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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
And then add a time limit? What.

Well, the time limit is there cause only one person at a time can use the crafting station.
It's a shitty thing made shittier to make another shitty thing slightly less shitty.

I loooooooooooooove the look of the game though.


Unconfirmed Member
When I'm out and about walking or biking I feel weirdly guilty listening to something casual like GiantBombcast. I just feel like spending all my attention to dudes talking about video games is wasting my attention so I'll most likely listen to TAM, Hardcore History or other "serious" podcasts. Casual podcasts are perfect while playing video games or falling asleep.
See I hate falling asleep to podcasts. You never know where you were, sometimes you wake up if someone starts yelling 5 minutes in. Awful.
I never feel guilty, though. I just rotate through them depending on the mood I'm in.
See I hate falling asleep to podcasts. You never know where you were, sometimes you wake up if someone starts yelling 5 minutes in. Awful.

I only listen to older Bombcasts when I'm going to sleep. Doesn't matter if I miss some, but I do have the issue of it waking me sometimes. Those older podcasts weren't normalized very well.
Oh my god this mini game in Tomorrow Children. I always hated that game in real life. Why would you put that in? And then add a time limit? What.

Cynical answer: they can be randomly generated with zero effort, unlike most other kinds of puzzles.


The best podcasts to fall asleep too are the Jeffcasts. Laid back, mellow, and soothing.

The worst podcasts to fall asleep to are Beastcasts. I love them but I always wake up to the corrections song and I really wish they just got rid of it


Now that they're recording the Bombcast live on Tuesdays there's no reason for them to come in on Mondays. Makes perfect sense.


They should all get a PS4 Pro and stream games on Mondays then. Better stream quality and just play whatever you want. Brad could even stream some
Dota again.


Junior Member
He likes Clicker Games. Not in a "hey let's try this out oh I played this for two days time to delete it and never look back" kinda way like a normal person. No. He REALLY likes Clicker Games.

I've been playing Trimps since last December when they first mentioned it.


It really is impossible. If you wanted to stereotype Jeff you could easily make a case for him being a pure mechanics guy owing to his age but then he contradicts that pretty regularly what with pushing a meme game like Saint Rows III to be GOTY that had nothing in the way of good gameplay as to what made that game shine or not liking a great gameplay experience because its "another one of those."

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It really is impossible. If you wanted to stereotype Jeff you could easily make a case for him being a pure mechanics guy owing to his age but then he contradicts that pretty regularly what with pushing a meme game like Saint Rows III to be GOTY that had nothing in the way of good gameplay as to what made that game shine or not liking a great gameplay experience because its "another one of those."

It had better gameplay than the other contender


Unconfirmed Member
Jeff is definitely mechanics driven when it comes to his favorite games, but also in a pretty specific way that's impossible to predict. And he values some fresh take on old mechanics, usually.


It really is impossible. If you wanted to stereotype Jeff you could easily make a case for him being a pure mechanics guy owing to his age but then he contradicts that pretty regularly what with pushing a meme game like Saint Rows III to be GOTY that had nothing in the way of good gameplay as to what made that game shine or not liking a great gameplay experience because its "another one of those."
Because it's one of the only games to do humor in a way that doesn't make you want to shoot yourself in the head
Just cause it's fun sleuthing, I think TotalBiscuit gave Danny a pretty hefty bump to get him above 15k then realized he didn't want to pay $500 a month or whatever the bump was, so, he pulled it back and as a result, pulled Danny below 15k again.

That's from Danny's Twitter and the comments on the Patreon where TB bragged about bumping him and then Danny saying on Twitter someone made a generous but amended pledge.


Yeah, Jeff's tastes are all over the place and are kinda baffling sometimes lol

But that's part of what makes him such an interesting dude.


Does Jeff like [Video Game X]?



I just noticed today that Ryan's twitter has been scrubbed, and I'm all bummed about it. I would occasionally pull it up when I missed him to hear his "voice" and it always cheered me up.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I just noticed today that Ryan's twitter has been scrubbed, and I'm all bummed about it. I would occasionally pull it up when I missed him to hear his "voice" and it always cheered me up.

I think Twitter pulls accounts that are inactive for a specific amount of time?
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