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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


My streak of never not finishing a Bombcast/Beastcast before the next one releases is in serious jeopardy. These three-person Beastcasts are a struggle and I'm listening to this interminable discussion of Netflix and nothing interesting had been said for 20 minutes and I don't know if I'm going to go further. Please, Dan, hurry. Get to NY. Every Austin/Dan Beastcast was good to great and I know they will be again.

OK, I'll probably keep going to hear this Luckey segment everyone hated, but that's a special situation.

Mr. F

Posted over on the PSVR review thread;

Arstechnica specifically address the types of issues Giantbomb were having.

PSVR's setup keeps track of the headset and controllers through colored LED lights that are detected by the required PlayStation Move camera. In any room with a decent amount of ambient light (be it from a window, light bulbs, or any other source), however, that tracking has a tendency to occasionally falter quite noticeably.

On the controllers, this leads to your in-game hands wobbling a little bit or even warping a few feet in one direction before quickly fixing themselves. When the camera loses a tight lock on the headset, though, it can lead to a very disconcerting "swimmy" effect, where the entire world around you looks like it's bobbing around a few inches in random directions like a ship on the ocean.

In my testing, these problems got more prevalent the farther I got from the PlayStation Camera. Somewhere around ten feet seems to be the functional limit. The problem went away completely when the lights in the room were dim (which might explain why every previous PlayStation VR demo I've seen at a trade show has been in a very dark room). And even in a room flooded with overhead lights, the tracking worked as expected a good 95 percent of the time.

I remember Jeff had mentioned during the stream that they had dimmed the lights in-studio for that Golem Quicklook EX, maybe that was the sweet spot? I didn't catch the full stream so I don't know if they ended up trying dimness between lights being on and off.


Drunky McMurder
Posted over on the PSVR review thread;

I remember Jeff had mentioned during the stream that they had dimmed the lights in-studio for that Golem Quicklook EX, maybe that was the sweet spot? I didn't catch the full stream so I don't know if they ended up trying dimness between lights being on and off.

They shut off the lights in the studio at one point and still had problems with it. They were definitely closer to 10 feet for the green screen room for most of the show. Working 95% of the time doesn't come close to matching what Brad and Jeff described both at home or in the office though.


They shut off the lights in the studio at one point and still had problems with it. They were definitely closer to 10 feet for the green screen room for most of the show. Working 95% of the time doesn't come close to matching what Brad and Jeff described both at home or in the office though.

Read somewhere where someone said that no light is just as bad as too much light. Apparently there's a sweet spot.


They shut off the lights in the studio at one point and still had problems with it. They were definitely closer to 10 feet for the green screen room for most of the show. Working 95% of the time doesn't come close to matching what Brad and Jeff described both at home or in the office though.

That Jeff and Brad experienced the same problems at home in what were presumably wildly different setups than the studio makes me very dubious that this isn't some type of shortcoming with the hardware.


Posted over on the PSVR review thread;

I remember Jeff had mentioned during the stream that they had dimmed the lights in-studio for that Golem Quicklook EX, maybe that was the sweet spot? I didn't catch the full stream so I don't know if they ended up trying dimness between lights being on and off.

They did turn all of the lights off during the stream and the problem was still there.

Mr. F

That Jeff and Brad experienced the same problems at home in what were presumably wildly different setups than the studio makes me very dubious that this isn't some type of shortcoming with the hardware.

Ah right, forgot about this. So strange that it even varied by game too.

They did turn all of the lights off during the stream and the problem was still there.

I'm aware, what I was wondering is if they tried any configurations between lights off and lights on, since the Ars article cites a sweet spot and they'd mentioned dimming the lights a little bit previously for the Golem QL EX.
Hmm, I can't really control the dimness of my lights though, which has me a little worried.

Perhaps turn off the lights and plug in a lamp. I think that's my plan. In my basement we have ceiling lights (which are quite bright), but also a lamp that creates an adequate glow when the ceiling lights are turned off. I think it should be just right for me.


Man, remember when Brad Muir showed up at Brad's place during his solo Extra Life stream? That was great.

Man, remember Brad Muir?



Wait, I just realised you can't watch porn on the psvr. All this hand-wringing about tracking and lighting and distance away from the camera. It never mattered. This thing was doomed from the start.


Prodigal Jeff will return as EIC of Gamespot (formerly Giant Bomb West) and Dan will be promoted as EIC of Giant Bomb (formerly Giant Bomb East). Brad will continue to miss button prompts.


I discovered a little bit ago that Zachtronics has a game coming to early access tomorrow, SHENZHEN I/O, and it made me curious if GB had played any of their games on stream. Is Infinifactory the only one they've played on video? Something like TIS-100 wouldn't be too exciting to watch, but I'm still curious to see if they've tackled any on camera.


Looks more and more likely that Gamespot is sinking (and will merge with Giant Bomb).

I really hope not.

No offense to Gamespot but some of their video personalities are not even close to the level of GB. I feel like Mary, Tamoor, and Peter are the only ones that could fit in with the group, and even then we don't know for sure when it comes to an extended amount of time.
I really hope not.

No offense to Gamespot but some of their video personalities are not even close to the level of GB. I feel like Mary, Tamoor, and Peter are the only ones that could fit in with the group, and even then we don't know for sure when it comes to an extended amount of time.

Wasn't Mary on UPF a few times? Or do you mean "extended amount" as in months of being on content?
I discovered a little bit ago that Zachtronics has a game coming to early access tomorrow, SHENZHEN I/O, and it made me curious if GB had played any of their games on stream. Is Infinifactory the only one they've played on video? Something like TIS-100 wouldn't be too exciting to watch, but I'm still curious to see if they've tackled any on camera.
I can't tell if this is more or less accessible than TIS-100.


I'm sure this has been GIFed already, but Jeff taunting me with his nerdy sexy VR headset is too much.


Sorry for the big GIF. Deal with it.


GS sinking as to what it used to be "personality" wise sure, but they'll probably just hire younger people and farm out a lot of their reviews and be around for quite a while.

I don't really see them somehow just disappearing because a bunch of people left.

Maybe the ship is sinking but it's a big ship that will take a while to disappear under the waves.

I know nothing really so this could all be BS it's just how I see it.

Mr. F

I can only name two current GS employees. Crazy.

It's gotta be kind of depressing seeing friends leave one after the other. I can't imagine those left behind don't see the writing on the wall (assuming there is a larger behind-the-scenes reason for the pretty constant departures lately).


good lord, I'm at around the 2:40:00 mark when Jeff is taking a break and he looks like he went through hell. Jeff could usually take everything VR dishes out but PSVR totally messed him up lol
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