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Giant bomb "dot com" official thread 12 - anime + waluigi discussion webzone

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Oh golly, I just started listening to The Adventure Zone per recommendations in this thread.

"Justin what race are you?"

"Uuuhhhh? White."

It's possibly my favourite thing at the moment. I'm a shy laugher, it's very rare for me to laugh my ass off loudly and uncontrollably, but this podcast (and MBMBaM in general) destroy me.

I can't remember the last time I laughed as hard as I did at the conclusion of Episode 4 (the... um, "riddle of the two dwarves" let's call it). Tears, couldn't breathe, all up in that.


Jesus christ I forgot how fucking weird and batshit insane metal gear is

drew's face as sokolov gets kidnapped by bees is amazing


This is where having a facecam in video game video makes sense. I know Drew Scanlon. I know Metal Gear Solid 3. Seeing that peanut butter and chocolate combine makes me Reese's Peanut Butter cup my mouth in anticipation.


I'm starting to think GB D&D games are just boring/awkward in general. Which is a bummer considering how entertaining it can be when it's done well (like the McElroys' podcast).

You need two things for watchable D&D: 1) a rock-solid DM to keep things snappy and focused, and 2) people who understand and enjoy improv.

You also want to avoid one thing: bringing super competitive attitudes to the table.

Which is to say, I worry this group is going to struggle when it comes to putting on a naturally enjoyable show. I'm expecting lots of stop/starts, umming and ahhing. Lots of vanilla choices in potentially open situations. Lots of trying to roleplay a personal wish at the expense of the group narrative.

That said, and has been mentioned, maybe the guys just need to find the biting point of the group's engine. The sweet spot where they know just how much to push Rorie's DMing, and where they've figured out each others' quirks and how to make those quirks fun by playing off them.


SMH at all the people that said Demo Derby was a better feature than MGScanlon.

That was a perfect first episode. Drew's reaction to Ocelot, the Bees and the intro was great. And despite a few classic MGScanlon cock ups, he seems to adapt to the new style of gameplay much more naturally than the previous entries in the series. He certainly did much better in that opening section than I did when playing through it the first time.
Real talk.

I never got why people loved The Boss so much. Her dialogue and overly philosophical ramblings are Kojima being his most Anime Bullshit-y.

I like the greater story about her though but almost every time she talks its the worst.


that's kind of why

people like metal gear because it's kojima being kojima

the boss being really kojima-y is great if you like kojima-y kinds of things

also her voice actor is prettttttttttty gooooooood so there's that too
Dan's getting back into the habit of saying too much again. Maybe let Drew figure out the relationship between Snake and Boss on his own, instead of explaining it in the first episode of the series?


Real talk.

I never got why people loved The Boss so much. Her dialogue and overly philosophical ramblings are Kojima being his most Anime Bullshit-y.

I like the greater story about her though but almost every time she talks its the worst.

The sequels (and Peace Walker in particular) over-idealize her into Mary Sue proportions as well. I find it quite grating to be honest, but the sequence at the end of MGS 3 with her was incredibly well done, I'll give them that.


Dan's getting back into the habit of saying too much again. Maybe let Drew figure out the relationship between Snake and Boss on his own, instead of explaining it in the first episode of the series?

He always does it in the first episode because he is so excited but he usually calms down a few episodes in.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
I thought her character model was pretty good, but now I'm starting to see 70s/80s david bowie
Peace Walker seriously goes off the rails with that shit

Peace Walker is a weird fucking game even by MGS standards.

And not in the weird metal gear way.

Its a shame Portable Ops has been semi disregard as canon because I think that had a better story even if the Null stuff was dumb.


Peace Walker is a weird fucking game even by MGS standards.

And not in the weird metal gear way.

Its a shame Portable Ops has been semi disregard as canon because I think that had a better story even if the Null stuff was dumb.

i actually kind of enjoyed fighting the various
giant robots
in Peace Walker, but the story was really, really stupid. All parts of it.
Especially where they went with Paz, dagnamnit.


I don't know why I woke myself up at 5:30 to watch this (yes I do), but that was rad. Drew seems a LOT more comfortable for a first episode than MGS past, so here's hoping things pan out well.


The thumbnail for the new Giant Bomb Unplugged episode is silly.



I'm sorry, Dan.
What a great start to Metal Gear Scanlon 3, Drew seem to be more into it already and is playing more methodically than before (until he gets spotted and all logic goes out the window :p). Was laughing my ass of at the complete failure of the Rambo 2 move.

Hopefully Dan reads some of the comments before next episode though, he's missing a lot of stuff and is just getting other things like CQC plain wrong.


the holder of the trombone
I'm always confused about why ocelot was so concern about nuking his fellow russians when he shot them all just moments ago.
Already, i've enjoyed seeing this first hour of MGS3 more than all of the previous games. MGS3 is so damn good, and it sucks that Kojima went full stupid with MGS4 given the high bar set by this game.
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