Eh to be fair didn't dan pretty much do the same thing with Xcom 2?
Dan cited several issues with the game outside of technical ones
Eh to be fair didn't dan pretty much do the same thing with Xcom 2?
Eh to be fair didn't dan pretty much do the same thing with Xcom 2?
"Why do people keep giving these Bethesda games a pass for having so many bugs?"
*reviewer gives Prey a low score because of bugs*
"Awful review, it's completely ridiculous!"
Review scores are dumb.
Their CMS probably doesn't let them.I'm not saying he should give the game a 9 and write "I'll probably stay good though" but a 4 seems incredibly arbitrary. Just publish the text without a score.
"Why do people keep giving these Bethesda games a pass for having so many bugs?"
*reviewer gives Prey a low score because of bugs*
"Awful review, it's completely ridiculous!"
Review scores are dumb.
People are actually saying Shenmue is the best Sega game on gaming side
Ah, they forgot a 2? That's a shame.
Will probably always be Sonic 3&K for me really
Was the term "immersive sim" for the genre coined really recently or something?
Because I only heard it used the first time in the past week on podcasts.
I've been playing this genre for like 20 years now and never used that term.
"Immersive sim" just makes me think of Rollercoaster Tycoon or flight simulators.
People are actually saying Shenmue is the best Sega game on gaming side
Was the term "immersive sim" for the genre coined really recently or something?
Because I only heard it used the first time in the past week on podcasts.
I've been playing this genre for like 20 years now and never used that term.
"Immersive sim" just makes me think of Rollercoaster Tycoon or flight simulators.
People are actually saying Shenmue is the best Sega game on gaming side
It's Rome: Total War.
It's Virtua Tennis.
I'd give IGN the benefit of the doubt but Stapleton is a total wacko. He actually thinks Death Stranding only has a 50/50 chance at best of being released.
It's Virtua Tennis.
i hope whoever ends up buying IO lets them just make a blatant Hitman spiritual sequel
Hitman's episodic release plans + online only drm + no disc release on consoles for almost a year = knee-capping themselves.
You know what I want? More Life Is Strange, I hope they are making a sequel.
So you wouldn't have bought it anyway?
Listening to the last Bombcast and wow, does Jason actually have as sordid a past as Jeff?
Listening to the last Bombcast and wow, does Jason actually have as sordid a past as Jeff?
Their CMS probably doesn't let them.
Listening to the last Bombcast and wow, does Jason actually have as sordid a past as Jeff?
You know what I want? More Life Is Strange, I hope they are making a sequel.
I think they already said they will but no concrete info on what it will be about. But they did confirm that Max's story is done, iirc.
Absolutely. Jason was a true dirtbag or at least lived with quite a few of themListening to the last Bombcast and wow, does Jason actually have as sordid a past as Jeff?
Fine, the superior character was Victoria Chase anyway. Make a game about her please.
I don't know how many others share my sentiment but these things prevented me from ever buying the game. I had no interest in preordering their early access experiment and online only single player bullshit, then by the time those were no longer an issue it felt like there was so much missed content from the elusive targets that I lost interest. Also mostly I just hate stealth game in general.
LiS spoilersDidn't she die? I don't believe there was a way to save her.
It's not new, but I don't know why it has become such a popular term recently. Especially when people are applying to things like Bioshock where it fits poorly.Was the term "immersive sim" for the genre coined really recently or something?
Because I only heard it used the first time in the past week on podcasts.
I've been playing this genre for like 20 years now and never used that term.
"Immersive sim" just makes me think of Rollercoaster Tycoon or flight simulators.
Review scores are dumb.
The gods are punishing a genre for the arrogance of calling themselves a title as awful as immersive sims.
Yes.LiS: the Warren Chronicles