War Peaceman
You're a big guy.
Watching the Q+A and I would love to see a Giant Bomb commentary track for 400 Blows. Particularly Le Quatre-cents Coups.
Feeling like watching a submarine movie tonight.
Since Hunt for Red October might be on GB at some point in the near future I think I will go for the actual best submarine movie.
Go Crimson Tides!
Das Boot, son!
Das Boot, son!
Got a better one for you right here
Yeah so I know I really need to see it at least once in my life... And I really want to see it... But I don't have like 5 hours to watch a movie.
But anyway...Speaking of Das Boot... Which version is the right one to watch?
Yeah so I know I really need to see it at least once in my life... And I really want to see it... But I don't have like 5 hours to watch a movie.
But anyway...Speaking of Das Boot... Which version is the right one to watch?
I would say the feature length uncut version. IIRC it was originally conceived as a mini series, but they then decided to cut it as a movie (it might've also aired as a mini series on German TV, I'm not sure). It's over 4 and a half hours.
Are any of you American fuckers able to tell me if this countdown to the PAX Royal Rumble is correct?
It says 11:30am, which isn't correct, but I know there's some daylight savings time or something happening over there tonight.
P4 ER continues. I like Jeff hoping for P5 to be fully voiced in all scenes. Hope he gets his wish. Heh
I think that timer has 1 hour too many.
Yeah, I would love that.
Hey, so I finally got around to watching that Dragon Ball Z Quick Look, and despite DBZ being the reason why I had a seething hatred for anime for over a decade (Vinny actually touched on it in regards to the Goku/Frieza stuff being stretched out forever), I'm kind of considering picking up Xenoverse. So I wanted to ask you guys, am I crazy?
We're all watching this Vinny panel featuring other people, right?
Myggen are you Jeff?
Hey, so I finally got around to watching that Dragon Ball Z Quick Look, and despite DBZ being the reason why I had a seething hatred for anime for over a decade (Vinny actually touched on it in regards to the Goku/Frieza stuff being stretched out forever), I'm kind of considering picking up Xenoverse. So I wanted to ask you guys, am I crazy?
P4 ER continues. I like Jeff hoping for P5 to be fully voiced in all scenes. Hope he gets his wish. Heh
Yeah, I would love that.
Hmm, okay. Is that taking into account daylight savings time tonight?
How much voice acting did Catherine have? Obviously P5 will be a far longer game but it seems like they're going for a similar production level.
Also I had forgotten that Vincent from Catherine was voiced by Troy Baker but looking back of course he was
I don't think they've said. Alex or Dan might be able to tell you on twitter though, or if Dan visits this thread
PAX Royal Rumble question for the dedicated thread, what's the format going to be? Do we know?
It had quite a lot, iirc. And I totally forgot Baker was in Catherine too.
PAX Royal Rumble question for the dedicated thread, what's the format going to be? Do we know?
There will be three games played, according to Harmonix's blog. And the "contract signing" at the GB panel might give some indication.
I'm gonna keep it vague, the chaos more than the format itself is what's interesting.
Pat Baer goes over the Paxamania card here:
Match 1 is an "Invitational." 8 new-comers against each other for an invitation to the actual Royal Rumble.
Match 2 is "Grudge Match" between Samantha Kalman and Dr. Tracksuit, which was instigated at PAX South.
Then the Main Event is Dan vs Alex for the championship.
Sounds like the Rumble will probably be a PAX Prime thing and Paxamania is PAX East.
This Q&A is terrible... jesus Boston.
This Q&A is terrible... jesus Boston.
Terrible questions redeemed by each attempt at trolling backfiring gloriously when they realized how pin point accurate Jeff is with retorts.
The stuttering mess of a human who asked that gamergate question getting shut down was a highlight.
Pat Baer made a video detailing the card a while back. I'll quote myself:
Of course, the card might've been changed since then.
That was the first 404ing it that I've seen and it was pretty great, are the other ones with Jeff and Pope this good?
boston is known for terrible questions this is a fact
boston is known for terrible
the PAX South one with Jeff, Trin, and Samantha Kalman was good.