Piston Hyundai
the only good thing about the Punisher game is the hostage mechanic making its way into Saints Row 2
Remedy should totally make a Punisher game
the only good thing about the Punisher game is the hostage mechanic making its way into Saints Row 2
Remedy should totally make a Punisher game
My take: Despite not being a "founding member" of Demo Derby, Jeff is (and will always be) the best part of it due to him being able to recollect his time in the industry back then. Case in point: He was in one the videos in the most recent episode!
Demo Derby was good when it was just Dan and Drew, but became something more when Jeff joined.
Do you have a time stamp of the Jeff appearance? I was watching this in bed and must have fell asleep and missed it.
44:00, 44:14, 44:21. Here's also the entire concert.
watching this Demo Derby, i'm thinking Ben will definitely be a fan favorite as soon as the gang gets a little more in on his jokes, he's real good people
their last game was so bad
Also i think they need to do some leveling stuff to do his mic from getting blown out.
I would love to see the crew Play through the best B Game
AAA Gameplay on a B game budget, with a great ending
I would love to see the crew Play through the best B Game
AAA Gameplay on a B game budget, with a great ending
It's Raven. I don't think it qualifies, though it is fantastic.
Also obligatory.
Wonder why Giant Bomb hasn't done Quick Looks of Full Throttle or Dawn of War III yet. Pretty sure people on staff have played them to an extent.
Not only that, Vinny should do another Warhammer 40k stream. There's been a handful of 40k games released since the last one.
I figured I'd pick up Nier Automata once I began to drift away from Persona 5, but I had a "squirrel!" moment recently that led to me buying & rebuilding a used GBA SP, and I wound up starting Mother 3, and... man, it's really good. It's hard to imagine why Nintendo never brought this over.
Ping Pong looks pretty cool.
So how easy is the easiest difficulty in Persona 5? I haven't played since launch and am at the very beginning of the second dungeon. I have never played a JRPG besides Pokémon. The gameplay is definitely the best out of any JRPG imo, but I still just wanna see the story.
I still havent played anything as good as VTMB that I played in November.
I miss permanight metropolis settings
The lowest difficulty (safety) is quite easy and gives you a ton of boosts (Damage received: x0.5 - Damage dealt: x2.0 - Experience: x3.0 - Money: x5). You also get an unlimited number of retires if you ever die in battle.
amusingly that sounds like you'd never get personas from battle, you'd just kill them, meaning you might not have a particular arcana for the confidant time
The lowest difficulty (safety) is quite easy and gives you a ton of boosts (Damage received: x0.5 - Damage dealt: x2.0 - Experience: x3.0 - Money: x5). You also get an unlimited number of retires if you ever die in battle.
How long til Abby content?
Sounds pretty good! The retries on boss battles alone is worth it to me. Thanks!
They really need to do another interactive multimedia games stream
Is the input on the PS4 still fucked up for prey?
Is the input on the PS4 still fucked up for prey?
Unfortunately you do still have to use a gamepad, yeah.
If week two is Return to Murder Island, I'm trying to decide if Revenge of Murder Island would be week three or four
How long til Abby content?
Murder Island
Beneath Murder Island
Escape from Murder Island
Conquest of Murder Island
Battle for Murder Island