I'm starting to think GB D&D games are just boring/awkward in general. Which is a bummer considering how entertaining it can be when it's done well (like the McElroys' podcast).
You need two things for watchable D&D: 1) a rock-solid DM to keep things snappy and focused, and 2) people who understand and enjoy improv.
You also want to avoid one thing: bringing super competitive attitudes to the table.
Which is to say, I worry this group is going to struggle when it comes to putting on a naturally enjoyable show. I'm expecting lots of stop/starts, umming and ahhing. Lots of vanilla choices in potentially open situations. Lots of trying to roleplay a personal wish at the expense of the group narrative.
That said, and has been mentioned, maybe the guys just need to find the biting point of the group's engine. The sweet spot where they know just how much to push Rorie's DMing, and where they've figured out each others' quirks and how to make those quirks fun by playing off them.