ay we gettin that Yakuza or what??
You can't devide by 0.Take your looks, status, spirit/humour and personality, assign each a value 1-10 and divide by 4. Then you'll know.
Guys, we can't keep posting that gif on every page... I love Ben, but that is not cool.
No Lord of the Murders: Fellowship of the Murder Island today? :/
If rumours or true. E3 2017 should be a big year for Shenmue news with remasters of 1+2 and hopefully a updated on 3.
Cant wait for reactions.
Look, I'm not gonna say the Year of Dreams was a sham from the beginning...
...but they let their dreams be dreams. They didn't follow Shia's advice.
I mean the last guardian was rad so at least they got something.
You can't devide by 0.
You are dividing by 4...
I got the joke but I wanted to ruin it. I'm a fun sport like that.]
Look, I'm not gonna say the Year of Dreams was a sham from the beginning...
...but they let their dreams be dreams. They didn't follow Shia's advice.
Is there no yakuza this week?
I'm not saying that they shouldn't take their time and do it right.That's fine, it'll come out when it's ready. I waited close for a decade for The Last Guardian after all.
I'd much rather they take action because Cyberconnect2 aren't getting it done than just shit something out
I'm saying obvious proof of concept polished up and then turned into a misleading trailer is obvious.
I'm not saying that they shouldn't take their time and do it right.
I'm saying obvious proof of concept polished up and then turned into a misleading trailer is obvious. And here we are, two years later. Now they'll start actually making the first part.
Abby hates Yakuza.Cancelled forever.
Thanks abby.
Not really, no. Vertical slices that are "aspirational" and eventually have ideas excised are common and that bugs me, but in the years since Killzone 2 I thought we'd all gotten past the completely bogus shit somewhat.That describes most of the game announcements at E3?
i made an knees weak ARMS spaghetti jokes like a weak ago in some gaf topic and now i've seen like three people with vastly more reach than me on twitter riding that likes/retweet wave into... a really popular post.
i mean i don't think they stole it or anything, it was just floating there in the collective unconscious probably, but it still blows chunks
In my bowling league when I was a kid there was a contest to name the bulletin board and the winner would get a free ball. So I put in the obvious answer, "Bowl-etin Board" and come back next week to see it on the wall. I'm stoked. I am going to get my own ball!i made an knees weak ARMS spaghetti jokes like a weak ago in some gaf topic and now i've seen like three people with vastly more reach than me on twitter riding that likes/retweet wave into... a really popular post.
i mean i don't think they stole it or anything, it was just floating there in the collective unconscious probably, but it still blows chunks
In my bowling league when I was a kid there was a contest to name the bulletin board and the winner would get a free ball. So I put in the obvious answer, "Bowl-etin Board" and come back next week to see it on the wall. I'm stoked. I am going to get my own ball!
No, somebody else had the same idea and I guess the alley owners read theirs first so they got the ball instead of me.
This is exactly the same.
Where's Yakuza?
Cancelled forever.
Thanks abby.
Yakuza is leaving
Guys.... I just got to a part in the Force Unleashed b-game video where Dan suggested that Dice's Star Wars Battlefront is a b-game. I calmly took my headphones off, sipped my coffee, and sighed. He then says that his qualification for a b-game is one that doesn't have the hooks to keep him in. What. You guys. Help. This video series. Nooooo.
Did he scream that second part, or how did you hear it even without your headphones on?Guys.... I just got to a part in the Force Unleashed b-game video where Dan suggested that Dice's Star Wars Battlefront is a b-game. I calmly took my headphones off, sipped my coffee, and sighed. He then says that his qualification for a b-game is one that doesn't have the hooks to keep him in. What. You guys. Help. This video series. Nooooo.
Guys.... I just got to a part in the Force Unleashed b-game video where Dan suggested that Dice's Star Wars Battlefront is a b-game. I calmly took my headphones off, sipped my coffee, and sighed. He then says that his qualification for a b-game is one that doesn't have the hooks to keep him in. What. You guys. Help. This video series. Nooooo.
I don't remember that at all. At the end it basically came down to what the marketing was like and impact/userbase that it had/reached.