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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


I respect the furries Jeff is one too




Man, Shenmue just looks so fucking lame. Walking around listening to horrible voice acting in service of a generic story. What's the appeal? The QTE's?

I always saw it as a take on the point and click adventure genre. If you play it with that mindset it's actually really good, with a huge very detailed realistic world to explore every knook and crany of.
I always wanted a game where I could open and check out stuff in basically every cupboard, closet and drawer and pick up all sorts of stuff everywhere.

But if you play it like a modern open world game or a more actiony adventure game you'd probably be disappointed.
And I'm no huge Shenmue fan either, I haven't even played much of Shenmue 2. I just really enjoyed the first game when I played it.


Man, Shenmue just looks so fucking lame. Walking around listening to horrible voice acting in service of a generic story. What's the appeal? The QTE's?

Shenmue was a unique experience at the time. It doesn't hold up well, but I genuinely still love it.

It was a wonderfully atmospheric game that brought an unprecendented level of detail and ambition into console gaming, while trying to lay the groundworks for a grand narrative.

It was a breath of fresh air, an exploration of the boundaries of mundane life with the promise of an adventure around the corner (which the sequel kinda brought).

While lots of aspects don't translate well to today's standards, and some are downright bad - like the voice acting, which, at the time, felt more comical than anything - the world immersion was fantastic and allowed players to get a glimpse at the day-to-day life of a different culture.

The game isn't action packed, but the moments between investigations are supposed to be treated as opportunities to immerse yourself in that world, whether it's checking out stuff on shelves (and buying them), trying to collect capsules, playing at the arcade or the bars or the Sega Saturn in your house, or training your moves for the later fights.

The fact that the action sequences weren't very common made their occurence more exciting. The cinematic QTEs were a novelty (if you don't count stuff like Dragon's Lair from years before) and the combat was actually quite deep - it was basically a multi-directional Virtua Fighter.

It was revolutionary at the time and a beautiful, flawed experience for many, but also boring and janky for many others who tried it and didn't get into it - which is fine. Not every game is for everyone. Unfortunately, the overly ambitious project meant that Sega needed it to be literally a game for everyone to buy - which as we all know didn't happen, despite decent sales - and the series stopped in time. The sequel improved quite a bit, so they seemed to be learning some lessons along the way.

Now, if someone's contact with it is from a video of someone else experiencing it almost 20 years later, especially being a comedy-focused playthrough trying to mainline it as fast as possible, then they''re not gonna get anything like that out of it.

I am really enjoying their playthrough, though. It's given us plenty of GB comedy gold moments already.
Man, Shenmue just looks so fucking lame. Walking around listening to horrible voice acting in service of a generic story. What's the appeal? The QTE's?

Back when it came out, the idea of this world where people has schedules and you could look at/interact with all these shops and stuff was pretty unique. Like, it was all a world-building thing.


I'm so glad this ER is my first interaction with anything Shemnue.

I watched a group LP 5-6 years back. It was basically this but with a couple nothing scenes added in because the person playing remembered about having to feed the cat. Hopefully their controller's memory pack or whatever it is doesn't explode because I'm pretty sure there's not going to be any do overs here if the save gets torched.
danny what stretch goal do we have to reach on your patreon so that you can play the old games

real talk though: I played a shitload of Columns earlier today and it made me think of Danny because of him talking about how he played a lot of it as a youth during a Puyo Puyo Tetris segment or something

Columns is the Korn of puzzle games


So question for the people who have played through Shenmue, is what we have seen in the endurance run representative of the whole game or does it branch out from that?
In terms of gameplay or story?

Here's what's coming up on Disk 2:

Gameplay is largely the same mix of investigation/battling/QTEs, but there's a mercifully short stealth section, a story reason to investigate Ryo's house more, and you open up a new area so you aren't just putzing around Dobuita all day.

Story picks up from the end of Disk 1, which finally starts following up on the threads from the opening, introducing new characters, etc. Dependant on GBEast's performance they can hop from story beat to story beat pretty quickly in Disk 2.
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