Oh, fuck yeah Mario Sunshine.
this is probably fucked up, but the Witness quick look made me go "I should really play the Talos Principle"
I'm feeling guilty about ignoring Talos but playing the Witness. Must at least add it to the backlog to give it it's dues.this is probably fucked up, but the Witness quick look made me go "I should really play the Talos Principle"
how dan has not made a mario sunshine bombastica happen, yet, is beyond me
how dan has not made a mario sunshine bombastica happen, yet, is beyond me
it's crazy that the best 3d mario game doesn't have any video content on the site
To be fair, Mario Galaxy came out before the site existed.
What about this one, though?This Tumblr comment about Tool that someone sent to Jeff is too much
Blog post with different sizes:Yeah I just noticed that. Idk where I got the one i'm using. I'll keep looking.
edit: Best I found.; just has those weird edges on the sides that you could edit out easily.
Is it wrong I was quietly hoping they just dropped the feature?
Is it wrong I was quietly hoping they just dropped the feature?
Is it wrong I was quietly hoping they just dropped the feature?
Is it wrong I was quietly hoping they just dropped the feature?
we get it, people don't like MGSV
we get it, people don't like MGSV
we get it, people don't like MGSV
I want this more than any other feature on the site.
It's my life.
Drew playing V is like finding money.
Upset when people dont talk about giant bomb, upset when people do talk about giant bomb
I remember thinking how deep a band Tool was. Then one day the fact they have a song named "Maynard's Dick" sank in. And a side project named Puscifer. They're very talented musicians and performers, but yeah. Their "cleverness" is about on par with Sean Connery.
The way Drew is playing MGSV is not fun to watch.
Just another example of why Knuckles is the worst.
I really hope that MGSV isn't the end of Metal Gear Scanlon, they need to send it off with a bang by playing Rising.
Yeah but it's okay because it all pays off because they're about to get to the part in the story where... where... where um.