so uh
are there any good clicker games
Hero Clicker? Is that decent?
are there any good clicker games
Hero Clicker? Is that decent?
Look all I'm saying that I was ahead of the curve and you new switch converts are just catching up.
But so is the Vita.
Of course you can't compare the Vita's performance to Switch's - one of them was released in 2011 and one in 2017. But the performance difference between the Vita and the consoles of its time isn't really any bigger than the difference between the Switch and One/PS4 (especially in portable mode).
The Switch would still feel like a compromise (tech/performance-wise) if people tried to port AAA games originally developed for the PS4 on it.
I'd be 100% down with a PS4 Switch.
Ben chose Haru, so many nice and decent girls around and he went gold digging. Just disgusting!
Ben chose Haru, so many nice and decent girls around and he went gold digging. Just disgusting!
I'm enjoying myself with uh
are there any good clicker games
Hero Clicker? Is that decent?
so uh
are there any good clicker games
Hero Clicker? Is that decent?
can i have a yakuza cabaret management seperate game entirely
Prey got me on an immersive sim kick so I tried getting into Mankind Divided again after bouncing off it pretty hard last year.
It's still a bad game. I was right the first time. Sucks what became of Deus Ex.
Ben chose Haru, so many nice and decent girls around and he went gold digging. Just disgusting!
What's so bad about it? I was going to get it but being mostly set in prague put me off first time.
i'd rather watch Waypoint content over this
i'll be honest
i really want to play this cabaret minigame
I don't think it plays particularly well. It keeps all the clunky stealth mechanics from HR, including the canned takedown animations that take you out of the game to play a little cut-scene every time.
And the writing is really bad and ham-fisted. It can't wait to get in your face with its Big, Important socio-political metaphors. It doesn't first try to make you care about the world or its characters, and you're not out of the tutorial before your first dream vision of Jensen being Icarus flying too close to the sun (for some reason) pops up. I find it especially hard to give a shit about Jensen as a tortured soul with a messiah complex. Motherfucker has godlike powers but I'm expected to sympathize with his mopey, mumbly bullshit.
The setting doesn't do anything for me either, aesthetically. It just doesn't come together at all, nothing clicks.
Looking at the thread asking for advice between persona, nier, nioh and horizon made me realise something.
Is it possible to recommend a game without coming off like an asshole?
Probably. People are just bad at expressing themselves reasonably on the internet because they've been conditioned to be assholes on here. I wish more people would, though, because it sometimes feels like I'm the weird one for not being a teenager anymore and trying to engage using reasonable verbiage instead of hysterics.Looking at the thread asking for advice between persona, nier, nioh and horizon made me realise something.
Is it possible to recommend a game without coming off like an asshole?
i'd rather watch Waypoint content over this
Truth! Makoto is just too good. Haru's still great though.I'd love a PS4 Swtich. Sony would be dumb to make one. I don't think the market is there at the price it would cost to make one a reality.
Haru is great, but she's no Makoto.
Man, I want to play this game real bad. But I'm terrible with mouse and keyboard. I'd fight the controls more than the opponents. Is there a controller mod for general gameplay while having to use the mouse for inventory stuff? That would be a good enough compromise for me.
I don't think it plays particularly well. It keeps all the clunky stealth mechanics from HR, including the canned takedown animations that take you out of the game to play a little cut-scene every time.
And the writing is really bad and ham-fisted. It can't wait to get in your face with its Big, Important socio-political metaphors. It doesn't first try to make you care about the world or its characters, and you're not out of the tutorial before your first dream vision of Jensen being Icarus flying too close to the sun (for some reason) pops up. I find it especially hard to give a shit about Jensen as a tortured soul with a messiah complex. Motherfucker has godlike powers but I'm expected to sympathize with his mopey, mumbly bullshit.
The setting doesn't do anything for me either, aesthetically. It just doesn't come together at all, nothing clicks.
Killing the bear with the backwards hat over and over is really the best thing for him in the long run.
"I walked out of the movie theatre inspired."
- Dan Ryckert on Mortal Kombat Annihilation
I'm using this one, and yeah, it's much more straight forward. No requirement to give specific answers to emails and such, though there was one choice I didn't realize was a choice until I looked at a guide.Those that have played S;G 0, is the guide on the wiki good for the optimal path? Seems way less involved than S;G tbh.
I enjoyed it as well. I'm already done with the single player tournaments and wish there was more.I trust Jeff when it comes to arcade sports games and especially bastketball. But now that I have the timings down NBA Playgrounds is pretty fun.
it's entirely possible
yeah so man
this cabaret thing is selling me more on yakuza than almost anything else in it which is impressive because i really love the localisation