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Giant bomb "dot com" official thread 12 - anime + waluigi discussion webzone

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God I love Red Faction Guerilla's destruction physics

that game is fucking great if you just want to feel powerful. Ploughing through buildings in a giant mech. Smashing through a shantytown as you outrun the corpocops. Fuck. If only the gunplay wasn't rubbish and the story was worth a damn.

I really enjoyed the competitive online. It was fun when battles devolved into people just slamming others with their hammers. The hammer in the game was so satisfying to destroy buildings or other people with. I also really liked some of the weapons like the ones that made a gravity well and pulled everything nearby into it.
Holy. I didn't even know there was going to be destruction physics! I just watched the tech demo and yes please. Red Faction Guerrilla is an amazing game because of the destruction system, having an even crazier game like Crackdown implement it would be heavenly.

The way I see it, all I need for Crackdown 3 to be solid are five things:

1) Destruction that lives up to the tech demos/reveal trailer.

2) Hella orbs all over the God damn place.

3) A new location.

4) Those dope ass Agency vehicles that would transform based on your driving skill. More importantly, that SUV that could jump and climb walls.

5) No more fucking CCR techno remixes.


bish gets all the credit :)
had to be done

Brad and Dan look high? Paul clearly looks like a hippie, but I've been around enough high people in my time to know that he is not.

Yeah I'm not seriously implying that. It's just that gleeful grin on Brad's face and Dan's crazy focused facial expressions that make me laugh for some reason.

I'm way too tired for this video but can't stop watching. :lol


Yeah I'm not seriously implying that. It's just that gleeful grin on Brad's face and Dan's crazy focused facial expressions that make me laugh for some reason.

I'm way too tired for this video but can't stop watching. :lol

I couldn't unsee how much Paul looks like a hippie version of Vinny.
It's absolutely a fact. This game is awful. I would never recommend anybody play it, and would suggest people stay far away.

That's precisely what I think about the game. My opinion is that it's awful and the world would be a better place if games like The Order didn't exist. Fact. Do people who say the game looks great have to come back and say "That's subjective and all, I wouldn't expect anybody else to feel the same way just because I do"? No. It's implicit in the statement.

If you succeed in your attempt to make something shitty, I don't have to congratulate you. Setting the bar low doesn't make it a success.

No wonder there are 4 mods watching The Order threads when shit like this infests this site.
God I love Red Faction Guerilla's destruction physics

that game is fucking great if you just want to feel powerful. Ploughing through buildings in a giant mech. Smashing through a shantytown as you outrun the corpocops. Fuck. If only the gunplay wasn't rubbish and the story was worth a damn.

Playing on easy helps.

RFG had an excellent bad PC port. It ran at 125% speed pre-patch.
Giorgio Moroder teaming up with Skrillex? That's not something I ever expected to see.

Moroder has a LOOOOONG history of doing collaborations with the popular artists of the day.

That Sparks album he worked on still holds up to this day.

his solo stuff is still the best though.
Supreme looks terrible for $15.

Monster Hunter 4 still looks way too boring. 30 minute regular boss fights aren't appealing to me.

Hunts aren't supposed to last that long. If your doing offline quests with optimal gear, then large monster hunts should take 15 minutes tops to beat. Better players can do them at around 5-10 minutes.

I never got very far past the first two areas in Monster Hunter Tri so I'm not exactly an expert, but do the monsters ever have more tells to show they are hurt than the super obvious limping animation? The most frustrating part of that game is having no idea how much HP the big monsters have. I never had any idea how much damage I was doing, so I didn't know where the attack them. I just kind of hit them for 15 or so minutes and all of a sudden they'd die.

Are you frustrated that hunts are taking too long or that you that have no idea how much health the monsters have? I personally never had a problem with the lack of health bar.


I love Monster Hunter (Tri and 3 Ultimate are my two most played games last generation and this generation) and I feel only sadness for this 3DS release.

Supreme looks terrible for $15.

Seems like a fun itch.io or janky gamejam game, not something you actually charge that amount of money for. (sorry devs!)

I never got very far past the first two areas in Monster Hunter Tri so I'm not exactly an expert, but do the monsters ever have more tells to show they are hurt than the super obvious limping animation? The most frustrating part of that game is having no idea how much HP the big monsters have. I never had any idea how much damage I was doing, so I didn't know where the attack them. I just kind of hit them for 15 or so minutes and all of a sudden they'd die.
Well, there are a bunch of tells for the various monster states (hungry/exhausted/weak/poisoned) etc. But yeah... it's something that you'll only learn with time. After playing hundreds of hours, you do gain some sort of a sixth sense for when a monster is (supposed to be) low even before the limping animation sets in (a monster becomes capturable shortly before the HP is so low that limping sets in).

I do think what's needed for Monster Hunter to truly evolve is a much more evolved system of tells and damage on the monsters. It still feels very limited and constrained by weak hardware and the design limitations of the past - specific body parts having only distinct "states" with texture swaps instead of showing actual, gradual damage; your own weapons not showing any sort of wear and tear in the world (it's a coloured bar in the HUD) etc etc.

But at this point I'm resigned that this sort of evolution probably isn't in the cards with the way Capcom has treated the franchise. Maybe Dragon's Dogma Online will be the game a proper last generation Monster Hunter should've been... but it's just not the same.
I just look at MH4 and want to play it on my Wii U.

Ever since MH4 was announced all I thought of while looking at the pre-release stuff was "... Why couldn't this be on literally any other system?"

I'd seriously pick the Wii U version over the 3DS version any day. Let's be honest, that 3DS version doesn't look hot graphically
Monster Hunter would be better if it played like DMC or Bayonetta or something. Also if it had actual levels you went through instead of whatever you call that loading screen filled map it has now.


the holder of the trombone
Monster Hunter would be better if it played like DMC or Bayonetta or something. Also if it had actual levels you went through instead of whatever you call that loading screen filled map it has now.

Then play DMC or Bayonetta. For its concept the monhun gameplay is perfectly fine.
Monster Hunter would be better if it played like DMC or Bayonetta or something. Also if it had actual levels you went through instead of whatever you call that loading screen filled map it has now.

MonHun gameplay is perfect as it is. I demands precision and patience rather than twitchy fingers and the technical ability to pull off combos you are expected to have in character action games.
Watched the Battle Gaiden Bombastica and i think it got enough info in there for it to still count.

Also that dude knows his shit (seems like a decent pick for a UPF) and i can see how the game could get more frustrating LOL.

Monster Hunter would be better if it played like DMC or Bayonetta or something. Also if it had actual levels you went through instead of whatever you call that loading screen filled map it has now.

while the concept of a fully loaded map would be cool it would mess with the formula (you/the monster needing a breather) too much imo
Then play DMC or Bayonetta. For its concept the monhun gameplay is perfectly fine.

It would be better if you could parry a dinosaur and then launch it into the air.

MonHun gameplay is perfect as it is. I demands precision and patience rather than twitchy fingers and the technical ability to pull off combos and whatnot.

The controls are fantastically convoluted. I don't understand why the game needs that much nuance, and it seems like there's a point where the added complexity stops making a game better. It just increases the barrier to entry. Demon's Souls is similarly plodding (ie not DMC), but it is much easier to come to terms with the controls. Capcom always makes a big deal about trying to get new people in the West into the game, but they never tackle the biggest barrier to entry: the ridiculous controls.
It would be better if you could parry a dinosaur and then launch it into the air.

The controls are fantastically convoluted. I don't understand why the game needs that much nuance, and it seems like there's a point where the added complexity stops making a game better. It just increases the barrier to entry. Demon's Souls is similarly plodding (ie not DMC), but it is much easier to come to terms with the controls. Capcom always makes a big deal about trying to get new people in the West into the game, but they never tackle the biggest barrier to entry: the ridiculous controls.

The controls are what makes the series so addicting. Without the nuance in the combat, there's no real incentive to hunt monsters better and efficiently.

They can hypothetically replace it with some safe hack-and-slash game controls and maybe a level up system but then the games would quickly get boring. Monsters would all be approached the same way. The games would become stale real quick. A lot of Monster Hunter clones approach their games this way and they suffer as a result.

The barrier of entry is not as insurmountable as you think it is. You can always use weapon classes with simpler controls such as sword-and-shield or play multiplayer.
I once made the shocking discovery that there are a large number of "people" who mix cocoa powder with hot water instead of milk and call it hot chocolate. I threw up immediately.

Also, somewhat OT: I'm so looking forward to Drew loosing his mind in Darkness Assault. This game seems...special. It'll make them regret shitting on Loch Ness Island.

Its not that bad, in fact its on the damn instructions.

I once made the shocking discovery that there are a large number of "people" who mix cocoa powder with hot water instead of milk and call it hot chocolate. I threw up immediately.

Also, somewhat OT: I'm so looking forward to Drew loosing his mind in Darkness Assault. This game seems...special. It'll make them regret shitting on Loch Ness Island.

Well a lot of people are lactose intolerant (or allergic). I originally used water out of laziness, so much to the point where I preferred it for hot chocolate. Which is great because within the last year or so, I developed a lactose intolerance and am already used to using water. Sure, I could use Lactaid, but at this point, I like the taste of the hot chocolate with water (as crazy as that might make me seem to you). I do the same with Spiced Apple Cider/Pumpkin mix. They are so good during fall.


whats really messed up is that people in America pour cold milk/creamer in their coffee instead of mixing it with steamed milk like the rest of the civilized world
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