Alright, not to harp on the whole "bad at games" trend, but legit, I think Giantbomb might just be bad at games in general.
Someone linked a Polygon overview video earlier so I've been watching some stuff with Griffin playing.
I remember Amazing Spiderman 2 and Mercenary Kings looking like pretty rotten games (and being talked about as such) when the GB crew quick looked them.
Then, when watching the Polygon Overview, the games looked waaaaay more fun, fluid, and interesting.
Jeff mentioned in AS2 how the web swinging was sort of janky and it was just difficult to really pull off anything you wanted to pull off. Meanwhile, watching Griffin play it looks totally smooth and fluid, he's moving around swiftly, doing cool acrobatics, fighting effectively and dodging and everything. Overall, the game just looked WAY better, and even though they didn't love the game either, they did show off the goods and the bads.
I thought maybe the issue was just that Griffin had played a lot longer, but in the video he said that the recording was from about 1:30 of playtime.
Similarly with Mercenary Kings, with Brad playing the game just looked like a colossal chore to play. Not really fun at all, and nothing to the game except "make new gun." On the other hand, I was watching Griffin play and he was doing really well, executing active reloads effectively, mowing dudes down, playing around and showing off really cool guns, and the game suddenly looked like a total blast.
I didn't watch many videos yet, but I did see those two and thought "These totally look like different games all together."
I feel like GB should try and invest a little bit more time before hand into a game to try and get better at it before showing it off, because with Jeff saying Quick Looks are a stand in of buying advice replacing reviews, I'm getting a completely different picture of what the game is, and I don't think it's just Griffin cherry picking the best of the best video.