I'm just saying, if you see some guys in trenchcoats around your neighborhood just act natural, not too natural thoI only really have one game using the fancy touch controls.
It wasn't very good.
I'm just saying, if you see some guys in trenchcoats around your neighborhood just act natural, not too natural thoI only really have one game using the fancy touch controls.
It wasn't very good.
Tell us the game so we can determine how much in jail you are
Yeah, I get that. The first podcast for me was super rough. It can grate pretty bad if you can't get over it and is more likely something you'll need to get use to as his voice is most likely not going to change much unless he focuses on a more "radio voice" that Jeff has.
Edit: I've never paid for porn once. Thanks Internet.
Tell us the game so we can determine how much in jail you are
Initial impressions, I suppose. AND THAT CRISP CAMERA.
Giant Bomb is the first (non porn) website I've ever paid for, so I'll embrace whatever comes. I just hope the dude is getting over a cold or something.
Shinkawa for CoD 2017Yoji Shinkawa created artwork for that cod zombies chronicles release.
It's his voice. I know the dude is super tall and has lungs of a giant but it sounds like he's recovering from a cold.
Yoji Shinkawa created artwork for that cod zombies chronicles release.
That is really cool.Yoji Shinkawa created artwork for that cod zombies chronicles release.
This is exactly what I thought. Not his fault, but he doesn't really have a good 'radio voice' like Brad and Jeff.
DIRK BOOBKOWSKI, BOOBKOWSKI BEER!Watching Drawn to Death QL and Dan's distaste for the style and humor is cracking me up so hard.
I look at all the people saying "Man, I wish games would come to the switch now so I can play it in portable mode"
And I'm like.
Where were you motherfuckers when the Vita needed you.
It's been a bit jarring for me too, was curious if others felt the same. it seems a lot more pronounced in quick looks than on the podcast, imo
I did get used to Jason eventually though so who knows
It's been a bit jarring for me too, was curious if others felt the same. it seems a lot more pronounced in quick looks than on the podcast, imo
I did get used to Jason eventually though so who knows
Murder Island is cool
I'm glad that GB found a game they could all play and enjoy together
What are you talking about. They played and enjoyed 10 different mario party games together.
What are you talking about. They played and enjoyed 10 different mario party games together.
It's been a bit jarring for me too, was curious if others felt the same. it seems a lot more pronounced in quick looks than on the podcast, imo
I did get used to Jason eventually though so who knows
What are you talking about. They played and enjoyed 10 different mario party games together.
Nah you can definitely train your voice and he'll get better with time.
Watch early Brad reviews for Gamespot and the guy is very different now.
I look at all the people saying "Man, I wish games would come to the switch now so I can play it in portable mode"
And I'm like.
Where were you motherfuckers when the Vita needed you.
It was just too early for the Vita. People don't want to play console-like games on a handheld. They want to play console games. The tech wasn't far enough for that back then.
Besides, after Uncharted Golden Abyss it was obvious this thing doesn't have a future. Who wanted a direct to DVD Uncharted anyway?
It was just too early for the Vita. People don't want to play console-like games on a handheld. They want to play console games. The tech wasn't far enough for that back then.
Besides, after Uncharted Golden Abyss it was obvious this thing doesn't have a future. Who wanted a direct to DVD Uncharted anyway?
I don't want any uncharted if I'm being honest.
I don't want any uncharted if I'm being honest.
No, I think people just wanted to play the new Zelda and next to no one wanted to buy a Wii U. It's cool it's portable, but I'm sure the mass market is still more focused on what they can pick up and play on their phone as opposed to being able to play Zelda on the go.
oh my god Alex's clutch shack kill
holy shit
this is game of the year
Wish we could see his view![]()
I finally got #1 in PUBG. Legit, too. Shooting fools and everything. Very satisfying. Final showdown me and the other chap tossed every grenade we had until it was a cloud of smoke in a tiny circle. I noticed his silhouette through the smoke and shot full auto towards his general direction.
I know you like your Vita. But the market is pretty clear about this. Sony is pretty clear about this. Switch succeeds where the Vita failed. Providing a console experience on the go. A PS4 Switch would be great. A Vita 2 wouldn't. And I'm not sure where your phone comparison is coming from. I didn't bring that up at all.
It was just too early for the Vita. People don't want to play console-like games on a handheld. They want to play console games. The tech wasn't far enough for that back then.
The Vita just wasn't an actual good device for console level gaming is the thing.
It always felt like a huge compromise in a way the Switch just doesn't.
It's a console experience on the go, but it's not going to win over the mass market because of it. I think a large portion of the current success of the Switch is that it has a new Zelda on it and not a lot of people bought a Wii U. I'm happy with its success, but I think the community puts far to much stock in the "portable home console" as a selling point outside of their hardcore market. The phone comparison comes in where most people are fine with just leaving the thing docked at home and instead playing something easily accessible on their mobile device.
Technically the PSP also did the home console on the go and did okay, but that was all before the advent of the smartphone to begin with.
FYI, my Vita collects dust because I'd rather just play games at home on my TV and only dig out any portables if the game doesn't exist on another platform. I'm in the same situation with my 3DS. Like, I had the option of playing S;G 0 on the Vita and still opted for the PS4 version.
This. But I don't think it was too early for the Vita, the Vita was just designed as a portable system for playing portable games with all the limitations that introduced - especially on the control side. You can always downgrade graphics, but you can't port something like Dark Souls to the Vita without gameplay being hindered.
I want Dark Souls on the Switch so bad.
The Vita just wasn't an actual good device for console level gaming is the thing. It always felt like a huge compromise in a way the Switch just doesn't.
But so is the Vita.Thanks to the explosion in demand for tablet components the tech advanced in a ridiculously high rate. Just compare the OG iPad with a newer iPad chip. They can play racing games that look like 360 games for a few years now. Nintendo used this for Switch. In the end Switch is just tablet hardware with some proprietary extra stuff, like the Joy-Con.