you leave my caletas alone you british monster

you leave my caletas alone you british monster
Potato Marshal just invaded Patrick's Old Monk boss fight on his stream.
And soul sucked him twice already lol
yup he was forced to turn off the ps3, potato marshal wins again
DJ Ryckert.
You cannot reason people out of a position that they did not reason themselves into.Dan will eat oreos with nacho cheese, but refuses to even try mustard or mayonnaise..... I'm sorry, I do not get this at all.
Giant Bomb should do an unfinished for Yandere Simulator
The new 12 Monkeys show on SyFy is great. I recommend it to BombGAF
Giant Bomb should do an unfinished for Yandere Simulator
I don't know if you noticed yet, but Dan is a really weird guy.
Imagine somebody mentioning putting Nacho Cheese on Oreos on the bombcast without him having tried it. "No, just eat your Oreos like a NORMALE GUY!"
I will write my Master Thesis about him. I study economics but I'll make it happen somehow.
I'm busy watching Banshee right now. Man that show kicks ass.
edit: Watching the Darkness Assault QL again, and... Giant Bomb #13 - Batteries in Such a Hole?
I don't know if you noticed yet, but Dan is a really weird guy.
Imagine somebody mentioning putting Nacho Cheese on Oreos on the bombcast without him having tried it. "No, just eat your Oreos like a NORMALE GUY!"
There's a good way to tell if people can be suckered into absolute bullshit based purely on a brand name, and that's if they think Oreos are actually good biscuits.
Fuck Oreos.
Oreos suck. Get some actual chocolate biscuits/cookies instead.
It's a weird place where doing one thing one day will not get you banned but doing the same thing on another day will get you banned because the mod is in a bad mood. Or you can get phantom banned not because of a bad post you made recently but because "you just don't fit the community" overall, and maybe an admin has never liked you. Basically, I don't understand this place that much either.
Also as someone who likes Angry Joe I wouldn't mind seeing a community thread for him that's similar to this one where we can post his videos, instead of creating a new thread every time he does literally anything.
oreos suck
The British make the best biscuits
And no it is not a bun or what ever you guys biscuits are
This is a biscuit.
This is a cookie.
brits probably have shitty fake oreos because all the good chemicals and additives are banned there
just like whatever that travesty you jokers call that fugazi-ass mountain dew over there is
The biscuit you have there is a scone!
you dun did it, kvk
The biscuit you have there is a scone!
Oreos suck. Get some actual chocolate biscuits/cookies instead.
Oreos suck. Get some actual chocolate biscuits/cookies instead.
yeah but its ku so its worthless
Oreos are fine and all, but don't give me that Double Stuf crap my wife buys. The filling to cookie ratio is all wrong!
Yall just ganging on me because most brits are asleep by now
Wait until zaph and coldman are awake