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Giant Bomb #6 | You'd be hard pressed to find 10 better threads this year.

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When you compare Giant Bomb to juggernauts like Gamespot, it's kinda crazy how much content GB puts out with such a tiny amount of staff. And it's not like they're some indie video Youtube start-up that can just produce content all day - they have to balance it all with corporate time wasting bullshit.

Maybe I'm not browsing Gamespot properly, but they don't seem to put out that much more video content than GB.

Anyway, judging by the hints in his twitter, Danny O'Dwyer will be over soon. Hopefully GB is able to steal him as much as possible.

Giantbomb don't do a lot of written reviews, previews, news, etc.. they mainly do video content such as Quicklooks. Gamespot do lots of written articles but not a lot of video content.


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I think it's cool that he posts here, I'm just wondering how he today found a post from two days/4 pages ago badmouthing him, which is mostly what he replies to here.

Sorry, I'd left the thread open in a tab last week sometime and just looked at it again today. Should have looked to see how many pages behind I was; didn't mean to dredge up posts from that long ago.


Sorry, I'd left the thread open in a tab last week sometime and just looked at it again today. Should have looked to see how many pages behind I was; didn't mean to dredge up posts from that long ago.

While you're here, status on Bombcast?


I thought Jeff has said passive aggressively that they wouldn't let him hire anyone else?

I never said they didn't produce content but at times like this when people are out on assignment and others can't get into the office this week is going to be sparse due to lack of staff.

It doesn't have to be. They could skype in Vinny, pat, and alex and people can deal with the skype. No reason that they cannot do this.
It doesn't have to be. They could skype in Vinny, pat, and alex and people can deal with the skype. No reason that they cannot do this.

How's that going to work for the main kind of video they put out, Quicklooks?

Would also make for a boring Unpro Friday with 2 people in office and everyone else on Skype.


dotacast to talk about new patch

I cannot believe they let Pudge use Blink Dagger. You know what this means?! Getting eaten out from outta nowhere! Buyback got majorly nerfed, pulling is less effective, major spell changes. Also randomized Roshan respawn time.

This shit is crazy!

Still waiting on Techies though :/


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Fanboys never admit it, it's the ultimate cyclical litmus test.

To be serious, 'fanboy' is a less than specific term. You openly discuss your preference for Xbox, I don't know why you'd pretend otherwise on GAF.

"Fanboy" implies you support a specific company out of blind loyalty, possibly even when it's unreasonable to do so. Not to turn this into a semantic debate, but if you're going to tell me a fanboy is anyone who prefers something they think is better than something else, then there's nothing else to talk about here.

Yeah, I preferred the shit out of the 360 this generation because I think it was the best console by a mile on every conceivable level save Sony maybe having a better lineup of exclusives. It has nothing to do with being a "fanboy" of anything and everything to do with openly stating which products we think are objectively better.

I'm disappointed there are some people on this forum who take such a myopic view of this issue that simply liking a console better has to be reduced to this black-and-white us-versus-them tribal nonsense. If the PS4 turns out to have a better feature set than the XBO then I'm sure I'll spend more of my time there next gen. We've been completely open that we barely turn our 360s on these days and play almost everything on PC. Hell, I'm playing more Wii U right now than anything. We seriously play and love games on every platform around here and any assertions to the contrary are patently ridiculous.


Brad has, for months, taken illogical stances in defense of the XBO, and attempted to downplay the technical differences at every opportunity presented. Maybe it's the classic Garnett Devil's Advocate position, maybe it's fanboyism, whatever, but it at least appears to be having an illogical favoritism towards a platform holder, which I think falls under the definition of being a fanboy. Jeff isn't a fanboy for preferring 360, or preferring XBO if he ends up doing so. There are logical reasons why people would, of course.

People aren't going to agree with me, and that's fine, but yes, I think Brad is a fanboy. None of the others though.
Dude does get strangely defensive sometimes. Also, him calling out neogaf for being Sony fanboys was really odd.


Dude does get strangely defensive sometimes. Also, him calling out neogaf for being Sony fanboys was really odd.

Considering the endless parade of Last of Us freaks rushing in here to vent their tear and bile ducts I'm actually starting to wonder if Brad was right about that.


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But if I understood correctly your claim was that he has talked about his Xbox preference before, right? Now is that what it takes to be a fanboy nowadays or is it just you? Also I recall him saying in one of his "I prefer Xbox" talks that a) that's where his friends are, b) he likes the controller the most, and c) it's the most stable environment for games (performance and Xbox LIVE). Now as far as I see that's a pretty good set of reasons to prefer one console over another and it would be a stretch to call someone a fanboy over that.

On top of that, the 360 makes it enormously easier to move saves around and manage DRM between multiple consoles, since you can save directly to a USB stick and play your downloadable games on any console where you can sign into Xbox Live.

PS3 makes you go through an onerous file copy process every time you want to move a save around, and it's been less than a month since the last time we were unable to do a PSN QL because the second console my PSN ID was authorized on for games (besides my personal PS3 at home) had disappeared. If that comparison isn't stark enough I don't know what else to say.

Can't believe I'm still defending this in such exhaustive detail, it's making me feel like a lunatic.


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"Jeff is on asignment".

Is "COD review event" the official start of the holiday season? I still can't belive they make reviewers go to hotel for that shit. Has to be the only franchise left making them do that.

The release of Madden has always signaled the start of the Q4 onslaught, but this year has been pretty weird with the new consoles looming. Not many high-profile releases so far.


Considering the endless parade of Last of Us freaks rushing in here to vent their tear and bile ducts I'm actually starting to wonder if Brad was right about that.
Perhaps, but I don't think any of the other GiantBomb guys actually care enough to make the statement. Maybe that's what they all think about neogaf privately, but Brad's the only one saying it publically. That's part of what I mean when I say he's strangely defensive occasionally.


The release of Madden has always signaled the start of the Q4 onslaught, but this year has been pretty weird with the new consoles looming. Not many high-profile releases so far.

It's a combination of the new consoles and the release of the all-devouring GTA5. I don't think anyone wanted to come out anywhere near that game.


Man, I hate when there's mud slinging in Giantbomb threads. I almost prefer the creepy as fuck fan fics that involve daddy fantasies and borderline worship.


"Fanboy" implies you support a specific company out of blind loyalty, possibly even when it's unreasonable to do so. Not to turn this into a semantic debate, but if you're going to tell me a fanboy is anyone who prefers something they think is better than something else, then there's nothing else to talk about here.

Yeah, I preferred the shit out of the 360 this generation because I think it was the best console by a mile on every conceivable level save Sony maybe having a better lineup of exclusives. It has nothing to do with being a "fanboy" of anything and everything to do with openly stating which products we think are objectively better.

Like how the 360 got auto updating cloud saves first, right. And the controller is so much better, right. All objective facts, no ignorant BS or purely subjective opinions involved.


Perhaps, but I don't think any of the other GiantBomb guys actually care enough to make the statement. Maybe that's what they all think about neogaf privately, but Brad's the only one saying it publically. That's part of what I mean when I say he's strangely defensive occasionally.

Nobody else from GB is as active on here as Brad.

I don't know if I honestly agree w/ him but I will say the Uncharted 3 review thread was hands down the most cringe-inducing thread I've seen on the gaming side of NeoGAF.


Name 10 better posters this year
While you're here, status on Bombcast?

It'll happen. Vinny's here, it just takes him like two hours to get to the office right now, and that's only if he waits till the morning rush has died down. Hopefully BART gets its shit together sooner than later.


Gold Member
It'll happen. Vinny's here, it just takes him like two hours to get to the office right now, and that's only if he waits till the morning rush has died down. Hopefully BART gets its shit together sooner than later.

Is it just the strike or did those BART death's also affect everything as well? When I saw something about the BART, I googled it and the deaths were the first thing, then the strikes second.


Like how the 360 got auto updating cloud saves first, right. And the controller is so much better, right. All objective facts, no ignorant BS or purely subjective opinions involved.
I have no problem with someone preferring any system, even the Wii. Or Brad being ignorant about things like PS2 games being on the PSN store. Or not wanting to play TLoU.

None of those things are 'fanboyish'. Although, I have no issue with him being a fanboy either. I was originally just saying of course he spun the Watch Dogs delay as bad for Sony, because he's a fanboy, and didn't look at the news with a rational logic.


yeah, it's really fun trying to make a fun thread just for a fun thing I find fun that we can have fun with, and then *diarrhoea noises*

If I was given the choice to remove all the mudslinging (i.e. Stuburns) in exchange for riddling this thread with creepster stuff, I would probably take that choice.

Seriously, you guys are making this thread not fun. Please stop.

It'll happen. Vinny's here, it just takes him like two hours to get to the office right now, and that's only if he waits till the morning rush has died down. Hopefully BART gets its shit together sooner than later.

Jeff's not gonna be there right? Assume hosting duties and turn it into a Dotacast.

Do it, bring Crispy on as well.


Looks like they're adding a bunch to the coming soon
"The Daily Dota Patch Six-Point-Seven-Ninestravaganza
LIVE SHOW ON OCT 22, 2013 02:00 PM"

Hopefully Brad quick looks Phoenix Wright this week.


I have no problem with someone preferring any system, even the Wii. Or Brad being ignorant about things like PS2 games being on the PSN store. Or not wanting to play TLoU.

None of those things are 'fanboyish'. Although, I have no issue with him being a fanboy either. I was originally just saying of course he spun the Watch Dogs delay as bad for Sony, because he's a fanboy, and didn't look at the news with a rational logic.

Claiming that the 360 was better on every conceivable level is also Brad being a fanboy.

For the entire generation online play has been free on the PS3. PSN definitely had limitations compared to Xbox Live and some of them never went away, but for a lot of people (including myself) being able to play any multiplayer game online for free was better than paying $50 or $60 a year for Gold.

Then when Sony did introduce a paid subscription service, they crammed it full of free games including AAA third party titles. So, value for money of the subscription service is one level where the PS3 clearly beat the 360 in the latter part of the generation.


Could this be a Volgarr, Spooks, Dark Souls, Pathfinder week + UPF? That's almost too much content.

Claiming that the 360 was better on every conceivable level is also Brad being a fanboy.l

Can we stop with this fanboy stuff? Brad has the opinion that the 360 was better because of the controller, the online, the achievements and for being easier to cover games with due to game management with profiles. He's not saying the 360 is the best console for everyone no argument shut up if you disagree with me. That would be fanboy talk, "I like this console more because of these reasons" isn't.
Dear Rudds,

I just purchased a year long subscription to your website, and Dota 2 just updated with a brand new patch. Coincidence? I think it's time for you to get back on the dota 2 horse and get some big W's. You need to pull your weight around the website, the lack of dota content on the Giant Dota Cast is appalling.​


A Concerned Fan
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