want to frame this image
want to frame this image
Mirror TV shows only the best that television has to offer.
help i cant move
Turns out all heroes DO wear capes. Go figure.
#trending #beautyinfluencers
jeff already beat it
want to frame this image
Cosmic Star Heroine looks neat
At this point it should be at least 3 hats.Did we forget Dan has yet to eat a hat?
Where the hell is Jeff?
So, anyone have any recommendations what I should be doing to pass the time in Yakuza while I wait for the real estate pay out?
phone club
Joining neogaf and making my first post on the giantbomb thread during the weekend seems like a bad idea. But here we are.
Joining neogaf and making my first post on the giantbomb thread during the weekend seems like a bad idea. But here we are.
hello who is your GB step dad
Its not the same until you post during weekend gb gaf. Youre in for it now. Good luck. Brad just left gb so you're in for a treat.Thanks for the welcome guys!
Of course I know about weekend GBgaf, been lurking for years before I finally made an account. I know most of you from seeing your posts here even though you don't know me at all.
Vinny is prime stepdad, ofc.
Thanks for the welcome guys!
Of course I know about weekend GBgaf, been lurking for years before I finally made an account. I know most of you from seeing your posts here even though you don't know me at all.
Vinny is prime stepdad, ofc.
Of course I know about weekend GBgaf, been lurking for years before I finally made an account. I know most of you from seeing your posts here even though you don't know me at all.
Thanks for the welcome guys!
Of course I know about weekend GBgaf, been lurking for years before I finally made an account. I know most of you from seeing your posts here even though you don't know me at all.
Vinny is prime stepdad, ofc.
Joining neogaf and making my first post on the giantbomb thread during the weekend seems like a bad idea. But here we are.
Thanks for the welcome guys!
Of course I know about weekend GBgaf, been lurking for years before I finally made an account. I know most of you from seeing your posts here even though you don't know me at all.
Vinny is prime stepdad, ofc.
welcome to the upf hater society
So Dan and his fiancee don't have to pay a cent for the wedding?
What a lucky lucky man.
Valtýr;234486331 said:what was the name of that battle sim game they played on UPF?
Valtýr;234486331 said:what was the name of that battle sim game they played on UPF?
Support at giantbomb.comWho do I have to talk to about making Rorie the new host of UPF?
The way Nier:A tells it's story is incredibly interesting, but the combat is where the whole thing falls apart for me.
The combat gets old after half an hour. After the forty hour mark, it becomes an obstacle. They really needed more progression and variation in the combat mechanics.
You know what doesn't suck ass?
The PC version of Bayonetta 1.
It's pretty great playing that game again at 4K (downsampled).
2010's Best New Character indeed.
Is it lame that I'm the kind of Zelda fan that ponders the lore and timeline implications of Breath of the Wild?
I'm curious aboutthe worship of the single Goddess, Hylia, as opposed to Din, Nayru, and Farore.
Is it lame that I'm the kind of Zelda fan that ponders the lore and timeline implications of Breath of the Wild?
I'm curious aboutthe worship of the single Goddess, Hylia, as opposed to Din, Nayru, and Farore.
Jeff is on his way to become a trending beauty influencer
Thanks for the welcome guys!
Of course I know about weekend GBgaf, been lurking for years before I finally made an account. I know most of you from seeing your posts here even though you don't know me at all.
At the top of my list once I finish Persona 5.Cosmic Star Heroine looks neat
I think the type of fighting game it is helps too, since it is not a SF-like where you are worrying about frame-perfect blocks and crazy juggle combos, it looks pretty "mashy" so even someone with no experience playing like Vinny can pull off some quality matches.Just got caught up on This is the Run, sheeeeeit Vinny. Fighting games are usually so boring to watch, but this has been great. I guess because I 'know' the people involved and it's a true underdog rising up against the evil champion story!
Thanks for the welcome guys!
Of course I know about weekend GBgaf, been lurking for years before I finally made an account. I know most of you from seeing your posts here even though you don't know me at all.
welcome to the upf hater society
What are your thoughts on.UPF
What are your thoughts on.UPF