Video games are good but video gamers are bad
This is the most accurate thing ever posted in a Giant Bomb thread
Video games are good but video gamers are bad
Hi, I'm a true gamer.
Ask me anything
(stolen from the RDR2 thread)
How do you take cover?Hi, I'm a true gamer.
Ask me anything
hey are you excited for e3?
Video games are good but video gamers are bad
Video games are good but video gamers are bad
Hi, I'm a true gamer.
Ask me anything
How do you take cover?
I beat the first castlevania, do I qualify for a true gamer?
Does this mean TLC is considered good?
I did it y'all.
Does this mean TLC is considered good?
I beat the first castlevania, do I qualify for a true gamer?
I did it y'all.
I did it y'all.
I'm wearing mine right now. I love it.I just got my Beastcast t-shirt.
I feel like I belong.
(stolen from the RDR2 thread)
I'm streets ahead!
(stolen from the RDR2 thread)
If it's cheap like Bayonetta, sure. Heard it's super short. My friend who's a completionist said he beat it in four hours. Not even trying to rush, he was taking his time.
If it's cheap like Bayonetta, sure. Heard it's super short. My friend who's a completionist said he beat it in four hours. Not even trying to rush, he was taking his time.
It's $20. Cheap enough?
Do people like Binary Domain for it's gameplay? The story was fun but the shooting didn't feel all that special to me.
If it's cheap like Bayonetta, sure. Heard it's super short. My friend who's a completionist said he beat it in four hours. Not even trying to rush, he was taking his time.
I like Mankind divided quite a bit but it's true that narratively it doesn't come toghether. There's the pieces for a good plot there, but it's comes off as very by the numbers and boring. Jensens character development and mistery is... badly executed.
The game shines when it doesn't feel the need to connect everything to a big conspiracy. When you help a soon to be retired detective to find a killer in what is one of the very few modern detective quests that requires some actual detecting. When you find some wierd mind control cult in the sewers of prague. When you track down the producer of a fucked up drug through nightclubs and brothels.
Do people like Binary Domain for it's gameplay? The story was fun but the shooting didn't feel all that special to me.
He's probably basing that off the end game timer which is not continuous.
Shooting was good enough. The ability to actually shoot the robots into pieces was fun.
Fair enough, I just thought shooting locust in the Gears of War games were much more fun.
if you play Gears of War for the campaigns you fucked up
if you play Gears of War for the campaigns you fucked up
i found the horde mode in the latest gears to be a complete snorefest
He's probably basing that off the end game timer which is not continuous.
a lot of bulletsponge bosses too IIRCThe shooting is competent, but unexciting.