They should hire GB-GAF to write some GB fan fiction on the site.
They should hire GB-GAF to write some GB fan fiction on the site.
Austin expands on the guest contributor stuff he mentioned a few weeks back.
This might be my favorite development on the site in quite a while. Seeing who they snag for top 10 game of the year lists is already fun, so I'm all for this being a year-round thing.
I thought about it for a sec but I really can't think of a worse idea.
Like, Trump being the emperor of the world is a better idea.
You guys are making me want to play the Witness.
Especially since the voice acting in Divinity is doing everything it can to make me not want to play that game. Holy shit is that entire thing an example of why total voice acting is not always the best idea. Purple prose overdelivered just makes my ears bleed.
Austin expands on the guest contributor stuff he mentioned a few weeks back.
This might be my favorite development on the site in quite a while. Seeing who they snag for top 10 game of the year lists is already fun, so I'm all for this being a year-round thing.
The quick and easy dinner suggestion on this can of chili is "Just pour over cornbread"
Maybe they recorded the Bombcast today.
Yeah, Danny complained to Brad about using the podcast room right before the lobby
Speaking of The Witness I just read the Gamasutra article by Deanna Van Buren of FOURM design studio about how Jonathan Blow enlisted the collaboration between her architecture studio and landscape architects to contribute to the world of The Witness. Because of the game is pretty much the puzzles and the world it makes sense that Blow would capitalize on their talents to imbue the game's scarce story into the structures and landmass.
Interesting read if you're into architecture or world/level design. She also talks about architecture in the context of other video games and their relative successes or failures.
Potential spoilers though.
The what news?
The what news?
Yeah I don't know why they would talk about the Scottish Institute for Enterprise.
Seems like a weird thing to expect out of a bombcast.
Where my Bombcast at.
I love chili.
I love cornbread.
I really don't like cornbread in chili. It just dissolves into mushy little bits of cornmeal. And if the cornbread is sweetened to any degree, it clashes with the spices in the chili.
The perfect chili companion are chili cheese Fritos or Goldfish crackers. The crunch of a cracker plus a good cheesy flavor.
Did you solve all the line puzzles? It unlocks after you do that.
Above: An image of a future Giant Bomb Guest Contributor, hard at work
hey guys i bought a thing of shin cup because it was a dollar and I'm a college freshman with no money and I have a question about preparation: is it worth it to get all fancy with cooking the noodles in boiling water or is it bascially the same as just throwing the thing in the microwave with cold water?
to tie this into giant bomb i'm waiting until the bombcast is posted to make it.
Three grown men doing their best and not making huge mistakes and still they barely make it even halfway through one run of Tharsis on the easiest difficulty setting.
At what point does a game legitimately become too hard and its designers need to rethink the balancing?
the witness is killing me
I can see that it's hard to design PvE dice based games with the possible variance if you're rolling up to 5(!) dice at a time, I think they just didn't manage to find the right balance here.Tharsis looks unfair. I like hard games, but when I feel that they become unfair is the moment I check out.
It's so hard to balance dice based games.
The Witness installed, The Division beta is installed. I have to finish the former before this weekend, when I can play the latter.
This is a great gateway for young youtuber's like Patrick Klepek to get their start in the industry.
we need more dice of the devil kind
For the court trail, would you like... a witness?
recent j-pop discoveries are keeping me going during this trying bombcast-less time