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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

Extra Life 2016 wish list:

Hours 1 - 8: Jackbox games
Hours 9 - 16: Cards Against Humanity
Hours 16 - 24: hackmud marathon

I wonder when JBPP3 comes out. Quiplash 2 lets you create the prompts. Imagine a Giant Bomb themed Quiplash Game.

Here's one idea for a prompt: "Brad actually left Giant Bomb. He left to...."


And again he's right. I don't know what it is with some games but people will call then amazing and they are just ok. Good, but not as WOOOOOOOOW as some make them out to be. The launch window just gets to them I guess. I could see Inside in the Top 10 though.

Exactly. DOOM is a perfect example of that


Theres something special about a post thats 50% whining about why people post mundane life updates online ending with "Watching a random quick look, just thought everybody should know"

Oh come on now, those two things are different. This would be like us having a private conversation via PM just and then me posting on here how great it is to exchange PM with you.

Me writing on here that I'm watching a random QL is literally what GB GAF is for.


I don't know what it is with games where some people will call them amazing and other people will call them just good it's like whaaaaaaaaat

I hear you but I think what I'm describing can be seen in any form of media nowadays. Look at Stranger Things which is a good, solid show. It was over hyped to hell but that's just what things are now. They're either amazing or trash. The middle ground seems to be too boring to talk about so it just went away somehow. I think Jeff more often than not finds himself in said middle ground while the rest of the industry says everything is the best thing EVAAAAAAAAAAAAR.

Just to be clear here, all of this doesn't matter that much and people can say and think whatever they want to say or think. This is too dumb to care too much about. Just an observation that's all. 😄


I hear you but I think what I'm describing can be seen in any form of media nowadays. Look at Stranger Things which is a good, solid show. It was over hyped to hell but that's just what things are now. They're either amazing or trash. The middle ground seems to be too boring to talk about so it just went away somehow. I think Jeff more often than not finds himself in said middle ground while the rest of the industry says everything is the best thing EVAAAAAAAAAAAAR.
Everything is both overrated and underrated simultaneously on the internet. It's not that big of a deal.

I discard all video game impressions that criticizes a game based on prerelease hype.


Or we could accept that maybe people just really like certain things. I think calling something over-hyped implies dishonestly in peoples stated opinions and the person saying something is overhyped has arbitrarily decided they know the "truth" about the quality of whatever product.
Giant Bombcast 451: 5.3 Million Scovilles
Verlin Smith returns from his travels in the wild, wild west of virtual reality to talk Oculus Connect and PlayStation VR, the new Mafia, Dragon Quest Builders, way too much about pepper spray, Dan's crappy superpowers, and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Filed Under: Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, Voodoo Vince, Beyond Good & Evil 2, Thumper, Gears of War 4, Dragon Quest Builders, Mafia III, Paper Mario: Color Splash, Thoth, Pepper Spray
It didn't grab me when I tried it but I was also playing Witcher 3 at the time so it was hard to compare. I wanna give it another shot at some point.

Well nothing compares to Witcher! I'll probably pick up Trails on a Steam sale, it looks good. I can't remember the last non-Kingdom Hearts JRPG I played. It actually might be FFX when it originally came out.
Or we could accept that maybe people just really like certain things. I think calling something over-hyped implies dishonestly in peoples stated opinions and the person saying something is overhyped has arbitrarily decided they know the "truth" about the quality of whatever product.

Ya, this is a more eloquent way of putting what I was trying to get at


Or we could accept that maybe people just really like certain things. I think calling something over-hyped implies dishonestly in peoples stated opinions and the person saying something is overhyped has arbitrarily decided they know the "truth" about the quality of whatever product.

Maybe you would imply that, I wouldn't. I don't know the "truth" about the quality of anything and I'm sure that if people looked back at their initial reactions with some time between them they'd see they over hyped a lot of stuff. That's natural, everyone is doing it to some degree and there's nothing wrong about it.

Unless it's called DOOM.


Maybe you would imply that, I wouldn't. I don't know the "truth" about the quality of anything and I'm sure that if people looked back at their initial reactions with some time between them they'd see they over hyped a lot of stuff. That's natural, everyone is doing it to some degree and there's nothing wrong about it.

Unless it's called DOOM.
It's a useless statement used to downplay or outright ignore peoples honest reactions to things. Calling something over-hyped is worthless.

I'm not saying that's how anyone intends it but that's how it comes across.
And again he's right. I don't know what it is with some games but people will call them amazing and they are just ok. Good, but not as WOOOOOOOOW as some make them out to be. The launch window just gets to them I guess. I could see Inside in the Top 10 though.

DOOM is amazing because it has no right to be good. It bucks a lot of the current genre conventions in its single player, while mostly sticking to the 1990s way designing a FPS. If you told me I would enjoy a shooter with labyrinthine levels and highly limited health packs at the start of this year I would have said you're crazy.

DOOM takes those two fairly archaic forms of game design and modernizes them in fairly smart ways where most people fail. The large levels have well designed maps and loop around in such a way that it makes is easy to find the right path. Leves had clear landmarks and signage that the player would pick up on even when moving at high speed killing demons. Part of the reason that stuff works is because image fidelity, assets generation, and memory have gotten much better, but it was smart of id to recognize that was the case.

The health system is incredibly smart because while health packs are scarce that's offset by the execution system. Executions become the primary way to regain health and armor with these two mechanics being the way they are and pickups become a last minute backup. The brilliant thing about the executions is because they are fast, visually varied, and rewarding it leads the player to play hyper aggressively. This suits a fast FPS like DOOM far better than the hide behind unreliable cover and regen you see in everything now and eliminates the scavenging that breaks the action associated with old 90s shooters.

There's a bunch of other stuff that makes DOOM a "WOW, Amazing" game but I think those two things are key. If you like shooters DOOM was a breath of fresh air and considering how same big releases get that's a big deal.


I admit I haven't played Doom but I've watched a few hours of it on Twitch. I don't see what makes it special vs. any other number of shooters other than nostalgia goggles.


I personally think you can judge art on a technical level in terms of how well its made by the standards of when its made. Jeff touched on this in some way in a Bombcast when they talked about the about the old Gamespot review system. He said something along the lines of every AAA release getting at least 8 or higher because you couldn't deny the production value is high. While I do agree with him it should not be the biggest factor in a score or review I do think it should be a big part of it.


IT.... takes awhile to get going, and I mean AWHILE.

It's good, though.

I was really struggling to get through the first 5 hours of that game, thinking "I should just uninstall this and play something else". But the plot started growing and by the end it was one of the best games I played this year.


I want a proper VR Jumping Flash or Vib Ribbon.

I feel like the black void of Vib Ribbon would look incredible in VR.

I like voids.


Unconfirmed Member
I personally think you can judge art on a technical level in terms of how well its made by the standards of when its made. Jeff touched on this in some way in a Bombcast when they talked about the about the old Gamespot review system. He said something along the lines of every AAA release getting at least 8 or higher because you couldn't deny the production value is high. While I do agree with him it should not be the biggest factor in a score or review I do think it should be a big part of it.
That's such a bad idea. It's the definition of a polished turd.


I personally think you can judge art on a technical level in terms of how well its made by the standards of when its made. Jeff touched on this in some way in a Bombcast when they talked about the about the old Gamespot review system. He said something along the lines of every AAA release getting at least 8 or higher because you couldn't deny the production value is high. While I do agree with him it should not be the biggest factor in a score or review I do think it should be a big part of it.

I remember the days when you knew an AAA game would at the very least be well made and reasonably bug free


That's such a bad idea. It's the definition of a polished turd.

Perhaps, I think it was more a fault of most reviewers being in their 20s and early 30s without much understanding of why the sound design of game X is better then of game Y unless they were talking about voice acting.

I'm not saying you can go all tech with your design and call it a day but you can go really far on tech and little heart.
Like Shadow of Mordor.
I admit I haven't played Doom but I've watched a few hours of it on Twitch. I don't see what makes it special vs. any other number of shooters other than nostalgia goggles.

DOOM must be played to be understood. It's an adrenaline rush you just don't get in other games in 2016.

Its only nostalgic in the sense that it takes the best bits of old games that fucking ruled and wraps them in glossy production values and modern upgrade systems.

Almost every gun is fun to use from the rapid fire and L2 blast of the plasma rifle to the gut kicking boom of the super shotgun.

The tension just before you rip out the pulsing ulcer of a gore nest never fails to smack you round the face.

By the time you unlock unlimited micro missles on your assault rifle you are jumping around, going through portals, blasting fools from above, dead eyeing barrels and fucking things up in a way that is frankly as fun as videogames get.

Fucking DOOM.


Oh come on now, those two things are different. This would be like us having a private conversation via PM just and then me posting on here how great it is to exchange PM with you.

Me writing on here that I'm watching a random QL is literally what GB GAF is for

maybe im just living more of a spinster life but telling someone over tea or bridge "oh I hung out with an old friend last week, we havent seen each other in a while and had a good time" is not that weird and if you can understand other giantbomb fans might care you made a stray observation watching a quicklook surely you can make the hop skip jump to realizing that patrick might have friends following him on twitter who might care he had a good time with another friend

like your hangup over this is so alien to me and your example is so bad im half convinced im stumbling into some weird joke
DOOM must be played to be understood. It's an adrenaline rush you just don't get in other games in 2016.

Its only nostalgic in the sense that it takes the best bits of old games that fucking ruled and wraps them in glossy production values and modern upgrade systems.

Almost every gun is fun to use from the rapid fire and L2 blast of the plasma rifle to the gut kicking boom of the super shotgun.

The tension just before you rip out the pulsing ulcer of a gore nest never fails to smack you round the face.

By the time you unlock unlimited micro missles on your assault rifle you are jumping around, going through portals, blasting fools from above, dead eyeing barrels and fucking things up in a way that is frankly as fun as videogames get.

Fucking DOOM.

I'll also add I played through the game with headphones in a dark room which made the whole thing feel much more aggressive. Not in a "horror game" way because in DOOM, YOU ARE THE FUCKING HORROR.

That soundtrack and those sound effects are amazing.
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