Cyber sleuth for sure, eo untold and lol strong contenders when I brush off my backlog and bravely second needs to do a lot of convincing for me. Definitely strong though.
I also need to polish off tits SC, tits CS, atelier ayesha and xenoblade aaaaaaaaaaaah.
i've had the weirdest arc in my reflecting upon bravely default
i was extremely positive on it at first when playing it at launch along with everybody else, then cooled on it big time after hitting *that* point in the game and stopping (along with everybody else) but recently, i've been thinking about it in a more favourable light again
it couldn't be more ripe for iteration and improvement since it had a whole bunch of great stuff going on. with better characters (and better writing in general) and an interesting overworld, it'd have a shot at being outstanding. so with that in mind, i am 100% checking that out day 1, just to see if they made good on the potential