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Giant Bomb #25 | A Fun Time with Friends

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This right before Austria votes for President (altough that department has no real impact on anything) in a few weeks. Candidates is a far right asshole who basically wrote a "Mein Kampf" book and a left wing grandpa. Guess who the people are going to vote. People are dumb. I don't like this.


As someone who's been working towards immigrating to USA for the last couple of years, I'm fucking terrified right now.
Don't really have any where else to turn. Have someone near and dear to me who is currently a non citizen daca recipient. Her renewal is right around the corner but now we have no idea what's going to happen. I'm so worried duder's. What an unbelievable turn of events
We're with you man, we're here.

All the love in the world here from a dude in Kuwait. You guys are the best. I feel bad for all the different minorities there and this is coming from someone who applied for a student visa for America for my masters but I switched to the UK because their processes were much, much faster(got it in 1 week). I posted an update in the previous thread but I don't know if many got to read about it.

I could continue in Colorado whenever my student visa gets processed by transferring but I don't know if I'd want to go through with that now to be honest. Even if it isn't an immigrant visa. I guess in the end, we'll just have to keep on fighting the good fight.


I'm going to watch some more of the waypoint stream archives to see awesome, talented, funny POC and LGBT and pretend this is the world that we're moving towards
This was the first presidential I've been old enough to vote in. I'm still glad I did my part but I was really looking forward to being able to say I used my first presidential vote to help elect the first female president.

I bet most people think like Colin, which is a shame. Empathy, where you at?
NinjaEdit: Beat on the image... bah.

I think this is the second time a Danny tweet showed up in one of the political threads, the other some months back. It's kind of weird seeing those streams cross.


Colin is a real ain't shit motherfucker. Trump is a threat to my American dream and the dreams and lives of my friends and family. Trump is a tool of a foreign government threatening the country I love. I will not relax.


Colin's been a dick for years but he's really going out of his way to be an asshole recently. It's a shame because I like Greg and wish him all the best but I can't watch Kinda Funny stuff with Colin in it.

On another note, it's so weird switching from reading Twitter and OT to accidentally going to the gaming side and seing people post about Titanfall matches like nothing else is going on right now
Colin just pandering to keep that sweet, sweet patreon money rolling in.

But this is really bad news. Even as a European I am afraid for the global economy and climate change.

I only feel like I was seeing the light at the end of the 2008 crash the last year or so. I didnt want another.

Plus I guess dont expect the deportment to get any better any time soon. Its going to take some crazy damaging event to a western power for people to wake up.
A person whose twitter name is no taxation is an asshole? Weird.

Not trying to downplay his comments, but I think you're misunderstanding his Twitter name. It's not him saying "I don't want any taxes" (in fact, he's said many times that taxes are and will always be absolutely vital to the country- he just wants fewer). No Taxation is actually from No Taxation Without Representation, a motto from Washington, D.C., which (not being part of a state) has no representation in Congress, yet pays the same taxes as everyone else in the country. I haven't seen the results, but that could potentially change, as D.C. residents have the chance tonight to vote for statehood. The mayor of D.C. wants the potential state to be named New Columbia. I think that should be a no-go (personally), as it's initials would NC (same as North Carolina, which has its own city named Washington).

Edit- This will go over well.... yeesh https://twitter.com/badler/status/796242029869236224


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I'm just so sad for all the minorities and all the people who face bigotry in America. This is just sad.

As one of those minorities I will take your sadness and make it my power. As we have done for decades and decades now. We've suffered through quite a bit in this country. I'm fortunate enough to live in liberaland (California), but my brothers and sisters elsewhere in the country will truly need help. So if you see a way, even in the smallest of ways to help. Do it. Donate money, time, energy or whatever you got. Lead by example and raise your voice when you can. The bad side of america. the real hate and fear just spoke very loudly today.

So bottle up that sadness and use it. Be proactive and push back when you can. Everything helps.


Not trying to downplay his comments, but I think you're misunderstanding his Twitter name. It's not him saying "I don't want any taxes" (in fact, he's said many times that taxes are and will always be absolutely vital to the country- he just wants fewer). No Taxation is actually from No Taxation Without Representation, a motto from Washington, D.C., which (not being part of a state) has no representation in Congress, yet pays the same taxes as everyone else in the country. I haven't seen the results, but that could potentially change, as D.C. residents have the chance tonight to vote for statehood. The mayor of D.C. wants the potential state to be named New Columbia. I think that should be a no-go (personally), as it's initials would NC (same as North Carolina, which has its own city named Washington).
I didn't know he lived in D.C. I thought it had to do with him being a libertarian.


tried to play video games to distract from the horrible news but I can't

i'm still in shock as to how this could happen

Mr. F

As one of those minorities I will take your sadness and make it my power. As we have done for decades and decades now. We've suffered through quite a bit in this country. I'm fortunate enough to live in liberaland (California), but my brothers and sisters elsewhere in the country will truly need help. So if you see a way, even in the smallest of ways to help. Do it. Donate money, time, energy or whatever you got. Lead by example and raise your voice when you can. The bad side of america. the real hate and fear just spoke very loudly today.

So bottle up that sadness and use it. Be proactive and push back when you can. Everything helps.

Well said.
I didn't know he lived in D.C. I thought it had to do with him being a libertarian.

He never lived in DC (he said he's lived in NY/MASS/NH before coming to CA). But I think as he is a Libertarian, the fact that D.C. residents have to pay the same taxes as everyone else, but get less in return, probably does not sit well with him. I hope D.C. residents made their voice heard tonight. He's actually quite unique when it comes to politics. In terms of governmental power, he is very conservative, but with social issues, he is very liberal (he says he doesn't consider it being liberal, but rather supporting basic human dignity). He wants to divert military funding by quite a lot (which would still remain the largest funded standing military in the world) to fully fund NASA and to education to foster arts and creativity. He called out fellow believers in small government that supported the suppression of same-sex marriage, abortions, etc., saying they were hypocrites for wanting to use the government to enforce the laws. I think if someone similar ran for office, they'd get some traction (I just think they'd need to be less blunt about things as he often is).

As for his flag avatar (it's a Gadsen flag, I believe), I think he uses it for two reasons A- His libertarian beliefs (though he says he's more of a Rockefeller Republican, but due to the GOP's direction, has left the party) and B- His obsession with US History and the original usage of the flag. In fact, he's said many times if not for his love for games, he'd probably have gone on to pursue a Masters Degree or even PhD in American History and parlayed that into a teaching job (which he says nearly most of his immediate family does).
I think made a error.

I wanted to watch the results so I decided I would take a nap after work yesterday and stay up all night to watch the fun.

Now its morning, I have work in a few hours and the positive feelings I was expecting to have are replaced with dread.

I would probably just call in sick / take a personal day but today is a important work day and I need to be there.



So America is now the laughing stock of the world, except everyone is too worried right now to laugh.

As one of those minorities I will take your sadness and make it my power. As we have done for decades and decades now. We've suffered through quite a bit in this country. I'm fortunate enough to live in liberaland (California), but my brothers and sisters elsewhere in the country will truly need help. So if you see a way, even in the smallest of ways to help. Do it. Donate money, time, energy or whatever you got. Lead by example and raise your voice when you can. The bad side of america. the real hate and fear just spoke very loudly today.

So bottle up that sadness and use it. Be proactive and push back when you can. Everything helps.

Well said. Will try and help anyway I can.
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