The snark is strong with this one.I will riot by making a snarky remark on here and then get back to work.
The snark is strong with this one.I will riot by making a snarky remark on here and then get back to work.
We're gonna do that regardless of whether or not anything gets announced.
The snark is strong with this one.
This Is The Run: Beating Mr. Shakedown.
What if all the old interns combine into one mega hire
Ideal hire scenario:
They call up Player Unknown. Get him to hook them up with a PUBG game that they can custom-fill with who they want.
Fill the 100 slots with everyone even tangentially related to GB. Samantha Kalman, the interns, Lang/Boyes/Johnny V/Ed Boon, Alex Zandra, Fobwashed, Klepek/Austin, Bakalar, Rorie, Drew, Brad Nicholson, Brad Muir, Dino Ignacio, Cowboy, Steve Lin, Aurahack, Michael Pachter, Luchadeer, Jaffe, Bianca, Razor Ryckert, Paul Ryckert, Internet Dan, New York Dan Ryckert, Canadian Dan Ryckert etc. Everybody.
100 streams running simultaneously. Winner takes all and becomes the new hire. Hard fought match that is set up in the most hokey way possible. The Ryckert Family gets in a boat and are sunk after paul drops a grenade in the boat. Fobwashed gets one kill and is killed while making a .gif. Ed Boon kills Lang/Boyes/JV in gruesome ways. Bakalar and someone else die while discussing their Subarus.
The last two survivors are Amarisse and Ben Pack. A tense showdown at sundown. Two frag grenades are thrown They both die. They are both hired.
What if he doesn't do one? What will it mean?The Jeff Mixlr will probably give some more hints too I reckon.
Relistening to the 2014 GOTY podcast because I obsessively reconsume Giant Bomb content instead of expanding my horizons in any meaningful way
I just got to the Destiny talk
oh boy
I feel like this is the place to brag but my girlfriend just got her Ludum Dare entry on Waypoint.
I'm super proud and I also called that Danielle would love her game.
Relistening to the 2014 GOTY podcast because I obsessively reconsume Giant Bomb content instead of expanding my horizons in any meaningful way
I just got to the Destiny talk
oh boy
they were gonna do this until they read this post
Thanks to this thread I've been listening to Jazztronik for the past hour or so lol.
Be sure to give these a try too!
DJ Krush
Uyama Hiroto
Kenmochi Hidefumi
A lot of it falls under a fusion of electronic and hip hop which is more my taste.
I suggested the same thing earlier.
But I think they would actually hire whoever died the most brad like death
No really.
What if the announcement is literally nothing.
Be sure to give these a try too!
DJ Krush
DJ Okawari
Uyama Hiroto
Kenmochi Hidefumi
A lot of it falls under a fusion of electronic and hip hop which is more my taste.
Wait your gf made that? I was just thinking how I would like that on mobile lol.
She did! She appeared on Rock Paper Shotgun too and I told her Waypoint would be the perfect place for the game and Danielle would really like it. There it is.
I love the idea, I spent a bunch of time building worlds when she released it. Not sure what (if anything) she'll do with that next.
Hiring process should be like Willy Wonka. Especially the part where all those who failed walk away scarred by the experience.
Spoilers for the entirety of Persona 5:
She did! She appeared on Rock Paper Shotgun too and I told her Waypoint would be the perfect place for the game and Danielle would really like it. There it is.
I love the idea, I spent a bunch of time building worlds when she released it. Not sure what (if anything) she'll do with that next.
Who ever can chug the Coke the fastest.
They should have a Survivor type event for new hires. A Hyre Festival, maybe? What would the challenges be?
This is way too filtered through American politics for it to be a convincing take on what the game is trying to say.
Question 3: What were the topics that were the most interesting to you in 2016, and why?
Mr. Trump being elected. I have been paying attention to populism for a long time and dealing with ”Persona 5," so Mr Trump's election made me think ”As I expected." It was an impressive event that represents the turning point of the world.
Hiring process should be like Willy Wonka. Especially the part where all those who failed walk away scarred by the experience.
This is way too filtered through American politics for it to be a convincing take on what the game is trying to say.
But it is what the game is trying to say. Did you know that this was Hashino's answer to a Dengeki PlayStation 2016 retrospective interview?
I mean, this would be better left for the spoiler thread; I wasn't going to derail GB discussion further. But it's pretty out there to suggest that that post is wrong, considering the entirety of the game that leads up to it and the fact that Hashino has pretty much said that was his intention throughout various interviews.
The whole of Persona 5 is about activism. You missed something crucial if you're questioning that post.
It's gotta be regular. They gotta feel the burn.That's fucking awesome.
Diet Coke only.
Damn, that's cool. Congrats!
So why do y'all think they're going to announce a hire today?
So why do y'all think they're going to announce a hire today?