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Giant Bomb #25 | A Fun Time with Friends

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Still without luck
Fuck, I forgot I ordered FFXV on amazon like 9 months ago and it just shipped.

I don't want this stupid gameeeeee. -______-
What if they made Catbus a Pokémon?


What if they made Catbus a Digimon?

It would fit alongside other Digimon such as

Since I watched Jeff's stream I wanted to set up Retroarch, why didn't anyone tell me that it takes forever? Jesus Christ. But that's what sick days are for I guess.

btw. Anyone here still playing Overwatch for PS4? Have bought it recently and playing against randoms gets old fairly quick.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Finally playing DOOM

Its really fucking good, I can't believe there hasn't been a proper shooter like this in years. Playing through it I'm realizing how much of the game's design, at least in the early levels, depends on the complete or near complete lack of hitscan weapons among the enemies which is what allows for it to become that intricate ballet of brutality. Do later levels arm up the demons with proper guns?

I'm still on the HITMAN train though


Since I watched Jeff's stream I wanted to set up Retroarch, why didn't anyone tell me that it takes forever? Jesus Christ. But that's what sick days are for I guess.

btw. Anyone here still playing Overwatch for PS4? Have bought it recently and playing against randoms gets old fairly quick.



I feel like actually buying Hitman has had the unfortunate side effect of turning Brad and Dan's adventures from 'haha look at these idiots' to 'oh my god just give me the fucking controller'

I'd imagine it will get better once I get to the later QLs but I'm only watching them as I master each map.


I am pretty excited for FFXV.

The combat looks fun. And as I said earlier, anime road trip game just sells itself to me.

*I have only ever beaten FFX and FFXII, and played maybe 2 hours of VII so i'm not exactly a series diehard
I'd be excited for FFXV if I didn't think the characters looked like assholes and the voice acting wasn't so 100% anime. Like totally exaggerated performances and everyone is doing a voice, no one is just talking.
it's either intentional or continuous incompetency

either way nintendo bad

nintendo bad, nckillthegrimace

It's obviously incompetence at gauging demand, specifically who is going to use a product and how. They'd rather have money than headlines, and they'd be charging a lot more than $60 if they were counting on artifical scarcity to push up demand. So I discount that this is intentional. Also, it's way more likely that someone is being stupid than malicious.

Nintendo, NoA in particular, is both terrible at estimating demand and conservative to the point of absurdity. If you put those together with a new product category for the company ie, amiibo and NES Classic, it's not going to go well. Like, what's the case study for a new plug and play system? The Atari Flashback? Demand for that was no where near the NES Classic. It doesn't help that Nintendo's marketing divison, like most marketing divisions, has this terrible need to put customers in boxes. With amiibo it was "oh, people will only buy one or two of their favorite characters, so we don't need to make a lot of these niche characters." Oops, no, collectors are buying these and they want all of them. So they overreact and ship way too many Animal Crossing amiibo, and, a year later, they continue to rot on store shelves.

I bet that their marketing looked at other plug and play systems, saw those sold mainly to people who don't play games, and boxed in the target market for the NES Classic as those people, period, end of story. Why would a "hardcore gamer" want one of these? They've already played these games! And why would they have preorders? No one preorders toys like that Atari and Sega all-in-one stuff! Oops. And I'm sure this initial batch was made before the thing was even announced and shipped on slow boats to save money, so now they need to pay for more assembly lines and waste money on air shipping because they completely screwed everything up.

So, yes, bad. They need to both rethink how they do market research and get better at supply chain management so they don't go from the wild extremes of nothing on shelves to product forever on shelves.


Maybe they don't need to make 90 minute videos for Atari 2600 collections

I've been looking at fewer QLs these days. There was a time where I'd watch every single one that was put up on the site, but whether it's pairings these days that aren't that interesting to me, or the games themselves that I don't really need to see as a QL, I've been skipping a bunch.

I feel there've been fewer QLs of silly, "out there" games these days. The type like a Ride to Hell: Retribution, Motorbike, Bot Colony or Velvet Sundown. "Rough around the edges" makes for some brilliant moments; the VRodeo is good for that these days.


Maybe I'm just being a millennial, but these Atari games are so primitive on every level that I have a hard time envisioning someone eking enjoyment out of them.
wasn't it amazing when Jeff knew how to solve that adventure game?
That's the shit I disable my ad blocker for.


Got to level 13 on Sapienza and yeah, Hitman is game of the year.

I also bought Inside so I'm curious what that's all about.

This year has had some amazing games.


This year was weird for me. All the indie games I was excited about ended up disappointing me and for the first time in years my top 10 might be just filled with big retail titles. Hitman would be an exception I guess.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I know Gaf has the voting last for a while but I really wish the voting itself started in like January or February just to give everything a chance.


In terms of indie titles The Witness is an amazing game that I haven't finished (and probably never will).

Stardew Valley is a pretty fun game that I need to put more time into but so far it's quite an accomplishment.

Firewatch is my runner up for game of the year.

Hyper Light Drifter is good but I haven't finished it. I feel it looked better than it played.

Oxenfree and Inside are on my play list for the next couple of weeks.

This is what I remember from the top of my head. Two of these are on my GOTY list for sure with Hitman and Overwatch the other two titles I really enjoyed this year.

SFV and Battlefield 1 were the other two big games I bought. SFV I'm terrible at and Battlefield is pretty fun too. I mean both are fun for sure but not amazing.

Maybe I missed something but this year was cool.
With the year winding down I put some thoughts on my top 10 today and came up with:

1. The Witness
2. Hyper Light Drifter
3. Dark Souls 3
4. Deus Ex Go
5. XCOM 2
6. Furi
7. Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
8. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
9. Ratchet & Clank

I'm temporarily keeping a slot open just in case Last Guardian sneaks in there. I completely spoiled myself on FF15, and although I'm excited to play it tomorrow, I don't think it'll break through the top 10 for me based on early impressions.

If for some reason TLG falls flat (God I hope not), I'll probably drop Civ 6 in the 10 spot.
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