Woah, Dan is a writer?
He only wrote the critically acclaimed Air Force Gator books...
Retired pornstar
And unless you exclusively date virgins, your potential wife has been 'jizzed on' by multiple guys too.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
She'd probably find your insecurity amusing anyway.
She probably wouldn't be your girlfriend or future wife if you'd be that uneasy about her career choice.
stop talking about dan's personal life. seriously. it's weird, specially knowing that he will read this.
Just watched the Hotline Miami 2 QL with Alex and Vinny and liked (mostly) what I saw, so I wanted to buy it.
Plot twist; I'm in Australia, so my Steam Client doesn't let me buy it, the game being banned and all (or refused classification or whatever).
But then, I went to the Steam Store through Chrome, selected Hotline Miami 2 for purchase, got to the payment options, logged in, and I was able to buy it in AUD no problem.
Honestly, it makes me suspect Steam is taking the piss, and like myself and most Australians they basically have no respect for our current government.
Whatever, in exchange you get to perform at the Eurovision.
Also the game is kinda disappointing for me. Buy the soundtrack though.
Watch UPF - this virtual arcade thing looks awesome.
We're sending Guy Sebastian though. We might as well not be going at all.
Welcome to Eurovision. Where everybody thinks "Oh god, we sent the worst person imaginable."
It looked cool as shit.
I was a little confused on the whole ROM aspect of it though; obviously some of the stuff on there was still copyrighted (Chrono Trigger, Donkey Kong Country 2), and some of it appeared to be abandonware?
Cards on the table, I wanted someone stranger to go.
It does look odd, but that's proper headline capitalisation.I wonder why the I in into and the A are lower case, looks really strange.
Abandonware doesn't REALLY exist, fyi. It's basically just a term for "well I guess all the companies that did own this once don't exist soooo don't feel bad about pirating this shit".
Most stuff considered abandonware is probably owned by banks.
Most of it is copyrighted. When you run it for the first time it links you to a download mirror of the rom pack. Then you just put it in the right folder. Shady as hell, but I highly doubt anyone is going to play through any of the games on this to completion. It's more of a showpiece, rather than a replacement emulator.
Also what did shadyspace do?
Cards on the table, I wanted someone stranger to go.
Don't worry emcee's post about not being a jerk is already at the top of my OT. It should you what is fair game in this thread and what isn't.
It does look odd, but that's proper headline capitalisation.
It's probably due to the sans serif typeface. The eye is more used to seeing capitalised decks/headlines in a classic serif, which compliments a sans serif title.
Typical example which looks more natural:
He posted a thread begging for Shadow Complex to be ported.
No one reads OPs though
I still find it odd that they don't have an @giantbomb.com email address.
Watching the production panel now.
"Hey, I'm Drew Scanlon from Giant Bomb, I do a lot of things."
if i was there i would have asked drew if he plays games
I still find it odd that they don't have an @giantbomb.com email address.
the artist behind the GB x Puyo Puyo art put the cards up for sale. only 140 sets and 1 per customer. i picked up a set. ^^
That's a pretty good cover
Like Vinny said, if you are doing this with one web-camera, mic and capture kit - it is easy. But add more to that and you have things like potential audio sync issues, framerates not matching up and signal delay.
Edit: But now that I think about it, does GBeast really need more than capture kit, two mics and mixer for what they are doing?
For QLs you really don't need much more than that. You still have to extract your gameplay audio and mix it back into your vocal audio and then mix that back into your video. Could do it all in post if you want. This is not far off from what we were doing in NY when we first started recording.
When talking about 1080p 60 the part that many people forget about is data rate. 1080 is the resolution or size. 60p is the framerate or speed. Lastly, you need to set how much information or data you'll be recording each frame. The less data the crappier the picture. So you can easily achieve 1080p 60 with a low data rate. 720p 60 with that same data rate will look better. Put your data rate too high and nobody can stream it. Put it too low and it looks like garbage. With a large audience you have to split the difference to give the most people the best experience. Most consumer 1080p 60 stuff is compressed to high heaven so that the data rates are small. At that point USB can carry the signal and hard drives can write it. As you dial down the compression for a cleaner signal you need higher bandwidth cabling to carry the signal and faster recording devices. It all depends on your needs.
We've always kept very high resolution masters of our recordings so that as consumer bandwidth gets cheaper we could (in theory) re-encode our library and offer better quality versions. It's something that is expensive though, so each year I make the judgment call. Video and tech is a moving target, but gear can be very expensive and that makes pivoting very hard. If we suddenly said everything must be 1080p 60 today we would have to sideline about 80K worth of equipment that doesn't support that format (cameras, switchers, converters).
So yeah. video games.
Also what did shadyspace do?
He posted a thread begging for Shadow Complex to be ported.