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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

Dannys thing seems to be going well. Thats great.

Plus I can see him doing side cash making videos for Kickstarters for people who cant quite afford 2 Player Productions.


I always scratch my head when people talk about SF and liveable wage.
Why would anyone live in a city where 4k a month isn't a liveable wage?

Just seems insane to me.
I always scratch my head when people talk about SF and liveable wage.
Why would anyone live in a city where 4k a month isn't a liveable wage?

Just seems insane to me.
I always feel the same but ;you have to understand that SF has IT atm just IT what the industry and the tech industry wants and people just try to make it as long as they can.
I always scratch my head when people talk about SF and liveable wage.
Why would anyone live in a city where 4k a month isn't a liveable wage?

Just seems insane to me.

Combination of things. Unique city with lots of events. A lot of people with tech mentality. Tons of tech jobs, so it's a lot safer if you get laid off. The top tech companies are headquartered there.

On the other hand, if you're in videogame journalism, I don't see why you would live there, unless you want to be close to certain developers?
I'm trying to contribute a few bucks but Patreon seems to be shitting the bed for me. It will not let me contribute, the page just loads and loads and then times out.
Danny lives in Oakland which is cheaper than living in SF. It does mean that he can't just do spur of the moment GB appearances without a 30-ish minute commute.


you gotta do a better job of spoofing a deck than that to fool anybody



Saint Nic
So I've been listening to the Bombcast for a long time and have only recently started diving into the Beastcast. I've listened to like 15 episodes over the past month and I had to get this off my shoulders...

I don't think I like Alex Navarro.
Spoilered so I don't come off as too big of a dick. He seems overly opinionated and somewhat brash; he kind of reminds me of a few people I stopped hanging out with because they were super caught up in the whole "Goon Squad" mentality. Not sure how else to explain it. I keep wanting to like him as a member of the show, but when he talks, it bums me out. On the other hand, Vinny is absolutely wonderful and I still love listening to him.
Maybe my opinion will change one day. Maybe.

Also, given that I've been listening to the Bombcrew for like 2 years now, I think it's time I support them and go premium. How much of a hassle is it to get that setup in Overcast? Or is there a better Podcast thing to use for iOS? I have never done anything outside of selecting a show via the app browser and "subscribing" that way.
I'm kind of surprised (and saddened) by the lack of Power Bombcast. There's been so much wrasslin' that's happened, both good and bad, since the last one. SummerSlam, Brock, Finn winning and relinquishing the title, Nakamura getting the NXT title, AJ getting the World title, the CWC, etc. The are plenty of reasons to be optimistic and excited about the future of the WWE product.


Somehow LaserTime's 10k Patreon is supporting three people living in SF. I don't know how they're getting by.

Oh so that's where those other guys from Talking Simpsons are from.

Retronauts is the only Patreon I've thought about backing, but considering I still don't have the DVD from the 2013 kickstarter I'll have to keep putting that off.
Oh so that's where those other guys from Talking Simpsons are from.

You somehow listen to Talking Simpson's but not the rest? So heard of it from Bob/Retronauts?

They do about 8 podcasts or so and it was supporting 4 guys but one of them just got a job with Wikia. Henry from Talking Simpsons. All their podcasts are great.
I hear them mention Laser Time often, I just never looked it up.

Yeah, a lot of them were from Talk Radar(Podcast for GamesRadar) and over time either got let go or moved on to other things then they started Laser Time as a podcast on the side and a few of them have now tried to do that full time.

Talking Simpsons and ThirtyTwentyTen(a look back at 30, 20 and 10 years this week in pop culture) are two of the podcasts to come about because of their patreon.

Sorry if this sounds like a commercial, I just really like the guys. Would really recommend all their stuff.


Still without luck
How do Patreons usually develop? Is there generally a drop in Patreons after a while?

There is usually a massive drop on the first of each month because they only take payment on the 1st of each month, even if you sign up and start receiving content on the 2nd. People are really awesome.

like this

Mr. F

How do Patreons usually develop? Is there generally a drop in Patreons after a while?

I haven't followed any closely enough to know for sure, but I imagine there might be a bump or drop depending on the reception to the first documentary and getting a sense of what they'd be in for.

Also I anticipate a gradual drop over time for those who can't sustain their initial pledges on an ongoing monthly basis.

Edit; like above. yeesh
There is usually a massive drop on the first of each month because they only take payment on the 1st of each month, even if you sign up and start receiving content on the 2nd. People are really awesome.

like this

So what this chart is saying

Is that people unsubscribe before the 1st

Than resubscribe after the 2nd?

Patreon should get its shit together.


Still without luck
Edit: wait hold the phone, maybe I'm wrong about this. Something might've changed.

Now I'm seeing it charge me for the month of September. I guess I was wrong about initial sign ups, maybe resubs are different.
If someone tries to cancel on Danny before October 1st, the patron has to pay the full amount.

The only way around it is to cancel your card which would be extreme.


Wait, they don't charge you immediately upon resubscribing?
No, they do not. As far as I'm aware, Danny will not see 1 pence of this money until October 1st.

Oof, that seems like an awful oversight by Patreon. Seems like it would be an easy fix. Charge people immediately upon resubbing and then again on the first of the month. It both encourages people to keep their subs going and prevents the creator from getting fucked by glaringly obvious loopholes like this.


I saw a content creator last year that had started his Patreon and said he wouldn't see all that money until the first day of the next month. Maybe things changed now.
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