Yes man Jeff is my new favourite
I have never once heard them get angry over stupid stuff like this before.If WWE did this, the guys on the Powerbombcast would be beyond mad.
Stay classy Pax wrestling.
I have never once heard them get angry over stupid stuff like this before.
Forcing yourself on a women is a bit different then a dumb gag but hey if you don't like it you don't like it.They got mad at Ric Flair kissing Becky Lynch and Brock Lesnar taking steroids
But disabled gimmicks are cool
Forcing yourself on a women is a bit different then a dumb gag but hey if you don't like it you don't like it.
Everyone is entitled to how they feel i personally didn't get offended by it but i can see you did so we will just agree to disagree.
it does not and holy shit is it ever
but hearing some dude that sounds like clint eastwood say english sentences does give me some kind of sick satisfaction
Our boy Fobwashed I'm so proud of ya
I am crazy.
And to be honest, the backgrounds in SF5 basically look as good as the ones in this game.Wrestling games are more fun to watch and easier to play.
Wrestling games are more fun to watch and easier to play.
Is it just me or is the Shenmue endurance run video washed out? Compared to to this video for example, never played it myself
I know this muct have been asked already, but what are the terms of the upcoming Premium sale? I'm on a monthly automatic-renewal sub right now, which will renew on the 6th. Am I best off cancelling it, and then renewing when the sale starts?
Also, being in the UK won't cause any fuckery right?
I think you could keep doing your monthly and then when the sale comes up get a year sub and It will tack on to the end of that month sub.
If that makes any sense.
I know this muct have been asked already, but what are the likely terms of the upcoming Premium sale? I'm on a monthly automatic-renewal sub right now, which will renew on the 6th. Am I best off cancelling it, and then renewing when the sale starts?
Also, being in the UK won't cause any fuckery right?
I'm not sure what to make of this new Cuphead footage
Game has been around for so long that I'm not sure the art design is really wowing me anymore and the gameplay looks kinda weak.
The overworld/shop/item stuff doesn't look particularly inspiring either.
At least the music is still awesome.
Shenmue was amazing for the time. There was nothing like it. Now it's super dated. One thing that hasn't changed is how bad the English dub was. Even when I played it back when it first came out, I hated the dub.
THAT dub?? Maybe one of the standout reasons why I'm excited for this ER after watching episode 1 (never seen or played Shenmue before). Weird transatlantic accents coming out of old Japanese women is amazing.
THAT dub?? Maybe one of the standout reasons why I'm excited for this ER after watching episode 1 (never seen or played Shenmue before). Weird transatlantic accents coming out of old Japanese women is amazing.
Maaaaaaaaaaaan, such a shame Brad "More than Words" Shoemaker didn't get his hands on that.guess what, Hitman is pretty damn good
That endurance run announcement thread is full of dicks.
Gonna be that guy and ask how Paxamania was, I was out and about while it was going on.
Didn't Shenmue have mandatory VMU stuff or am I misremembering?