I feel like if this is an actual HD SMT game I might have loved it more? At least SMT mainline tries to create some ambiguity between the law vs chaos even if it can come off hackneyed sometimes *cough*SMT4*cough*
But I don't really get the sense that any of them are like "dog you gotta watch it it's so good". Which is kinda bumming me out in my own way? Which is weird because I feel like I'm now more invested in them being passionate for it then my own passion lol. It just feels sad seeing that a major reason why I got into the site was the P4 ER.
Yeah since they have all those assets lying around now I'm hoping that the SMT game they're teasing for the switch is baller.
I'm digging the P5 story a lot because it feels like the big budget JRPG game that has been missing for some time now. The themes and ideas in the game are pretty cool. It's a JRPG of it's time and I love it for that; just like Soul Hackers has that "oh wow yeah this game was made in the 90s" vibe. Looking at where the story is going I really wish they made another SMT game but less hackneyed than SMT IV, which got pretty simplistic and blunt about it's themes towards the end.
To it's detriment it also is still just a JRPG. The social stats system is something I wish they dropped or made better because that shit is just plain garbage.
Regarding GB's enthusiasm, I think the difference between P4 and P5 is that Vinny and Jeff were playing P4 daily. It's easier to let yourself be absorbed into something if you do it on a daily basis. Whereas for P5 they play it for what looks like 5 hour stretches then stop for a week or so. It also bums me out that we won't get their take on p5 like we did p4, and probably never will.