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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Drunky McMurder
I woke up to find a Shenmue Endurance run not only exists but is already old news. Those damned late night Saturdays screwing up this nice drought thing we had going on.


Unconfirmed Member
Dan is heading to the airport.


God I hope this doesn't suck like the last several pax wrestling shows.

The last one was just so shoehorned. I get its hard to keep up storylines though with so many variables and moving parts. I still like seeing everyone have fun and the high moments are usually pretty good.

I have complicated feelings when it comes to GB/PAX Wrestling. I like that they all love wrestling but outside of Jeff and Alex they all come off as, uh i don't know, a certain type of fan that i usually roll my eyes at. Maybe I'm just too far down the wrestling hole and that's more of a negative on my part for sure. I'm disgusting.

But, on the other hand, I know gaming is their main thing and they aren't focused on wrestling 24/7 so I find the powerbombcast interesting from the angle of seeing how they and maybe most people feel about it from where they are in their life, if that makes sense?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
i watched the first few episodes of attack on titan and that dumb blonde kid was always crying and the main character is always screaming

and i watch this and i see that the dumb blonde kid is STILL always crying and the main character is always screaming
The one w/ almost no video game wrestling was fantastic. That's usually the actual worst part of the show.

And I like how they have a core "cast" and they're cycling in new people. Inevitable as people start getting new jobs (say in publishing) or are self-financed getting to Seattle.

Also it's usually fun and short and dumb. Is there a thread going up this year?


Chili Con Carnage!
Man there are some great moments in Shenmue, can't wait till they get past the really boring first couple of hours. All the training and stuff you can do makes it kinda perfect for endurance run.


You're a smart mark! Or as others like to say a smark!

I know all of the "carnie" lingo. you might say I'm one of the boys but that's simply not true. I'm just a measly old fan that's really cool. Like my old CM Punk shirt? It's vintage. Nikki Bella can't wrestle btw


Still without luck
I'm not sure what to make of this new Cuphead footage


Game has been around for so long that I'm not sure the art design is really wowing me anymore and the gameplay looks kinda weak.

The overworld/shop/item stuff doesn't look particularly inspiring either.

At least the music is still awesome.

Hope they didn't compromise their game because of jurnoz on podcasts bitching about how "oh well it's just a boss russ blahhhhhhh it needs more stuff"



I'm not sure what to make of this new Cuphead footage


Game has been around for so long that I'm not sure the art design is really wowing me anymore and the gameplay looks kinda weak.

The overworld/shop/item stuff doesn't look particularly inspiring either.

At least the music is still awesome.

it really looks like the definition of style over substance, BUT MAN DOES IT HAVE STYYYYYYYLE


Hope they didn't compromise their game because of jurnoz on podcasts bitching about how "oh well it's just a boss russ blahhhhhhh it needs more stuff"


That's exactly what they did, and it's killed almost all of the excitement I had for the game.


To be fair the bosses they showed before looked pretty simple to play so it's possible they just don't know how to make a good side scroller


That's exactly what they did, and it's killed almost all of the excitement I had for the game.

Why though? The bosses looked as sterile as the platforming. People got blown away by the animaiton, not actually playing the game.

At least I'm somewhat excited for it now when I wasn't before.
I've enjoyed all of the PAX wrestling events. There's room for improvement, sure, but it's dumb, harmless fun.

Someone make a PAX Rumble thread!


Why though? The bosses looked as sterile as the platforming.

At least I'm somewhat excited for it now when I wasn't before.

I disagree. They might have been simple from a gameplay standpoint, but they at least had a bunch going on visually to make up for that. These platforming sections just seem monotonous and shoe-horned in because of bad criticism.


I disagree. They might have been simple from a gameplay standpoint, but they at least had a bunch going on visually to make up for that. These platforming sections just seem monotonous and shoe-horned in because of bad criticism.

The criticism from people who played the game? Who weren't just lamenting it from being a boss rush, but thought that they had their fill from the demo? How is it bad criticism if the game wasn't great to play?

The bosses were already monotonous. The stuff going on visiually still exists on YouTube since if it wasn't fun to play, that's the place to enjoy it regardless. Feel like this is going to be scapegoat for people "But the criticism ruined it!" when most accounts were that it wasn't going to be very fun in the first place. People jsut got bought in due to some awesome animations.


The criticism from people who played the game? Who weren't just lamenting it from being a boss rush, but thought that they had their fill from the demo? How is it bad criticism if the game wasn't great to play?

The bosses were already monotonous. The stuff going on visiually still exists on YouTube since if it wasn't fun to play, that's the place to enjoy it regardless.

No, I mean the criticism of people just lamenting it being a boss rush mode. The other criticism is totally fair, and I should be clear that my excitement level was never super high to begin with.

But if people think the bosses are poor, then the way to make the game better isn't to jam a bunch of other shit in there.


No, I mean the criticism of people just lamenting it being a boss rush mode. The other criticism is totally fair, and I should be clear that my excitement level was never super high to begin with.

But if people think the bosses are poor, then the way to make the game better isn't to jam a bunch of other shit in there.

Ah fair enough. I mean, I'm the other way. A boss rush mode would have to be totally spectacular for me to give a damn about it, while mediocre bosses combined with "better than Mighty No. 9" platforming would have gotten me there.

My only problem now is that the platforming does look worse than MN9. Hopefully it's just an early level thing.
Pax wrasslin went downhill once they turned it into a work.

Its true. When only like a small percentage of your participants have any sort of comedy or improv chops, trying to script goofy storyline with all these other people is just awkward and cringy. Just play the game and let the stories evolve out of it naturally. If that means Alex wins like 3 of these in a row, that's fine. If that means some writer from a website no one reads wins it, that's fine too.


Holy shit does Shenmue not have the option for Japanese audio?

Because that might be one of the worst dubs I have ever seen.
Holy shit does Shenmue not have the option for Japanese audio?

Because that might be one of the worst dubs I have ever seen.

it does not and holy shit is it ever

but hearing some dude that sounds like clint eastwood say "aokigahara" does give me some kind of sick satisfaction


best junior ever
Holy shit does Shenmue not have the option for Japanese audio?

Because that might be one of the worst dubs I have ever seen.

The story is that Yu Suzuki insisted on directing the English VO - Yu Suzuki does not speak a word of English and also picked people based on how much they looked like the characters in the game.


it does not and holy shit is it ever

but hearing some dude that sounds like clint eastwood say "aokigahara" does give me some kind of sick satisfaction

Well then I hope when Sega finally gets off their fat arse and does a remastered collection of 1 and 2 they give us the option for Japanese audio.

Because my god i don't even know how you record audio that bad.


wouldn't be an indie wrestling show if it started on time

you know what, I don't think anything ever starts on time

except taxes, hahah
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