I really enjoyed the Fallout 4 discussion in "most disappointing". Jeff bringing his trademark articulate rants, with Brad and Austin trying to defend it. Some good points were made on both sides but I think Jeff and the others on that side were right that Brad and Austin are letting Bethesda off the hook too easily.
What was discussed about Undertale? Were people expecting it to do better? (Maybe if Austin hadn't used his prepared speech for Invisible Inc.
Personally I was surprised Bloodborne didn't get anything, and especially surprised it didn't make it into the top 10 best games. I'm not gonna be salty about it, because it's a stupid thing to get upset about, but I feel it suffered a bit due to Souls fatigue (which is fair enough, I guess) in conjunction with being released so early in the year (which is a bit more lamentable). Hearing Austin dismiss it as a "pretty good" game was still a little shocking to me, especially when his main complaints were insufficient environmental variety (which I think isn't entirely unfair, but a bit exaggerated) and healing item design (come on dude -- that's a pretty damn minor complaint!

About Jeff as a salt mine.. I must say I did find his approach and tone as they were getting closer to the top of the "Best game" list kind of disappointing. His loud and sarcastic reaction to one of the guys (I can't remember if it was Jason or Brad, or both?) wanting to place Rocket League over Mario Maker I just found.. kinda rude and obnoxious, especially when it's coming from Jeff who is so clearly the most senior, with "Top Dog" status. I got the impression that he was making it pretty clear that Mario Maker was going to be GOTY regardless of if he and Dan would be the only one placing it there, and regardless of whatever argument anyone was going to make against it or in favour of any other game. Which resulted in no one else really being bothered to try to make an impassioned argument for something else.
To be clear, I'm not saying SMM shouldn't be their GOTY. Without having played either of Mario Maker and MGS5, my impression is that Mario Maker is more worthy in general and especially as GB's GOTY. What I'm saying is just that the process of arriving at Mario Maker as #1 was kinda disappointing, especially with regards to Jeff's way of arguing it onto that spot. Maybe I'm being unfair, but it felt a bit like a one man show at that point.