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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

I'll also add I played through the game with headphones in a dark room which made the whole thing feel much more aggressive. Not in a "horror game" way because in DOOM, YOU ARE THE FUCKING HORROR.

That soundtrack and those sound effects are amazing.

Vega Core with headphones on is really something to behold. Also one of the best fights in the game.

Lunar FC


Yee dass my fall break. Hope it's early.


I have a personal Syndicate/Horizon situation with RIGS, because when I hear the name I first think of is "Big Rigs" and I then I realize it's a different RIGS and I get disappointed.
Man, I bought that game, but that really puts me off...

Don't listen...well, don't think of them like that. If you go at them thinking you need to get past "the slow parts" to get to the "good parts" you're going to bounce right off. Treat it like a
CRPG: settle in, go with the flow, listen, and know it makes good use of that pace.


How much did google play music pay the bombcast to advertise how good they are with their free YouTube Red with ad free videos on every device and the 50,000 upload your own music feature?

Lunar FC

How much did google play music pay the bombcast to advertise how good they are with their free YouTube Red with ad free videos on every device and the 50,000 upload your own music feature?

I've used Google Play Music since day uno and love it. The uploader is a little garbage but gets the job done.


The Chrome uploader has never worked for me, always have to use the desktop app, and that normally needs a few restarts to get going.


It's a useless statement used to downplay or outright ignore peoples honest reactions to things. Calling something over-hyped is worthless.

I'm not saying that's how anyone intends it but that's how it comes across.

Calling something over hyped is showing how someone's feelings can change from launch week to two months later. Come on now, this isn't something new or weird. It happens. I'm not calling anything worthless.

DOOM is amazing because it has no right to be good. It bucks a lot of the current genre conventions in its single player, while mostly sticking to the 1990s way designing a FPS. If you told me I would enjoy a shooter with labyrinthine levels and highly limited health packs at the start of this year I would have said you're crazy.

DOOM takes those two fairly archaic forms of game design and modernizes them in fairly smart ways where most people fail. The large levels have well designed maps and loop around in such a way that it makes is easy to find the right path. Leves had clear landmarks and signage that the player would pick up on even when moving at high speed killing demons. Part of the reason that stuff works is because image fidelity, assets generation, and memory have gotten much better, but it was smart of id to recognize that was the case.

The health system is incredibly smart because while health packs are scarce that's offset by the execution system. Executions become the primary way to regain health and armor with these two mechanics being the way they are and pickups become a last minute backup. The brilliant thing about the executions is because they are fast, visually varied, and rewarding it leads the player to play hyper aggressively. This suits a fast FPS like DOOM far better than the hide behind unreliable cover and regen you see in everything now and eliminates the scavenging that breaks the action associated with old 90s shooters.

There's a bunch of other stuff that makes DOOM a "WOW, Amazing" game but I think those two things are key. If you like shooters DOOM was a breath of fresh air and considering how same big releases get that's a big deal.

That sounds like a great GOTY Austin note and I think it would convince me to get you my vote. 😄

I hope people here realize that I don't hate DOOM and the things I say about it are mostly jokes. I played the demo, I thought it was ok. I can see why others love it. It's kinda boring we all know already it will be #1 but eh, what'cha gonna do. If all the duders loved it then of course it should be #1.
Picross 3D 2 #2 or I riot though.

maybe im just living more of a spinster life but telling someone over tea or bridge "oh I hung out with an old friend last week, we havent seen each other in a while and had a good time" is not that weird and if you can understand other giantbomb fans might care you made a stray observation watching a quicklook surely you can make the hop skip jump to realizing that patrick might have friends following him on twitter who might care he had a good time with another friend

like your hangup over this is so alien to me and your example is so bad im half convinced im stumbling into some weird joke

My example is literally perfect. I wouldn't call social media "hanging out with someone over tea". And again, since social media is super dumb it doesn't make much sense to categorize in good and bad posts. Just do whatever you want. Nothing wrong about that.

Twitter should just be dog gifs anyway.

Oh man, I totally forgot this was the first year we haven't had an Assassins creed since pretty much GB began... Didn't Vinny play through one of them in Italian? I can't remember if he liked doing that or not...


Oh man, I totally forgot this was the first year we haven't had an Assassins creed since pretty much GB began... Didn't Vinny play through one of them in Italian? I can't remember if he liked doing that or not...

There's the Ezio Collection coming out this year. Could be a fun way to revisit those games. AC2 ER could also be fun.


Suggestion for Dan series when he moves: Licenced games from the PS1/N64 era. Up his alley, lot s of shitty broken games, a different note for Vinny and Alex.


DOOM must be played to be understood. It's an adrenaline rush you just don't get in other games in 2016.

Its only nostalgic in the sense that it takes the best bits of old games that fucking ruled and wraps them in glossy production values and modern upgrade systems.

Almost every gun is fun to use from the rapid fire and L2 blast of the plasma rifle to the gut kicking boom of the super shotgun.

The tension just before you rip out the pulsing ulcer of a gore nest never fails to smack you round the face.

By the time you unlock unlimited micro missles on your assault rifle you are jumping around, going through portals, blasting fools from above, dead eyeing barrels and fucking things up in a way that is frankly as fun as videogames get.

Fucking DOOM.

Even though I agree with most of this, I feel that by the end I still was kind of getting tired of the combat loop. Outside of that one-life mode (which doesn't really fit the game design) it's pretty easy to survive as long as you just keep running circles around the arenas and just execute something whenever your life does gets low.

Granted, I did beat it twice but after that I felt I was basically done with it forever.

It's a really good game but about on par with the Wolfenstein reboot for me.

TL:DR: not as good as Hitman. :p
Have they even said they're doing a long studio stream this year for Extra Life? I'd love to have one, last year's was a bit of a disappointment.

edit: And to add to the DOOM discussion, it's the first FPS campaign I've finished since.. heck, I don't even remember what's the last one before it. Bioshock Infinite? I'm using a strict definition of FPS, so games like Deus Ex and Dishonored aren't FPS because, well, I don't shoot in them.
Kind of disappointed that there isn't more developer commentary tracks in DN3D:WT. Finished episode 1 and only the first level had tons of them, the rest had nothing which leads me to believe that maybe they jam packed most of the commentary tracks on the first level of every episode. Disappointing, but the commentary stuff is fantastic so far.

Anybody heresies watching Weastworld?

Not me. Waiting for it to finish completely before jumping in as I hate waiting. It's also why I didn't see Better Call Saul, TWD, GOT & Stranger Things yet lol. To be honest I'm never that big on TV either way, film in general whether it's animation or movie is another matter though.

I will say this however, that I am glad the show is making people check out the film because it's reaaaallly FUCKING GOOD.


Even though I agree with most of this, I feel that by the end I still was kind of getting tired of the combat loop. Outside of that one-life mode (which doesn't really fit the game design) it's pretty easy to survive as long as you just keep running circles around the arenas and just execute something whenever your life does gets low.

Granted, I did beat it twice but after that I felt I was basically done with it forever.

It's a really good game but about on par with the Wolfenstein reboot for me.

TL:DR: not as good as Hitman. :p

This is almost exactly my feelings on DOOM.
I finished it twice, did everything and think it's a good game.
But I never want to touch it ever again.
The combat loop got incredibly tiring and predictable about half way in and they only changed it up by adding more of the bigger enemies to the waves which aren't that fun to fight?


Yup! It predates The Terminator even.

I advise you to jump in without watching any trailers.
There's also a sequel called Futureworld but it's no where near as good as the first film so it's best to just not watch it as the first one already is a self contained film.

Will it spoil the plot of the TV series?
Will it spoil the plot of the TV series?

I'm not sure as I feel the series may be diving way deeper into the world and offer alot more depth since it's a TV show, it could spoil a specific part of it? I don't know as I'm not intending to watch it until it finishes entirely(I'm hoping they don't make more seasons but they could easily do that)
Have they even said they're doing a long studio stream this year for Extra Life? I'd love to have one, last year's was a bit of a disappointment.
If past years are any indication, they don't usually put together their extra life plans until the week beforehand.
Extra Life should be Dave Snider sitting down and playing Random PC Games for 24 hours.

Random PC Game: Blade Runner Part 3
When is ExtraLife?

I hope Ian shows up.
The Giant Bomb community Extra Life weekend is November 5, I believe the crew usually does their streams that same weekend as well? It'd be cool to see Ian and Alexis pop up.
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