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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Don't tell me this! I also just bought a 1060 and have been eyeing DOOM as a good way to see what it can do... But I know if I buy it I'm going to start playing it immediately and I really need to finish playing Dragon Age Inquisition first.

The game gets discounted pretty heavily when there is a sale, so I'd wait for that anyways. :)


Wondering whether I should get a stationary bike and ride it everyday while watching an ER episode. 🤔

Tried watching the Deadly Premonition ERs but never finished them. This could be helpful.

Or I could watch TED Talks or something.

SFV as hottest mess is alright. NMS is undoubtedly the biggest disappointment though. If Brad brings up some stupid game design reasons again I'll quit.

Also I listened to the GOTY 2015 podcast again and I hate Brad. I don't really remember why (listened to it while falling asleep yesterday) but I'm sure it's justified. It's Brad.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Wondering whether I should get a stationary bike and ride it everyday while watching an ER episode. ��

As soon as get my own apartment I'm buying one of those bikes. They are great for working out if you are allergic to basically everything like me and thus don't like biking outside.

SFV as hottest mess is alright. NMS is undoubtedly the biggest disappointment though. If Brad brings up some stupid game design reasons again I'll quit.

I could see those two switching as well. SFV as biggest dosappointment and NMS as hottest mess.
Nearing the end of my second DOOM playthrough and its just as good as the first time.

If it doesn't beat that Overwatch trash to GOTY I will write a very strongly worded internet post that might upset no-one's feelings.


SFV hottest mess and NMS biggest disappointment I can accept. NMS is a more concentrated mess while SFV has been spread out.

(Though honestly I would rather NMS take both categories.)
It was so heartwarming listening to Jeff gush over Rez. I felt the feelings he described exactly. My good buddy had an import copy on the DC (burned to CD-R courtesy of his older brother) back when that scene was blazing and goddamn if I didn't sit there and finish it in one sitting and got the good ending on top. Totally fucking surreal. I really hope I can experience Rez VR one day. Fuckin shivers just thinking about it.


same, because I don't think they were expecting NMS to be amazing
Did Brad speak a lot about his feeling about NMS post-release? If he did, I've completely blocked it out of my mind. I started wondering about it now because he seemed really excited by the prospect of what the game could be (though of course he didn't succumb to any mindless hype) pre-release.

strafer said:
I hope they do something fun for this years GOTY.
I think it would be really, really cool if they recorded their deliberations in full and put them up on the site.


I would love a video version of their GOTY deliberations so we can see the hate and disdain for each other build up on their faces.


There doesn't seem to be any fights worth fighting this year, maybe Overwatch vs Doom but we all know Doom is gonna win.

I hope not. I really do.

Brad's "but it's just another [franchise]" rule will miraculously not come up while Overwatch will be "just another team-based FPS".


Did Brad speak a lot about his feeling about NMS post-release? If he did, I've completely blocked it out of my mind. I started wondering about it now because he seemed really excited by the prospect of what the game could be (though of course he didn't succumb to any mindless hype) pre-release.

I think after release Brad's mentioned several times how disappointed he is with the game. (the space travel for example. but he's still enjoying the highs of it)
Man, got back to Tales from the Borderlands, I'd forgotten how much good, light-hearted fun it is.

I never found Borderlands 2's humor nearly as offensive as everyone else seems to, but I'm still kinda worried by the idea of the Tales characters showing up in Borderlands 3 only to be completely ruined.


Man, got back to Tales from the Borderlands, I'd forgotten how much good, light-hearted fun it is.

I never found Borderlands 2's humor nearly as offensive as everyone else seems to, but I'm still kinda worried by the idea of the Tales characters showing up in Borderlands 3 only to be completely ruined.
Borderlands 2 only got terrible whenever a WACKY!!!! character was on screen (Tiny Tina, Claptrap, Handsome Jack). The rest was mostly fine.


DOOM, Hitman, The Witness, Overwatch, Inside,

These are your current locks. Stardew Valley too if Dan insists on it.

Funnily enough I can see Uncharted 4 being the number 11 pick of "Everyone else on the internet loves this game but we don't so we're knocking it off the top 10 last".


Game was both great and a complete surprise. Perfect GOTY material

Yeah, it surprisingly didn't suck. Yay.

I mean, I get it. All jokes aside, I get why they like it that much and since Brad would marry DOOM if that was legal (although I'd guess that it actually is in some states) it makes sense. But to me (I just played the demo and don't cate about DOOM at all) it's a fast-paced shooter. I get these have been kinda absent for a while (for a reason I would guess) and that it iterates on that niche. And that's great. But GOTY? I don't know.

Forza Horizon 3 will probably be up there.

Maybe Uncharted 4.

Forza Horizon 3 is another big mystery when it comes to GB. They loved the first, they disliked the second (which was objectively better in every way) and now they love the third one again.

Maybe GB just hates Europe?!?!

I'm just asking questions!


Yeah, it surprisingly didn't suck. Yay.

I mean, I get it. All jokes aside, I get why they like it that much and since Brad would marry DOOM if that was legal (although I'd guess that it actually is in some states) it makes sense. But to me (I just played the demo and don't cate about DOOM at all) it's a fast-paced shooter. I get these have been kinda absent for a while (for a reason I would guess) and that it iterates on that niche. And that's great. But GOTY? I don't know.

It's fun as hell and they enjoyed it, goty isn't much more complicated than that. Look at previous ones, it doesn't even need to be a masterpiece.


Doom seems like Shadow of Mordor all over again.

Lowest common denominator for sure.

It's fun as hell and they enjoyed it, goty isn't much more complicated than that. Look at previous ones, it doesn't even need to be a masterpiece.

Sure. But Brad and Jeff make it complicated themselves. They want new things to win. Otherwise Bayonetta 2 would've won 2014.

Doom is so good thou

Is it GOTY good dou?

To be fair DOOM is very different from the older games.

Sure. But is it the best game of the year? FF XV should win is all I'm saying.

Lunar FC

Just had a dream of hiding from and being hunted by numerous lions through a mansion. Fucking terrifying, I'm afraid to go back to sleep. Help. ��


Picross 3D 2 should win and we all know it. Thankfully Drew's on board now. The dream is alive!

Man, it's so fun talking about those utterly dumb GOTY deliberations.
This might give SFV the edge. I love the game, have hundreds of hours played, but it is a total mess. Like...do you know any $60 game that put its storymode in 4 months after release? Or a fighting game that has no arcade mode? And the whole input lag problem and the unreliable servers...

That game looks decent, I just think Overwatch took all attention away from it. Either they are waiting or it's just flying under the radar.

God's honest? The rootkit shitshow wont get real traction in News on this week's Bombcast. It's not the kind of problem that gets hits (bad behavior vs. unmet expectations).
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