I've played through Bioshock again (on PC).
This is one of those times where I can't tell if they have actually done anything to the game cause it looks exactly how I remember it looking.
Also holy shit, the shooting feels so bad.
It's still a fine game though.
Bioshock 2 is better and you are all crazy for not seeing it!
Ah, the The Division DLC coverage
I've played through Bioshock again (on PC).
This is one of those times where I can't tell if they have actually done anything to the game cause it looks exactly how I remember it looking.
Also holy shit, the shooting feels so bad.
It's still a fine game though.
Bioshock 2 is better and you are all crazy for not seeing it!
System Shock 2 is by far the best Shock game
Still my third favorite game of all time.
So I was listening to a old bombcast and Jeff and Ryan mentioned they'd just done a GTA IV launch stream on Justin.TV.
Don't suppose anybody knows if that stream got archived anywhere?
I can't find it and it would be very fun to watch it again.
I think this is it but it's pretty unwatchable by 2016 standards
The first Bioshock had a good twist and was really pretty. That's about all I can say for it. Honestly, it wasn't a great game then and it certainly isn't now.
Nice, thanks a lot!
Though yeah, they've certainly come a long way since then when it comes to quality![]()
Man... I wish they would fix the livestream player, so I wouldn't have to jump through hoops and watch the streams in VLC for good quality.
Yep, Bioshock 2 is better in almost every way. Despite being badly retconned into the lore Lamb is a better antagonist than Ryan orI've played through Bioshock again (on PC).
This is one of those times where I can't tell if they have actually done anything to the game cause it looks exactly how I remember it looking.
Also holy shit, the shooting feels so bad.
It's still a fine game though.
Bioshock 2 is better and you are all crazy for not seeing it!
Theres a couple of good areas in bioshock 1, its too bad most of them get ruined by dull "Collect all these things!!" missions
Ive had zero problems with the live stream player on chrome or firefox......so whats broken for you?
I wouldn't say broken... but it is noticeable. here's a quick comparison of the quality through the webplayer and trough VLC:
I'll let you figure out which is which. it's almost like the webplayer enlarges every pixel from 1x1 to 4x4. It's minor, but I can not unsee it. fwiw happens in both Chrome and Edge.
You can grab Devil Daggers for a dollar:
Watching now in Chrome. Right match SD, and left match HD.
Jeff + summer lessonReally excited for the PSVR launch stream next month.
I wouldn't say broken... but it is noticeable. here's a quick comparison of the quality through the webplayer and trough VLC:
I'll let you figure out which is which. it's almost like the webplayer enlarges every pixel from 1x1 to 4x4. It's minor, but I can not unsee it. fwiw happens in both Chrome and Edge.
On the off chance that anyone is making their own Box Maker levels (!), I made one earlier called Careful Now.
ID is 10010601
I also beat Jeff's level earlier with one life. PRO GAMER.