I think for me, more than anything, I am getting less interested in the videos of "Watch the guys shit on things that you could make a reasonable argument for." I am guessing most people aren't to that point yet and I am a weird outlier, but it's making me less likely to want to watch their free content.
Part of it is that Vinny's gone from the main office and from quicklooks in general for a while (for good reasons, no one's arguing that) and he used to be the only person who would go "Nah, this isn't that bad." Well, Patrick, too, after investigation would often jump out of his comfort zones and then, even if he didn't really dig something, would just move on instead of taking it as an affront to his sensibilities.
But I think most people still like these things, so I'm not demanding a change or anything, I wouldn't be in a position to even if I were to try. It just means I watch less and less quicklooks and look more forward to the increasingly-sporadic other features. At which point, time doesn't really become a factor in watching Giant Bomb content and I'm more like to get a month here and there than subscribe for a year because I can just download, say, Mario Party to my HDD and watch it at my leisure since it's not really time sensitive.