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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

I hope they play Dead Rising on PC this week. Sounds like it's a good port!

Also, after many years of listening, I finally unsubscribed from the Tested podcast.
Rewatching Demo Derby, I still cannot get over the fact that the ping pong like game has a Sam Kinison sound bit when you hurt the other player. I keep laughing. Man, I love Kinison. It's a shame he was taken from us way too early because of some drunk driver crashing into him.

Five minutes into No Man's Sky and it hard crashes my PS4 👌

What's funny is that all the fixes so far have been "bug fixes" just take a look at the update history.
Think of how far we've come. In episode 1, Ryo was a dude with a dead dad who needed to ask about men wearing black. Now he's a dude with a dead dad who needs to ask about a warehouse.

The gripping narrative of Shenmue


I hope they play Dead Rising on PC this week. Sounds like it's a good port!

Also, after many years of listening, I finally unsubscribed from the Tested podcast.

Wow, that's some dedication. Listening after Will left. I stopped listening myself even when Gary was still on.
Wow, that's some dedication. Listening after Will left. I stopped listening myself even when Gary was still on.

Yeah, I held on for too long. In the most recent episode they were lamenting the loss of Gawker, and bemoaning how tragic the situation was. I literally hit stop and unsubscribed on the spot.


Yeah, I held on for too long. In the most recent episode they were lamenting the loss of Gawker, and bemoaning how tragic the situation was. I literally hit stop and unsubscribed on the spot.
I'm kinda jonesing for the inevitable Austin/Patrick podcast since I could really use one more podcast in my weekly lineup.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Man, I can't wait till the crafting boom dies down. I hate crafting in games, I don't know how grinding for materials is fun for anybody. Kinda sad to hear ReCore is so craft-heavy


Same! Can't wait to hear what they end up doing for a podcast.

Me too. It will be great to have a podcast where I'm assuming there wont be any forced humour or dumb emails pulled. Not that those things are entirely bad, but it will be nice to have a more mature podcast, which is just what I'm assuming would come out of those two.
Oh man I really missed jar time

Yeah, I held on for too long. In the most recent episode they were lamenting the loss of Gawker, and bemoaning how tragic the situation was. I literally hit stop and unsubscribed on the spot.

It's really amazing how massive the disconnect in opinion on Gawker closing is between people who work in the media business and everyone else. I've never really seen anything like it.

I also think it's tragic and gross
Wow, that's some dedication. Listening after Will left. I stopped listening myself even when Gary was still on.
I think I actually picked it back up for a few podcasts after Will left Tested since the reason I left before that was I always felt he was a little too... strongly opinionated to be a good host (interrupting people really bothered me) especially after Gary left (another person with strong opinions that balanced him out a bit). Actually now that I think about it, the constant discussion of drones drove me away more than anything.

But even coming back every once in a while, it just wasn't a great podcast for tech IMO. It sucks since I've tried all the major tech podcasts and none of them ever really clicked wih me like Teated use to years ago.


My podcast headliners are the Bombcast and Beastcast with occasional 8-4, filler is whatever else I'm following, but I always stop listening to other podcasts to listen to those 3 day they come out. An Austin/Patrick cast would definitely join that rotation.


Unconfirmed Member
Patrick and Austin would need atleast a good third chair. They might be a bit too alike in their opinions.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I don't think I would have enough time to listen to another podcast. I'm still not done with last weeks Bombcast.
Also, to be honest, an Austin/Patrick podcast doesn't sound that great to me.

A racist and a sexist would probably be a good choice.

So they should ask TotalBiscuit?


I'm kidding, he might just be an idiot.
Yea I don't really have time to listen to another podcast either, Beastcast and Bombcast are enough for me. Throw in some music and random other videos and thats too much to keep up with as is


Just read Gamespot's 3/10 review for The Tomorrow Children. This might be the most ill-advised game of the generation so fa.r There may be worse games out there, but between the poorly implemented resource gathering, complete lack of motivation, over reliance on micro transactions, and fucking sliding block puzzles all over the place, you wonder if the devs EVER brought in play testers and asked them if this game was fun at all.

Mr. F

Never been a Patrick fan but I'll deal for more Austin. Listening to old Beastcast and damn do I miss his presence.

Patrick and Austin would need atleast a good third chair. They might be a bit too alike in their opinions.

They need a professional.



the holder of the trombone
Slide puzzles to craft.

How did anyone think this is a good idea.


Also I find it funny how something that tries to create a fascist communist atmosphere shows the worst part about capitalism with its actual business plans.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh my god this mini game in Tomorrow Children. I always hated that game in real life. Why would you put that in? And then add a time limit? What.


Unconfirmed Member
What you have to do is get a long commute and a hobby like riding a bike for hours and you can listen to as many podcasts as you want.


What you have to do is get a long commute and a hobby like riding a bike for hours and you can listen to as many podcasts as you want.

When I'm out and about walking or biking I feel weirdly guilty listening to something casual like GiantBombcast. I just feel like spending all my attention to dudes talking about video games is wasting my attention so I'll most likely listen to TAM, Hardcore History or other "serious" podcasts. Casual podcasts are perfect while playing video games or falling asleep.
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