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Giant Bomb are bringing back the Endurance Run... and it's Shenmue.


How hard are the QTEs compared to say, RE4?
Not very. Either way, the game has scaling difficulty if you fail QTEs enough and will extend the reaction time.

I'm not sure why Vinny had such a problem, TBH. I remember RE4 catching me out a lot more during the Krauser QTE. I wonder if there's much input lag in GBEast's capture setup.


So now Ryos plan is to carry it in his pocket and take it along to his fight to the death with the martial arts expert where Ryo will surely die since he spends all his days collecting Sonic capsules and playing arcade games.

Ryo is young, stupid, convinced to be invincible and has thirst for revenge. Beside that, he somehow feels connected to the mirror. The Journey is only beginning for Ryo... at all levels.

The other explanation (if you prefer) is... Japanese Martial Arts B-Movie plot? ;-)


This episode was hilarious haha. The old barber going on about Ine-san's shoulders and cutting Tom's Dreads and the Baker saying he's going outta buisness and then the baker's daughter saying she prefers Pizza anyway.

"You are part of the problem here"
"You are a trash child"

If I recall correctly, there's no actual waiting at this part. If you
get your ass beat
you start the next day and can waltz right up
to Asia Travel
at opening time to trigger the next part.


New episode is up. Let's get sweaty.

What I was mainly referring to is the day after which will just be Asia Travel, and followed by 5 minutes at the harbor where they're then told to come back at noon the next day. Although knowing them it could take them it could take forever to find what they need to at the harbor, lessening the time they'll just be literally standing around.

Just watched this episode. Good thing the giant bomb guys themselves are entertaining.


What I was mainly referring to is the day after which will just be Asia Travel, and followed by 5 minutes at the harbor where they're then told to come back at noon the next day. Although knowing them it could take them it could take forever to find what they need to at the harbor, lessening the time they'll just be literally standing around.

Just watched this episode. Good thing the giant bomb guys themselves are entertaining.
Ah, yeah, I see what you mean now.
Coming back tomorrow for the job
basically is the last waiting part in the game, in theory. I don't really know what happens if you fuck up any of the Disk 3 events.
I mean, it's certainly an interesting idea. The problem is, it's an extremely "niche" idea.

Video Games are supposed to be entertainment. I know there are people who derive fun from simulator games, but keep in mind this game was the most expensive fucking game for its time, and for what?

An adventure game that takes pride in seeming realistic, thus having moments where you straight up CANNOT progress because the time isn't right.

Why do games have to be "entertainment"? Why do goes have to be fun? I find Shenmue fun, but saying games have to be fun is one of the more interesting arguments towards I've heard. I honestly wouldn't call something like Longest Journey, Another World, Beneath A Steel Sky, or Silent Hill 2 fun games but I still find them great games. This requirement that all games must be fun is the biggest limiter of games and various game styles. I think this thread will be full of that argument on disc 3.
Didn't the antique shop's owner know about the phoenix mirror? What with phoenix and dragon being guardians, and people praying for them. No way Lan Di wouldn't know about that common knowledge.

Lan Di knows of the second mirror, but when he goes to the dojo he's after one mirror. He doesn't know that the dojo has the second mirror. And if you get the bad ending - found here - you'll see that Lan Di eventually finds out Hazuki dojo has the second mirror, comes back, and kills Ryo. If your question s "why won't Ryo just wait for Lan Di?" because it's a plot set up. You know how in a movie where the hero has to journey to get stronger to stand equal to his enemy? it's like that. He would die fighting Lan Di as he is now. The entire point of the journey is to become equal and better to Lan Di in martial arts.
It's been funny as hell, but also seems like they just want to run through this game as fast as possible, and in the process are making this game harder because all they are doing is pursuing the last hint that they were given and are ignoring everything else. They could talk to people and do some side stuff in the mean time instead of just waiting for 20 minutes for the next event.
What's kind of funny about this episode is that I don't think you actually have to wait for 12 for the arcade, and I don't think you have to wait for 10 for Asia Travel Company. You can definitely activate the arcade encounter earlier than noon, but I'm not 100% sure how much earlier. Although I never bothered talking to that Barber before and finding out about his Tom fetish, so that was definitely appreciated.


That creepy barber this episode fantasizing about Tom's dreads was petty fucking amazing. I don't remember having that conversation when I played this game.

Also their impressions of Fuku-san are perfect.
What's kind of funny about this episode is that I don't think you actually have to wait for 12 for the arcade, and I don't think you have to wait for 10 for Asia Travel Company. You can definitely activate the arcade encounter earlier than noon, but I'm not 100% sure how much earlier. Although I never bothered talking to that Barber before and finding out about his Tom fetish, so that was definitely appreciated.

Yeah I think the A button prompt was there on the door for the travel company before 10. I assumed Vinny tried hitting the button but I guess he didn't. Seems like a very Brad thing to do, lol.

The thing I learned from playing Metal Gear (MSX) a few years ago is you just need to be willing to let go and go with it, learn, not be afraid to screw up to play old games. They don't hand hold and since they usually make you restart large sections of gameplay if you screw up, its easy to get into this mode where you're too paralyzed to do anything. In this case I think they are just scared to miss meeting times so they literally are ignoring whole swaths of the game because of it.


This image right here might be the best thing I've seen in let's say....the last 48 hours.
They literally did this this episode. Have you been watching? They're doing a great job.

They're definitely doing better, but still skipping a lot of side stuff. But then again after what happened that caused them to have to wait a whole day, I don't completely blame them for just sticking to the main path. Some unfortunate things have happened in their playthrough, and they're not really into the game, so yeah it probably is going as well as it could at this point.
Is this jeffs response to the Pro not having 4k ?

It's from the Game Tapes where they discover a live-action long-form ad for Seaman, shot in the style of a news report.

Jeff fucking LOST IT because he'd never seen it before (I hadn't either in fairness, the whole thing was kiiiiiiiiinda amazing).

Why do games have to be "entertainment"? Why do goes have to be fun? I find Shenmue fun, but saying games have to be fun is one of the more interesting arguments towards I've heard. I honestly wouldn't call something like Longest Journey, Another World, Beneath A Steel Sky, or Silent Hill 2 fun games but I still find them great games. This requirement that all games must be fun is the biggest limiter of games and various game styles. I think this thread will be full of that argument on disc 3.

I mean as I said, there are those who don't necessarily look for enjoyment, or the definition of it can vary (I think some can very well find tons of enjoyment getting in-deep with flight simulators), I just think Shenmue 1 from what I've seen so far seems like a game I don't ever want to play. I just don't enjoy games that try to mimic reality like that, that's what I'm trying to get away from.


Yo! That's amazing! Well done. I hope it becomes an official shirt.

Thanks! :I had a ton of fun making it. My art skills are near zilch, so I always get a kick out of trying something I didn't think I could actually do. I'd love for it to be a shirt, not sure on the legality of it as it's based on a texture from the game, nor who I would even ask about that, but I'm all for it if they want the file.

Stoked to watch episode 17 though! I've only ever watched the tiniest bit of Shenmue before this Endurance Run, so things taking forever just means more Vinny/Alex/Dan goodness for me!
Episode 17 (almost) literally has it all:

Fighting - Chai boss fight
Torture - Waiting for things to happen (all episodes have this, to be fair)
Revenge - Catching the Asia Travel guy
Giants - That huge guy in the green shirt during the chase scene (possible perspective trick)
Monsters - Chai himself
Chases, Escapes - Chasing the Asia Travel guy
True love - Barber => Tom's hair
Miracles - That disc ending

Okay so maybe there was no Fencing, but as the great Meat Loaf once said: 8 out of 9 ain't bad.

e: No kissing either, I guess.


What's kind of funny about this episode is that I don't think you actually have to wait for 12 for the arcade, and I don't think you have to wait for 10 for Asia Travel Company. You can definitely activate the arcade encounter earlier than noon, but I'm not 100% sure how much earlier. Although I never bothered talking to that Barber before and finding out about his Tom fetish, so that was definitely appreciated.
I think it's only like fifteen minutes before 12 you can trigger the arcade fight. At least, from memory.

Why do games have to be "entertainment"? Why do goes have to be fun? I find Shenmue fun, but saying games have to be fun is one of the more interesting arguments towards I've heard. I honestly wouldn't call something like Longest Journey, Another World, Beneath A Steel Sky, or Silent Hill 2 fun games but I still find them great games. This requirement that all games must be fun is the biggest limiter of games and various game styles. I think this thread will be full of that argument on disc 3.
I totally agree that games shouldn't have to be wall-to-wall excitement to be fun. If that were the case we'd never have moved past arcade games, and when you think that Shenmue was created to be the anti-thesis to those titles, the design will make more sense.

There are different kinds of fun, different kinds of enjoyment, and ultimately different tastes. Shenmue caters to a very specific kind of fun, enjoyment, and taste I suppose; and I guess that's what makes it a niche game. Yu Suzuki wanted to create an alternate type of fun in games, and y'know, it can be hit and miss.

Still, I think refinements and changes in Shenmue II and ones that'll likely end up in Shenmue III have broadened that niche. It's not like Shenmue is devoid of more conventional methods of fun either; the combat is satisfying and rewarding, some of the mini-games are really appealing (lucky hit is probably the GOAT), and it's generally pretty fun in the traditional sense when you get into the swing of triggering multiple events without much aimlessness in-between.
They literally did this this episode. Have you been watching? They're doing a great job.

they randomly talked to the creepy barber after walking around waiting for minutes earlier in the episode. they mostly have been waiting around rather than trying to do stuff, creepy tom stalker aside. And randomly talking to people walking in the street doesn't really count, those people never give real responses unless they are a known NPC that just happens to be walking by. I know that that's not ALL of the episodes, but whenever the last thread they get is "do this thing at this time" they literally will drop doing anything in the game.
they randomly talked to the creepy barber after walking around waiting for minutes earlier in the episode. they mostly have been waiting around rather than trying to do stuff, creepy tom stalker aside. And randomly talking to people walking in the street doesn't really count, those people never give real responses unless they are a known NPC that just happens to be walking by. I know that that's not ALL of the episodes, but whenever the last thread they get is "do this thing at this time" they literally will drop doing anything in the game.

People have been opining why they aren't talking to NPCs and giving Yokosuka and Shenmue its famous penchant for detail and interconnected side stories, and they did just that this episode though? Sure, they did it to pass the time, but they still talked to NPCs and got the basic stories of some npcs. Feels like you're criticizing them for not playing "perfectly" which is your own pre-defined metric and not just enjoying it for it is, because they're trying and they're playing the game. They're not just sitting there. Even I sometimes stand there waiting for stores to open in Shenmue if it's 9:45 or so. Big whoop.
People have been opining why they aren't talking to NPCs and giving Yokosuka and Shenmue its famous penchant for detail and interconnected side stories, and they did just that this episode though? Sure, they did it to pass the time, but they still talked to NPCs and got the basic stories of some npcs. Feels like you're criticizing them for not playing "perfectly" which is your own pre-defined metric and not just enjoying it for it is, because they're trying and they're playing the game. They're not just sitting there. Even I sometimes stand there waiting for stores to open in Shenmue if it's 9:45 or so. Big whoop.

I'm not here to say they are playing it wrong. I'm enjoying their frustration more than anything. Everyone has their own approach to a game. But I can tell their mindset is to try to play the game as fast as possible, and Shenmue is just not made to be played that way due to the lack of time skipping.

And hell, on Saturday morning I got to a store about 30 minutes early and had to kill time too by going to a starbucks... IN REAL LIFE. So, I'm even worse. lol.
I'm not here to say they are playing it wrong. I'm enjoying their frustration more than anything. Everyone has their own approach to a game. But I can tell their mindset is to try to play the game as fast as possible, and Shenmue is just not made to be played that way due to the lack of time skipping.

And hell, on Saturday morning I got to a store about 30 minutes early and had to kill time too by going to a starbucks... IN REAL LIFE. So, I'm even worse. lol.

While true, this is pushing them to actually see what the game has to offer as SMG said. This episode, they "got" Shenmue. Whether or not they enjoy it though is something else.


finished watching part 2 and I'm reminded of how stressed out I got about making sure the cat was fed in this game. And they seem to give no fucks. MONSTERS.
Episode 17 (almost) literally has it all:

Fighting - Chai boss fight
Torture - Waiting for things to happen (all episodes have this, to be fair)
Revenge - Catching the Asia Travel guy
Giants - That huge guy in the green shirt during the chase scene (possible perspective trick)
Monsters - Chai himself
Chases, Escapes - Chasing the Asia Travel guy
True love - Barber => Tom's hair
Miracles - That disc ending

Okay so maybe there was no Fencing, but as the great Meat Loaf once said: 8 out of 9 ain't bad.

e: No kissing either, I guess.

Thank you for this.
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