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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Remember Motor Racer? It's back.... ....in pog form.

But seriously, looking at that new game, it's missing that "charm" of the demo version. The graphics of the demo were obviously awful by today's standards, but I kinda dug the look of it. Even the guys seemed to be impressed by how parts of it seemingly held up (especially the frame rate). I'd actually be really interested if they remade the original game with that look, but tightened up the controls (which looked very finicky).

The controls are actually not as bad as they seem in the video.

Just jumping into a motorbike game is always a little finicky, because that's kind of the nature of motorbikes I guess. Other than that it really doesn't control worse than other arcade-ish racers of the day. Dan was just kinda using that boost-thing in places where that really wasn't advisable, like before turns or that funnel section.


How did Brad become a crusty old man so quickly? If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was the oldest of the group. I guess this is what happens when you fully reject anime.


Be nice to Brad


Too easy. Should have threatened to avatar quote, that is what is done today
Obviously Rorie is the only one who speaks for all dogs so, that could be done. Unless Jeff has a sinister plan...


I have been looking for one of these things for years. I saw one in France many years ago and it seemed like the schlockiest most amazing crap ever in retrospect. When the GB segment came I knew I had to find one.

No hope yet :(


Hey guys, Just subbed for a year. So anyone have any highlights they would suggest? Just marathoned through the mario party party series.


Just ran my first half marathon! Now it's time to eat Taco Bell, watch the content I've missed this week, and try and pretend I can still feel my legs.


If I was gonna listen to either The Adventure Zone or Friends at the Table which one is the one you'd recommend?

I haven't gotten into FatT, but I keep meaning to. Adventure Zone is fucking incredible, though. Funny, surprising, and dramatic. The latest episode made me openly tear up at one point.


I thought BlazBlue was a fighting game and not some sort of face-sitting simulator.
It could be whatever you want it to be

theyve made mangas on blazblue fighter, this one specifically was written and drawn by a doujin guy and idk if he made this character to the right but she's appearing in the new game, also she used to be a guy who turned into a girl cuz magic


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I never understood what FatT is, is some D&D podcast? From the snippets Austin randomly posts on Twitter that's my assumption so far.

Mr. F

If I was gonna listen to either The Adventure Zone or Friends at the Table which one is the one you'd recommend?

I've tried a few times to get into Friends at the Table but I found the heavy emphasis on world building, faction politics, and scene setting in long spiels to be a bit hard to follow. Also, nitpicky but the audio/mic quality for the different players varies and it bugs me.

Adventure Zone I feel does a good job of working within the episodic podcast format, they gloss over a lot of the technicalities and rule consulting in the interest of making a narratively interesting tighter-paced show and I think it really works. I also enjoy the personalities better.

They do present those differences upfront though, Friends is an 'actual play' show whereas Adventure Zone is more edited. So if you try one and end up not getting into it, the other might be worth a look!


If I was gonna listen to either The Adventure Zone or Friends at the Table which one is the one you'd recommend?
They're both good. I bounced off Friends at the Table the first time, but when I went and started with the second season (Counterweight) I fell in hard on it and marathoned a ton of it. Id suggest starting with the second season like I did. Adventure Zone is funnier but I really enjoy the characterization and world building they do on FatT. And I'm a huge fan of indie RPGs so that also makes FatT appeal to me.


The Adventure Zone is fucking great. I needed a new podcast, so thanks for the reminder to get into FatT.

TAZ most recent arc spoilers:
I called the time loop thing before it got revealed. Griffin was relating the time too often for it to not be the case. Also, the most recent episode was great and, in parts, kind of heavy.


Peak saturation has been achieved. Now this thread can be what it was meant to, an anime shipping hub.

ShinjixAsuka vs ShinjixKaworu discuss.

i is drunk

Mr. F

The Adventure Zone is fucking great. I needed a new podcast, so thanks for the reminder to get into FatT.

TAZ most recent arc spoilers:
I called the time loop thing before it got revealed. Griffin was relating the time too often for it to not be the case. Also, the most recent episode was great and, in parts, kind of heavy.

No joke, I envy/admire the community that both TaZ and FatT have fostered, the positivity and kickass art have been amazing to witness. Can't begin to imagine how rewarding it must feel to see other people interpret these settings/locations/people from your brain.

Speaking of - I hope the panel Austin and Griffin pitched for SXSW went through, would be great to hear them together.
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