I think they're fine most of the time. We don't really mention it when they are playing a game with competence; it's only when they are being terrible that we talk about it. That said, I agree that them saying Quick Looks are replacing reviews for most games kinda puts some more obligations on their shoulders. If they intend on quicklooking a game and not reviewing it, they need to at least play the game correctly. That Mercenary Kings quicklook did a complete disservice to the game. I thought for sure that the game played like shit and had tedious and broken designs. After watching that video, I was dead set on never touching this game. Only later did I discover that the game is not broken and it was simply Brad who did not understand how it played. I sincerely hope that every person who were put off by the game because of that video eventually came around.
I must have been playing it wrong as well. The experience that Brad had in the quicklook was pretty much the same one that I had playing about 4-5 hours of it before watching the quicklook.