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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Beyond Good and Evil is the most mediocre overhyped game since Shenmue. Now that's a hot take!


Any of the Unprofessional Fridays from the last few months great? Been real busy lately and just watching quick looks and retro(ie, the recent Jeff c64 vid) stuff.

Edit: Or really any of the other features, lol.

I'm baised towards UPF as I enjoy'em all however, if you were to watch just one, It's gotta be the one with Kessler and Snider.

I was really surprised Jeff said he was eager to play some Gears. He was so tired of the whole franchise, what happened?

Well, there are 3 things as to why you gotta be excited for this Gears.

1) It's a continuation of the story featuring OLD MARCUS.
2) It's been a long time coming(Judgement was in 2013)
3) HORDE 3.0

Yessss. Listening now. Been missing the live video casts :( busy with fuck tons of paperwork again concerning the travel but hopefully I'll find the time again to watch'em as I enjoy doing so.

Looking forward to Paul Ryckert's Quick Look Extravaganza 2017

oh man is it already out?

Yes and it's glorious.

hey so i'm super excited i got a job

Congratulating you once again but this time, here.
The fact that he's realizing this now makes me wonder if there's a million weirder stories that he's saved for the book and the last few years of stories on podcasts and videos were all the normal stuff.

Don't know about that. He's got a penchant for repeating stories. Most evident in Metal Gear Scanlon V when there are long stretches of nothing happening on screen.


I concur, that new hitman level is amazing. But I don't think it's as wacky as Hitdan wants.

It could be though. There are some pretty great conversations in there.

def sim

Brad, according to the PS4 activity feed, played Batman VR for the first time just a couple of hours ago. Hopefully a PSVRodeo is coming soon.
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