is the PS3 version of Symphonia not any good?
Well fuck. So much for replaying it.
So... Project BEAST. That really happened.
I said wowser.
That will be the equivalent of waiting for a jpeg to slowly download, line by line, in 10 years.
.Quick Look: Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel
VIDEO ON FEB 02, 2016 09:00 AM
Holy shit a Greg Kasavin article YES!! Best thing to come home from work to.
He was my favorite GS staff member, met him a couple times at PAX when Bastion was a PAX 10 game, then had the chance to congratulate him the next year at their bigger WB space.
That commute for EA sounds insane. Fuck this is so cool.
I know there are newer Giant Bomb fans around this thread. You guys should try to dig up the Building a Bastion video series if you haven't. It's some of the best "serious" content GB has ever produced. Sorry if it's been mentioned already as a result of this article.
(how did that thing even get out there?)
Finally. The February fighting game coverage we deserve.
Man Rhythm Heaven is a hell of a game.
It has to be Jeff and Dan QL.
It's a fighting game I'd expect Jason more than Dan.
It happened in the previous episode.The orbit of that ship was so large it went near Mun and eventually would come close enough that Muns gravity would alter the ships orbit. Since they did a bunch of time warping to get the Mun into position, these conditions were met and it flung the ship out of Kerbin orbit into an orbit around the sun. It was inevitable once the ship got stranded the way it was. Only way to prevent it would have been to rescue the ship before it could happen, but they had no idea it was going to do that.
I finally managed to check out a copy of the 3DS one and man it is so goddamn good. They better localize it.
Everyone with a WiiU should check out the one that released on Wii, it's fantastic. Still play it from time to time.
I was rewatching the pilot of rick and morty when
What am I missing here? The squid face on the plate?
What am I missing here? The squid face on the plate?
There's a Persona 2 character that looks like Alex Navarro.
That is all.
Creeper Cam Jeff and Newdan would be the best combination.
But Dan is better than Jason at fighting games...
XCOM 2 is out and the next QL is Nitroplus Blasterz FeelsBadMan
XCOM 2 is Friday but the review embargo dropped today.
Oops that's what I meant. Kinda.
Holy shit a Greg Kasavin article YES!! Best thing to come home from work to.
He was my favorite GS staff member, met him a couple times at PAX when Bastion was a PAX 10 game, then had the chance to congratulate him the next year at their bigger WB space.
That commute for EA sounds insane. Fuck this is so cool.
I know there are newer Giant Bomb fans around this thread. You guys should try to dig up the Building a Bastion video series if you haven't. It's some of the best "serious" content GB has ever produced. Sorry if it's been mentioned already as a result of this article.
Podcast recorded today.
They just got XCOM 2 today.
They talk about hot new bangers like Nitroplus Blasterz.
Yeah, I could have sworn Jeff said he had a copy. Maybe it was a preview build or something?They didn't get an early review copy of the game? Strange.
Yeah, I could have sworn Jeff said he had a copy. Maybe it was a preview build or something?
Yeah, I could have sworn Jeff said he had a copy. Maybe it was a preview build or something?