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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

if you could pick one Bomber to be your partner when the apocalypse hit, who would you pick?

Jeff with a knife
Dan with a gun
Drew with a book of matches
Brad with a laptop that plays DOTA
Jason and his baby
Rorie and a puppy


if you could pick one Bomber to be your partner when the apocalypse hit, who would you pick?

Jeff with a knife
Dan with a gun
Drew with a book of matches
Brad with a laptop that plays DOTA
Jason and his baby
Rorie and a puppy
Jeff with a knife would make things too easy, dan would get us killed, hopefully Jason found a bunker for him and his family and I wouldn't want to bother him

I'd probably take Brad to see if he does anything


if you could pick one Bomber to be your partner when the apocalypse hit, who would you pick?

Jeff with a knife
Dan with a gun
Drew with a book of matches
Brad with a laptop that plays DOTA
Jason and his baby
Rorie and a puppy

Dan with a gun. Then you kill Dan and take his gun.


Jeff has already stated that his strategy would be to get guns and then forcibly take everyone else's supplies. So it would actually be Jeff with a knife, a gun, a laptop, matches, a baby and a puppy.

And everyone else dead.
Hyper-hole is my favorite thing to come out of the PSVR thread.

good lord, I'm at around the 2:40:00 mark when Jeff is taking a break and he looks like he went through hell. Jeff could usually take everything VR dishes out but PSVR totally messed him up lol



Still without luck
Do you guys know what camerawoman Ana is up to these days? She left Whiskey Media back in 2011 if I recall, to go to New York.
Ana Hurka-Robles went to do work for laptop magazine, and her website thing appears to show her doing design work in Boston these days.

Ana was great for that year plus at Tested.


Oh wait he circles thing on the bottom of the avatar wasn't part of the bet? It seems like your old avatar was just your own choice then lol


Just conceptually, the idea of being in a decent facsimile of "virtual reality" for even just half an hour after coming home from work every day, without having to deal with PC hassles, sounds incredible.

Someone talk me out of buying PSVR. How's Witcher 3 after you get to Novigrad? Because that's pretty much all I have on my gaming landscape right now. I think Witcher 3 is a really damn good game so far, but also I don't give a fuck about the central plot.

Mr. F

It gets slow for about 4-5 hrs in Novigrad, but gets good again after that. The side quests and DLC are almost consistently top notch.

This is good to hear, I was kind of overwhelmed with Novigrad stuff on top of a million side quests and completely fell off playing. I think I was looking for Dandelion for like a year or something. Then put on a play...and then uh...flashbacks with Ciri and stuff. I do hope to get back to it sometime soon, but I might just start over considering how long its been.

Anjin M

Finally reading the PSVR thread. My favorite thing is GBGafers (seriously?) correcting other GBGafers who are fake shit posting.
I don't think I've ever seen Dan lose his shit as much as he did during the Harmonix VR segment of the stream. It was pretty great.


Is there a time when Vinny or Drew have absolutely lost it? I can think of Jeff's "penitentiary body" and Brad's whoosh-zoom camera conference incidents, but nothing for the others.


Vinny breaks but I can only remember audio, like shenmue breakdown, or Brad's quip in volgarrb that basically stopped the stream for a while

I miss Austin breaking though

They didn't get nearly enough Austin on video before he left
That Celebrity Poker game with Jonathan Frakes was a good one for Vinny


Ravaged was a good one for both Vinny and Brad (Mainly Brad)

Uncharted 2 Multiplayer QL has a good Vinny laugh near the end:

Seen them before but completely forgot. Thanks!

The poker QL is god-tier content. It has no right to be so good.
this could count for Drew but it mainly had Vinny, Brad and Patrick


Oh wow. I don't think I ever noticed Drew's reaction before.

Drew keeps it cool, even in uncontrollable hilarity. What a machine.

To be fair, you can barely hear it because of Austin but Vinny does lose it.

The Motorbike QL is a good one for hearing Vinny lose it

Dammit, I dunno how I forgot all of these. They just slipped through my mind entirely.

Though... that answers the "when does Austin lose it" question that I should have asked.

And for Ryan... he has that video where he's literally ROFLing over, I think, a song. Probably the most I've seen a duder lose it.

I'd ask about Rorie but he loses it all the time. Doggone Rorie.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The Shenmue ER has reminded me that Sega used to make the best looking and sounding menus in video game history. Sonic Adventure 1 had a similar menu and it was awesome.


Unconfirmed Member
I discovered a little bit ago that Zachtronics has a game coming to early access tomorrow, SHENZHEN I/O, and it made me curious if GB had played any of their games on stream. Is Infinifactory the only one they've played on video? Something like TIS-100 wouldn't be too exciting to watch, but I'm still curious to see if they've tackled any on camera.
I'm pretty sure Jeff played it at some point, but this whole genre is basically not getting covered on GB and it's sad.
TIS-100 was amazing, this game looks great and Zach is kind of a mad genius who also made Infiniminer aka the game Minecraft is a clone of.

I'm happy he didn't end up like Notch, because he's actually still making games and is not an asshole.


Just to set something straight about Paper Mario, Dan is wrong about the Rescue Toads. There's an NPC in the game that tells you where the missing Toads are. He's not wrong about all of it but my experience was far better than what he describes in the latest podcast. I loved it.
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