For Sony they'll probably be meh overall since no one seems to have a huge affinity for Sony's properties as a whole. They'll dig God of War. Meh on Days Gone and Spiderman. Detroit's up in the air. Most will like TLoU2. Then we'll see whatever random announcements happen
For Detroit my guess is that they'll remark that it looks great graphically but remember that it's a David Cage game.
This explains it decently, but basically there's a sexual encounter in that game that's handled really dubiously IMO. Overall I was bothered by the way the game is so reliant on co-opting your nostalgia to draw you into its world, and ostensibly offers you choices to mold the story towards your own experiences, but then also forces you to do some really skeevy stuff that I would not have chosen if there had been any other options. There's this implicit feeling of "this is how it played out IRL for you too, right?", which, no, it didn't, because I'm not a desperate asshole who secretly wants to fuck my female friends.
The McElroys are great and it is astonishing that there are people out there who could dislike them.
Catching up on beastcasts over the past few days, noticed Jeff doesn't get to play many games and keeps saying stuff is happening in his life. Super curious.
Catching up on beastcasts over the past few days, noticed Jeff doesn't get to play many games and keeps saying stuff is happening in his life. Super curious.
I have a $20 fangamer gift card. What Sans merchandise should I buy?
The McElroys are great and it is astonishing that there are people out there who could dislike them.
I can see both sides, I'm a fan but also consider them to have hit their stride a few years ago.
It really isn't.
I hope they're not. I'd cancel my subscription.
They have been in the past,
almost every year, so get on cancelling
You cant tell me what to do! Youre not my supervisor!
But they really are awful. I find it astonishing that anyone could sit through for more than a minute of their stuff.
lol, I didn't know you were the arbiter of what I could find astonishing
to each their factory is a better series than almost anything GB has ever done
it also makes sense that the people who dislike ben also dislike the mcelroys.
He has a very Griffin sensibility to him.
Yep, Ben is very much an off brand McElroy, in a good way.
to each their factory is a better series than almost anything GB has ever done
it also makes sense that the people who dislike ben also dislike the mcelroys.
He has a very Griffin sensibility to him.
that's absolutely disgusting actually
no wonder I abhorrently dislike ben
We learned it from watching Jaded Jeff's kind of wild how many people in this thread hate literally everything
I have no idea why people were so excited to see "Bend's game" in the first place. Mediocre developer.
hope he returns to do extra life this yearI miss Drew. I think it's been long enough that I wanna watch some Metal Gear Scanlon again.
What do you think the crew's reactions to the conferences will be?
I'm thinking Jeff/Brad will dig Microsoft because they'll bring out their dudes to talk about how Scorpio represents their vision for the future of games or whatever, and Jeff/Brad eat that shit up.
Alex/Dan will get hyped for Nintendo probably
Ben will touch his face and be all creepy and stuff
I've said it before but this thread is actually what the rest of GAF thinks Giantbomb is.
Cynical and spiteful to the core.
I've said it before but this thread is actually what the rest of GAF thinks Giantbomb is.
Cynical and spiteful to the core.
I've said it before but this thread is actually what the rest of GAF thinks Giantbomb is.
Cynical and spiteful to the core.
What do you think the crew's reactions to the conferences will be?
I'm thinking Jeff/Brad will dig Microsoft because they'll bring out their dudes to talk about how Scorpio represents their vision for the future of games or whatever, and Jeff/Brad eat that shit up.
Alex/Dan will get hyped for Nintendo probably
Ben will touch his face and be all creepy and stuff
We swallow all of the cynicism so that GB can remain happy
that is our fate
Yep, Ben is very much an off brand McElroy, in a good way.
Or you could just stop being a dick?
Hey guys I'm at a social media marketing seminar, jealous?
Hey guys I'm at a social media marketing seminar, jealous?