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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Like could you imagine getting into Team Fortress 2 NOW if you hadn't at launch?

Eh, ir's probably mostly the same except they're wearing wackier hats now.

IMO for most players it's a pretty casual shooter, i.e they aren't really that interested in getting better they just want to run around and get some kills. For anything with a big playerbase I find that the average player never really gets all that good.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Eh, ir's probably mostly the same except they're wearing wackier hats now.

IMO for most players it's a pretty casual shooter, i.e they aren't really that interested in getting better they just want to run around and get some kills. For anything with a big playerbase I find that the average player never really gets all that good.

Hats have nothing to do with it. There's SO many weapons.


It would be pretty funny if their GOTY stuff had a bit where Brad is seen in everyone's videos just sleeping on the background while the rest of the crew works.

Like Brad's Bad at Games part II
long story short, they're a video-driven website

Yup. We don't need a review to get an idea how they feel about a game. In fact, seeing them play the games and discuss them are more engaging than a written review, as we get to their raw reactions. Personally, I wouldn't be against review discussions replacing reviews. It's the way Kinda Funny reviews things and is great because you get multiple viewpoints and there is no "final score" that everyone focuses on. I'm not sure if the guys have time to add that to their schedule, but it'd be neat.

gametrailers was video driven and still did reviews

Easy Allies (essentially GameTrailers 2.0) continues that.
You could say he's Brad to the bone.

How is it possible to live in the bible belt and not have eaten a baked potato it's literally a southern tradition. HOW. SOMEONE EXPLAIN DAN! His GB page says he hadn't had ketchup, mayo, or salad dressing until he was 25. HOW. SOMEONE EXPLAIN.

You should watch the demo derbies

All of them

After Jeff joins(Episode 3 I think?) it really becomes some of the best content they have

I can't find demo derby on the site without searching? I'm trying to watch them in order and search makes them uncategorized.
Also there's that time that Rorie superkicked AJ Styles. Probably his best moment, imo.

Nope, it's this moment!

Man....MAN. This year is amazing.

Sweet, time for a listen.

Rhythm Heaven is real good you guys

YES. I bought a 3DS XL for this and was not disappointed. It's also filled with content.

Never eating a baked potato until now is the Dan thing that finally got me

I really don't like baked potatoes much. I find the chalkiness of the baked inside overwhelming in that quantity. I can eat about half of one if I scoop out some of the middle before I add toppings. Prefer every other preparation of potato.


the holder of the trombone
I really don't like baked potatoes much. I find the chalkiness of the baked inside overwhelming in that quantity. I can eat about half of one if I scoop out some of the middle before I add toppings. Prefer every other preparation of potato.

That's why you have baked baby potatoes.
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