Fuck yeah, I got 4/5 levels (excluding the hub world) at 100% in Yooka-Laylee 
I hope they're planning on putting up the full This is the Run archive because it needs to be seen in full
I hope they're planning on putting up the full This is the Run archive because it needs to be seen in full
Flinthook looks coo...
*procedurally generated*
I've shat on MGSV enough but now I did a total stealth mission and, even if it was frustrating on times, it was pretty satisfying once I finished it.
The game is so good at times.
gameplay is not the issue in MGSV
gameplay is not the issue in MGSV
Holy shit drew is going to Eurovision lol. Bummed he couldn't do this project under cbs but eh it's going to rule.
Gameplay is the only reason I made it all the way through to the end. It's probably the same for a lot of people.
Flinthook looks coo...
*procedurally generated*
Everyone vote for Portugal at the Eurovision!
I actually, genuinely love the song we are bringing. Even if the lyrics are in portuguese so they don't translate.
This is like our first eurovision song that I actually enjoy.
TaxiGAF confessions, I've yet to watch a single This is the run video...
That damn Riot SMG was the worst suggestion Dan made during MGScanlon. They skipped the entire weaponsmith mechanic!
That damn Riot SMG was the worst suggestion Dan made during MGScanlon. They skipped the entire weaponsmith mechanic!
I love, love, love Spelunky. Sadly, there is only one Spelunky though,
I really want to play some SoulCalibur right now.
Holy shit drew is going to Eurovision lol. Bummed he couldn't do this project under cbs but eh it's going to rule.
If anyone wants to relive the magic (links to matching vids in the description)
Man, I can't get over how incredible Wonder Boy looks.
Hope it does well. I'd love to see them try out a completely new entry with this art style.
Listening to the rest of the bombcast - I think I tend to agree that I would play Full Throttle with the old visuals. Maybe it's the translation of the art styles being too literal but I've found the point and click remasters of late to be pretty ugly with their vector-art tracing.
I never played Full Throttle but looking at the trailer for the remaster, yikes the original looks way more appealing to me.
I never played Full Throttle but looking at the trailer for the remaster, yikes the original looks way more appealing to me.
I never played Full Throttle but looking at the trailer for the remaster, yikes the original looks way more appealing to me.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of the new art either. The great thing about those DF remasters is that they let you customise what parts you want old and new though, so you can play with the old visual but with the updated audio for example