, but now I remember absolutely nothing about it. Those are like the most-overlooked Zelda games. Even Minish Cap gets talked about more than them, although they're all good. I think the only game I stopped playing because it wasn't good was Spirit Tracks.
Honestly, that's a blessing. Going into games truly blind is a privilege.The Witness is out on bombcast day so hopefully they talk about it, because I still dont know wht that game is about
I was almost tempted to play it just so I can shoot some lasers because they look and sound real nice.
It's fun to participate!
...until you open the results thread and see people stopping just short of calling each other stupid. They're actually doing the thing I joked about doing a few days ago. I think they can do a bit better.
This was my first Paul Ryckert quick look and it was amazing. So good.
I need to watch the other two.
good on Austin for trying to make some sense of this stuff but I'm just watching this feeling totally lost.
but laserrrrs
getting yelled at by people who collectively think the 4th best Souls game is GOTY sounds like a blast but I'll pass