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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Has Drew said if he enjoys character action games?

In any case, the game is like 6-7 hours long, I think. Could be a good Extra Life segment. Wake them at at 4 am.

Drew would probably enjoy the cutscenes and how over the top it is, but it should be pretty obvious by now Drew has less experience than the other guys with even regular action games so honestly it would probably be kinda frustrating.
Drew would probably enjoy the cutscenes and how over the top it is, but it should be pretty obvious by now Drew has less experience than the other guys with even regular action games so honestly it would probably be kinda frustrating.

Just put it on easy mode and it can be done by anyone.
Well I pulled the trigger on a PS4 Slim. It's downloading updates as we speak.

My thought process was as follows:

1. I feel like we've hit an inflection point that there's enough exclusives now and upcoming to be worth it. I wanted to play UC4, Bound, and Bloodborne, and I want to play TLG and FFXV, then Persona 5 next year.

2. I don't have a 4K tv and don't plan on getting one anytime soon.

3. The majority of games that I will be playing most likely won't be getting a PS4 Pro patch (BB, TLG, P5).

4. The PS4 ui has hit a solid place with the recent 4.0 update with better rest mode and two factor authentication.

5. Smaller form factor and 100 dollars less than the Pro.

6. Revised and more reliable controller.

I feel like I justified the purchase well enough in my head, so I decided to go for it. Bloodborne is already queued up for download.
^ Somewhat related, all the fire deals for the XB1 S had me really considering a purchase. Came to the conclusion I'd only buy Sunset Overdrive and mess with X360 games if I did. It's a weird feeling that I might not end up with all consoles for once. Investing in PC upgrades and installing Win10 makes more sense.


the holder of the trombone
I decided to go for the pro because I don't need a PS4 immediately because all I'm doing now is playing overwatch anyway.

And so far the only thing I want to play on PS4 is persona 5.

Maybe bloodborne.


If you want a sure fire way to play these xbone exclusives get yourself a fat xbone on Black Friday when they're clearing stock

If you want a way that has a bad record of performance issues the PC is the way to go

Unless you got this monster ass tower, I wouldn't advise.

That being said, someone said the gears 4 port is doing fine but he also said forza horizon 3 was fine pre release so who knows what's up.
The shooting and the time mechanics are cool as hell. And better than DOOM.

I don't know about better than DOOM but it's definitely a game that gets better the more you progress because you get to gain more powers. I enjoyed it but the game suffers from the same thing that AW suffers from, which is very important details to the story and world is all within the collectibles.

It was a work brother

Doesn't matter, still good. That segment went for abit too long.

How many subs until you dress as Elsa and sing Let it Go?


The only thing I want for Christmas is MGR:Drewvengence.

please I need it.

Yes pls. It's the perfect time now to play it with the elections.

it was good one!

Edit: Good conversations while Brad does his thing.

Yes, it was like another bombcast of sorts.
#TeamBrad needs to trend again.


Also where the heck is the second half of HitDan Colorado coming?

Tomorrow maybe? Pad out them slow mondays.

Also I probably would buy a Xbox 1 this holiday but the more I think about the looming scorpio the more I think I should just build a PC again instead. I would love to replay Halo 1-3 and thats about it for true XB1 exclusives I would want.


Also a day late but this is pretty much exactly what I had in my head so thanks.

Also it made me notice the settings on my monitor are jacked because I couldnt read the "born to endurance run" text without turning down the contrast. So double thanks!


Why is there so much Sonic talk in here

Why is the front page of Giant Bomb covered in Sonics

I leave for a few hours and I don't even recognize the world anymore


intangibles, motherfucker
Drew and Dan not playing Metal Gear Rising is the biggest crime Giantbomb has ever committed.
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