Just finished fast and furious 7 (with F&40s of course) and... That was good. Sad but good.
Enjoyed the series far more than I ever thought I would.
I think I took a 6-8 month break from the first trails in the sky before getting back into it.
Probably more of a mood thing for me.
Just got 15th in bgrounds, my highest. 2 kills. What a rushhh.
I got to 9th by luck. My last round was going so well, landed in a good spot, had good guns, had a getaway boat parked nearby. Saw one guy lurking around my position, so I tracked him until I picked him off. But as I was running to my getaway boat another guy rolled up in a jeep and got me.
Haha nice. I got caught in a situation where I had to run across this open field (being shot at by people far away) to avoid being killed by the force field. Made it with a sliver of health to spare, used a full med pack and then somebody snuck up behind me 5 seconds later.![]()
Yeah I've been meaning to get back to my game. I was 30 hours in and really enjoyed it, but other shit came up and I never went back to it. I feel shitty, but I'd love a Switch version. I think I'd actually finish it if I had that. The music is great in it too
I'm not normally the type to force myself to finish something I'm not into, but I really need to get through P5; P3 & 4 are two of my favorite games so I really want to have a "complete" opinion on this one. I'm excited that people are excited for it and it's awesome to see the series reaching a wider audience, but so far I'm downright bewildered at all the praise the story has gotten. Maybe it pulls it together in the back half? Hopefully? (I'm also just kind of a picky asshole when it comes to storytelling in general, so maybe it's just me, lol)
But man, once I finish up P5 and get through the last two books in my backlog (The Magicians #1 and Ancillary Justice) I'm pretty excited to dig into Nier Automata.
Ben Pack brand
Hard pass
Ben Pack >>> Matt Kessler
Late but
Fussy about story telling yet reading fantasy and sci fi novels 🤔
you guys I think Bubble Metropolis is the new hire
Congrats to this entire thread on collectively becoming the new hire.
He said on UPF that he wanted to leave and be rehired in order to cash in the overtime days.They'll just hire Rorie as an editor instead.
Rorie is on the caseDon't they sometimes play Giant Bomb videos in the CBSi lobby? Wonder if TLC would be part of that rotation.
He said on UPF that he wanted to leave and be rehired in order to cash in the overtime days.
Rorie is on the case
That would be a pretty boring hire for me if it's the case.
Like no lie I would just stop following west.
Yeah Jeff talked at pax about all the cool new interactions that we could get from a new person. I have seen plenty of Ben, and ain't nothing exciting about that prospect.
Not only that but its falling back on an intern. GB needs a fresh perspective-its why Austin worked so well. Falling back on Ben is not doing something for the site itself, but doing it for selfish reasons of "oh I worked with this person before". Like yeah i can see why that is good, but its like what Patrick said-that it becomes a mistake of falling back on who you know.(which he was building off another piece that said the errors of falling back to your rolodex)
MK8 on Switch is ��
those white power dorks aren't going to change the ok sign
Can we maybe stop hating the new hires before they actually announced them?
Can we maybe stop hating the new hires before they actually announced them?.
says increasingly nervous etc etc
Vinny's put in the work for Soul Calibur. Was surprised to see a couple of juggle combos for the ring out. 👍🏻
Well dont forget there are 2 people who need to get hired 1 editor and one producer.
Well, they had to make it look believable.
After a year or so of watching and enjoying the antics of GB, I finally caved on buying a premium sub (sale price tipped me over the edge). Feels good!
After a year or so of watching and enjoying the antics of GB, I finally caved on buying a premium sub (sale price tipped me over the edge). Feels good!
MK8 on Switch is 👌
After a year or so of watching and enjoying the antics of GB, I finally caved on buying a premium sub (sale price tipped me over the edge). Feels good!