Why is young ocelot wearing spurs in soviet russia?
cowboy movies
Why is young ocelot wearing spurs in soviet russia?
Ah alright.
Y'know, I have never finished 3 and never played 4. Would be good to finally see the whole of this series through MGScanlon.
The thumbnail for the new Giant Bomb Unplugged episode is silly.
I'm sorry, Dan.
im guessing once a week?
Their D&D game could really use someone like Spencer from Harmontown, if anyone has ever listened to that podcast. Someone to make the adventure and be able to quickly handle all the gamey stuff to basically just make the landscape for the guys to goof around in and make it fun to watch. Watching these last two episodes has made me realize just how much he does to make it all go smoothly for an hour every week.
I will never tire of it, it's so well done.That title sequence is fucking incredible.
A badass intro followed by a boring 10 minute infodump really sums up the MGS series
I think Rorie can grow into the role. Even Spencer was too focused on keeping the campaign too gamey the first few rounds of harmontown dnd (everything was slow and revolved around some obtuse cavern puzzle) and backed off on that at the audiences suggestion.
I would love to provide this somewhat shoddily made picture for that!This is going to be dans pic in ot13!!
Haha. There we go.
Every episode better be 2 hours
Every episode better be 2 hours
Real talk.
I never got why people loved The Boss so much. Her dialogue and overly philosophical ramblings are Kojima being his most Anime Bullshit-y.
I like the greater story about her though but almost every time she talks its the worst.
listening to dan shit on kirby is a really depressing way to roll into mgscanlon
damn you kirby why you not great
luckily camo is so broken in this game, you probably can do fine without taking out anyone.
every time someone tries to give me crap about that game saying "bleh bleh camo sucks" etc it riles me up because seriously you can just throw on something that gives you 60% and just roll with it basically forever if you don't play like a complete moron.
so might be early to ask but do we know if they're doing MGS4 after ?
so might be early to ask but do we know if they're doing MGS4 after ?
every time someone tries to give me crap about that game saying "bleh bleh camo sucks" etc it riles me up because seriously you can just throw on something that gives you 60% and just roll with it basically forever if you don't play like a complete moron.
Finally catching up on the podcast
"I struggle to think of a video game story that in itself is the reason to play a game"
Brad please 999/VLR and Ace Attorney.
Basically any telltale game, such as the walking dead which almost won their game of the year
Also, basically all the numbered persona games.
idk... did people really play p4 for the garbage story? Played it for the characters and 'living the highschool life' aspect, the story did nothing for me.
idk... did people really play p4 for the garbage story? Played it for the characters and 'living the highschool life' aspect, the story did nothing for me.
idk... did people really play p4 for the garbage story? Played it for the characters and 'living the highschool life' aspect, the story did nothing for me.
i came and stayed for the meat bowl dimensions.
The persona games actually have pretty good stories when compared to other JRPGs but i would never hold them up as proof of good game writing. They can be charming as all fuck, though.
idk... did people really play p4 for the garbage story? Played it for the characters and 'living the highschool life' aspect, the story did nothing for me.
Beard needs to go now!