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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


I hope this system wars bullshit dies down on GAF. It can be bad usually but this week is another level.

People real defensive of their pre-orders.

It's going to be off the charts for a while. Mario on iPhones. Sony doing Sony. Microsoft doing Microsoft. NX still to be unveiled. Cats and dogs living together. Mass hysteria.
So, for fellow fans of great GB moments, I wanted to recommend the 'Car Boys' videos by Griffin McElroy and Nick Robinson at Polygon. In the 6 short episodes I've watched so far, there have been 2 moments I'd put up near the helicopter moment from the Ravaged quick look.

Anyway, time to see what Shenmue is all about.


So, for fellow fans of great GB moments, I wanted to recommend the 'Car Boys' videos by Griffin McElroy and Nick Robinson at Polygon. In the 6 short episodes I've watched so far, there have been 2 moments I'd put up near the helicopter moment from the Ravaged quick look.

Anyway, time to see what Shenmue is all about.

Everything Griffin touches turns to gold


Played a mission in MGS V in which I had to eliminate three generals. I ran in, killed them and ran away in 10 minutes and even got an S ranking lol. The mission before took me like 90 minutes.


If that McElroy stuff is supposed to be the funny bit I don't ever want to see the bad bits

it's all of it


Played a mission in MGS V in which I had to eliminate three generals. I ran in, killed them and ran away in 10 minutes and even got an S ranking lol. The mission before took me like 90 minutes.

I started doing the Sarajevo Six missions in Hitman. The second target is in Sapienza. The intro movie is about 30 seconds long and depicts 47 methodically stalking him across the entire map in a variety of disguises before closing in for the kill.

The reality was that I chose to start off in the lab, undercover as a tech. The dude was right outside the room where I spawned. I threw a screwdriver into his neck then hopped into the plane. Took less time than the intro.


Neo Member
Its actually going to be pretty interesting to hear the Beast Crews and the East Crew talk about the PS4 Pro on the next 2 podcasts and compare opinions from the people who where actually there seeing it live versus those who where not.

I really need them to do a "for dummies" breakdown of the whole thing. Like, how much is it REALLY going to matter whether I upgrade or not.


Its actually going to be pretty interesting to hear the Beast Crews and the East Crew talk about the PS4 Pro on the next 2 podcasts and compare opinions from the people who where actually there seeing it live versus those who where not.

I kind of wish I could buy a cheap HDR PC monitor I could plug a PS4 into. I need a new PC monitor and there is no way in hell I am going 4k.

I'm sure West has basic knowledge of video or how internet streaming works so they'll know what they saw wasn't a good representation of what 4K and HDR are supposed to be.


Dan's Lyme disease story unfolded like one of the threads on here when we find out the thread-starter was completely responsible for whatever problem they were complaining about.


I really need them to do a "for dummies" breakdown of the whole thing. Like, how much is it REALLY going to matter whether I upgrade or not.

Here's the only real answer - we don't know yet.

It all depends on whether or not the devs who make the games you like to play create the performance profiles needed. If RotTR becomes the norm, then yes, it's worth it if you game on the PS4 a lot no matter what TV you have. If that ends up as the exception? Probably not.

I have a feeling it'll end up like one of those emulator compatibility list pages, where you check the game you want to play against the setup you have.
PS4-PC medium graphics?
PS4 Pro- PC high graphics?

Don't you have to account for more than that now, though?

PS4 Pro 1080p - PC High (variable frame rate)
PS4 Pro 1080p - PC High (Locked 30)
PS4 Pro 4K - PC High (???)

Or is it 4K that has the frame rate preferences? Or was any of this actually confirmed?


Its actually going to be pretty interesting to hear the Beast Crews and the East Crew talk about the PS4 Pro on the next 2 podcasts and compare opinions from the people who where actually there seeing it live versus those who where not.

I think the East guys will be more positive about Pro than the West. I think they will come to the same conclusion that you probably would need a 4k HDR TV to get the full experience of Pro.
Quick question. How many here have 4K TVs or can say 4K sets are common enough these days? Been feeling like a luddite this past day for having a 1080p TV and no plans to upgrade anytime soon.


I remember in behind the screened door, when Ryan stated they don't do episode numbering or titles, because they have new people listening all the time, and numbering may make it seem they've missed something .

Don't know why they've changed it now.
Jeff hates the new games listeners.
Quick question. How many here have 4K TVs or can say 4K sets are common enough these days? Been feeling like a luddite this past day for having a 1080p TV and no plans to upgrade anytime soon.

I only know one person with a 4K TV. I'm still gaming on a 28 inch 1080p monitor with absolutely no need to upgrade.
I really need them to do a "for dummies" breakdown of the whole thing. Like, how much is it REALLY going to matter whether I upgrade or not.

Here is the ideas going forward with the PlayStation pro:

With the pro, you will be able to achieve a pseudo or native 4K(depending on the game and how strenuous it is on the GPU and CPU, and even then it will mostly be certain indie games, mmo's and some remasters the will be native) game with HDR(better imaging) at 30 FPS (There might be a rare game here or there that could go higher, but don't expect many). Graphical settings will probably be a mix of medium/high settings because even with the pseudo 4K technique, trying to get a game to run a stable 30 FPS with a 4x resolution bump is extensive and will strain the GPU, and the CPU is still slightly weak even with the spec bump so it will also have some strain with keeping things together. To achieve this you will need a 4K/HDR compatible TV.

If you have and want to keep a 1080P television, you will get a benefit of improved graphical settings or improved framerate since the GPU and CPU are no longer trying to project a 4K image and can utilize their resources elsewhere. This is the part that will be up to developers. If they want to make things prettier on a 1080P TV, they will bump settings up to high/ultra/max and try to lock games to 30FPS. If they want a smoother framerate, they will double the framerate and change some settings here and there until it reaches 60 fps most of the time. Some developers might do a mixture of both, it all really depends on how they feel about their games on the system.

Horizon on playstation pro:
If you have a 4K television: 4K(pseudo)(medium/high/ultra),HDR,30fps(mostly locked)
If you have a 1080P television: Improved visuals(high/ultra), 30 fps(mostly locked)
Horizon on playstation 4:
If you have a 4K television: 1080p(medium/a few high settings), HDR, 30fps(varies)
If you have a 1080P television: 1080p(medium/a few high settings), 30 fps(varies)

If you have a regular or slim PS4, you will still get all the games that are coming out in the future but will just continue to be medium/high settings at 30 or 60 FPS with variable resolutions (900p, 1080p) and HDR if your tv has it. Since the PS4 and PS4 pro are the same ecosystem there will not be any changes to the system infrastructure, store or media and you can still use all devices between them (controller, camera, PSVR).

So it all really boils down to if you feel you want your same games to look and run better,
or you are fine with how everything is turning out and you want to keep/get the original PS4. If you want to future proof in the hope that you will want better graphics later or will get a 4K television, might as well get the PRO since it is only $100 more. If you really only use your PS4 for the occasional few games and you have never been bothered by the graphics and framerate of the games coming out, just keep the original PS4 and wait for the PS5.
It hasn't been 24 hours since it was announced..
I know but I can tell it's going to be one of those things where people who don't understand technology keep saying IT'S 4K!!!!

Just like when 360 and PS3 came out loads of people didn't understand what 720p was and kept calling it Full HD.

Upscaled 4K in a box that weak with a good pricetag is extremely impressive so hopefully people will learn and accept it for what it is sooner than later. Sony has done well with it.

Scorpio won't be native either after all.


But people don't seem to understand the difference here. They expect native 4K for $400 which is INSANE.

Just wait until Scorpio doesn't do native 4K, either. At least not for big AAA spectacles.

It takes 2 1080s to get fast/smooth performance out of games like The Witcher 3 @ 4K.
I think before someone talks about 4.2/6tf they need to prove they unserstand what it means so it keeps their expectations in check.

MS and Sony have been a bit misleading though to be fair.
Years ago I recall reading that 4K is a wishy-washy standard that didn't have a set standard of #x# pixels. Or was that 2K? Or UHD? I never read up on this. 4K confuses me. Never understand when PC games treat 4K support as a big deal, as if it's not running games at a higher resolution.
I think before someone talks about 4.2/6tf they need to prove they unserstand what it means so it keeps their expectations in check.

MS and Sony have been a bit misleading though to be fair.

Yeah but if you were a marketing team, would you say "It outputs 4K games!" or would you say "It outputs 4K games...sort of, its not really a true 4K its a kind of reconstruction method that imitates a native 4K experience, but its close enough for us!!"
I think before someone talks about 4.2/6tf they need to prove they unserstand what it means so it keeps their expectations in check.

That's kinda the thing, isn't it? People don't like to see like they don't know things, so they sorta get basic information and regurgitate it different ways to keep up the illusion. Hell, just look at any NX thread around here if you need proof.

Personally, I pretty much know what I'm getting when it comes to the PS4 Pro and I'm OK with that. In fact, I'm GOOD with that.


Years ago I recall reading that 4K is a wishy-washy standard that didn't have a set standard of #x# pixels. Or was that 2K? Or UHD? I never read up on this. 4K confuses me. Never understand when PC games treat 4K support as a big deal, as if it's not running games at a higher resolution.
it's 4K with the wishy-washy (UHD is 3840px wide, other formats like for cinema use 4096). but the pixel difference isn't that much.
Yeah but if you were a marketing team, would you say "It outputs 4K games!" or would you say "It outputs 4K games...sort of, its not really a true 4K its a kind of reconstruction method that imitates a native 4K experience, but its close enough for us!!"
I understand the marketing reasons absolutely and I wouldn't expect my friends to get that it's not native 4K at all.

But if you're the type of person to go on NeoGAF I would expect you to be able to question it and listen to people who know about PC hardware to bring them back to reality.


Years ago I recall reading that 4K is a wishy-washy standard that didn't have a set standard of #x# pixels. Or was that 2K? Or UHD? I never read up on this. 4K confuses me. Never understand when PC games treat 4K support as a big deal, as if it's not running games at a higher resolution.

4K is 3840 x 2160 when it comes to consumer displays but I don't think there is an official "4K" standard.

There's always been some ambiguity and conflict between official standards and marketing jargon. The standard for "high definition" was defined in the the world of broadcast television as "1080i" or "720p." 1080p was never part of it. But the technology evolved so quickly during the transition from SD to HD that manufacturers started putting out 1080p displays because they could make them just as easily and sell them as being "true" HD or whatever they called it even though it was never part of the standard.
I think the PS4 Pro is a bit dumb and have no intention of buying a 4k HDR TV.

BUT I might sell my launch PS4 to my brother for $200 bucks so he can play FFXV and get a Pro.
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