the holder of the trombone
Yah valve is like the epitome of capitalism.
Yet somehow never get higher than 2.The numbers keep getting bigger for Valve.
Best of Giant Bomb 105 - Is That The Sheikh?
I believe that I just saw our guest of honor jump fru a window.
the Dota 2 menus and store
Yeah man I agree. I can't handle any more Gang Beasts, I just can't.It's a lot more fun to watch than the actual game
and Gang Beasts
I think watching Brad buying hats and skins is more entertaining than watching actual Dota gameplay.
I just watched a best of were Alex and Vinny are playing red dead..where is that from?
I didn't hate the upf, but have four people on the couch and running benchmarks instead of playing something is weird.
I didn't hate the upf, but have four people on the couch and running benchmarks instead of playing something is weird.
UPF was great, and Rorie's good people.
Catching up on QLs, Danny and Drew's enthusiasm in F1 2016 is contagious! Is Alt-F1 worth listening to even if I have no intention of watching the races?
and that DOTA video just proved to me Paragon is dead in the water. Nobody gives a shit about different colored skins. They want hats.
Catching up on QLs, Danny and Drew's enthusiasm in F1 2016 is contagious! Is Alt-F1 worth listening to even if I have no intention of watching the races?
I lost interest in this season as it's another Mercedes runaway, but still love listening to Alt+F1.
They got me into watching and now I hate Sunday mornings without a race.
If u really have no interest in watching ever, you won't get much out of it. But it is always fun to hear them chat
congrats patick!