Eh, if i don't pay attention to a game, i'll be surprised by it.
There is some merit to the argument that a blizzard can't really be "surprisingly good". At least on the level of biggest surprise of the year.
Overwatch was a surprise for me, not because "Blizzard made a good game!?!?!" but because from what I had seen about it before hand I thought "oh ok, it's like TF2 but more MOBAy (because of heroes)" and I kept getting it confused with Battleborn (similar cartoony art style, similar colourful cast of characters) so when I finally got to play the last beta they held I realised "oh... OH, this is basically Team Fortress 3!" and I love TF2. Plus it was surprising how every hero feels good, even when they might not all be useful all the time, playing them feels great and that was a surprise for me. I expected to find at least one hero that I hated and at worst I just think there are heroes that aren't good for the current point/map/team comp.
I get saying something like "It's a Blizzard game, it isn't surprising it's good" but I feel it can definitely be surprising that it is as good as it is for someone who doesn't play those types of games and for those that do. Like Blizzard making an FPS instead of some top down clicky game? The same kind of surprise when Hearthstone is super good.